Love In New York.


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Chapter 1

 Ellie was in her bed, all cosy when someone knocks on the door. (Bang bang.) "Hello. Who is it?" She was half asleep. "It is Jasmine, get up lazy bones! And open this door will you?" Ellie gets up and opens the door, jasmine comes in and makes herself a cup of coffee. "So, what's up? Are you packed for New York? I can't wait I'm eventually going to live with you, my bestie!!" Jasmines shouts. (She's very exited) "Uggh I'm not sure, as you can see I'm not packed yet. The vans coming today for my things, then I'm going to pack a suitcase of the stuff I need. Just until the vans get there with all of our other things. Are you sorted out yet?" Ellie asks. "Yes the van came last night, and I've got my stuff packed here. Would you like me to help you pack the things you need? I've got nothing else to do."      

"Yes, please let's get cracking with the packing. The van will be here soon." 

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Chapter 2

 Ellie and Jasmine packed Ellie's things. The van then comes and a man knocks on the door, "Hello, I'm here for your stuff. For New York, do I have the right door?" The man asked suspiciously. 

"Yes. You have the right door, come in and help me carry these down to your van. I've got everything ready." Ellie answered him. The man helped Ellie and Jasmine carry Ellie's things to the van. After an hour the man left for the journey. "Eeek! We have to go soon the flights at 8:30pm, and it is now 5:12pm! Let's go out for a bit." Jasmine shouts.

Then Ellie answers, "I can't wait either! Yeah let's go out to pass the time." Time passed and it was soon 6:30pm. 

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