Imaginary Friend


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Chapter 1

 I was a little wonder when I was a toddler.  I remember I was always scared of my reflexion, and a little girl was there to protect me... I tell my teachers and friends stories but they don’t believe me.. but just one.. This girl was always there for me.. for years.. I never knew she was imaginary, my parents knew though, until one Monday morning I convinced them enough, I was 6...  They set cameras in my room, to keep an eye out for a little girl. When they got up in the morning, they saw what they didn’t want to see on this bonkers footage..

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All began

 Once upon a time there was a little girl with an imaginary friend who did weird stuff that nobody Beilived in.. It started when she was 3, but then when she was 6 she convinced a ton of people one being her parents..

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Chapter 2: The footage

They saw the footage and they freaked out.. I asked “what is going on?” 

They didn’t want to answer me.  They left me questioned the whole day at school, and I could not focus.  I was saddened they couldn’t tell me, but I found out my own a month later, they apparently saw a black figured that looked like the little girl I described.  I said this before “Mommy, the girl was wearing a dress, had a ponytail coming from the side, and was short! Just like me! :)”  to this day, I dispised myself for saying that, because I freaked out after they told me, it looked like a figure of her.. I never new I could actually see her, to only think I was trying to make up a story.  2 years later we moved. 

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Chapter 3: reasearch

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Chapter 4: Putting her to peace

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