Love Is A Knife(short Version)


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The Forbidden Love

 Once upon a time

There were two kingdoms. These two kingdoms fought for decades but neither had a good excuse for the war.

The Kindom of Everdeen was a kingdom that fought for bravery and honor, to help the citizens.

But the kingdom of Bafar was a kingdom that fought so people would fear them and do its bidding.

The king of Everdeen had a daughter. Princess Rose.

And the King of Balfar had a son named prince Peeta.

This is the story of a forbidden love.

Ya! Get a move on horsey! Prince Peeta is in a hurry to kidnap the princess of Everdeen! Princess Rose!

Run my princess! Yelled the knight, we will hold them off, you must go! As Rose ran down the path and into the Enchanted Forest she heard the groans of the brave soldiers who had died, for her. She was afraid, afraid of what would become of her father and of her fiancé, now her fiancé was the prince of the Sapli realm. She did not love him, she didn't even know him. But it was certain that he was definetly in love with her.

She then tripped on a root, she was so frightened she screamed.

There she is! Yelled one of the dark knights.

She got up and started running, she then tripped on another root and hit her head against a log.

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My First Kiss

 Where am I? Rose said aloud. She looked around and saw that she was in a luxurious bed, with gold frames that had jewels implanted inside of them.

She had wool blankets with silk sheets, there were roses inside glass vases around the room, everything was made of gold.

She could then hear the trickling of water in a gold fountain.

Am I in heaven? She thought, I must be, it is beautiful.

No you are not in heaven, replied a soft voice, you are in the Balfar kingdom, the most beautiful kingdom in all of the Enchanted Realm!

Soon, it can be yours. For you are one of my 3 contestants for my hand in marriage, you, princess Delores, and princess Emila. He then walked up to me, it was prince Peeta, I got out of bed to see that I was only wearing a leather bra and silk underwear.

He looked away as my new maid Martha handed me a gold gown made of silk. I first had a hot bath, then I put the dress on, did my hair and put my tiara on.

He starred at me, he slowly walked towards me and gently pressed his lips onto mine.

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The Marriage and Future of the Kingdom

 Later after lunch the bride games began. 

Now, said Peeta. The results for the contest have arrived. Dolores, you have 78 points, Emila, you have 88 points, and Rose, you have 99 points. Rose, will you except my hand in marriage? I will! Said Rose.

She then ran to him and forced her lips onto his, and they gently kissed, up and down.

He placed his hand on the back of Roses neck and she placed her hand on his chest and they kissed some more.

 A few hours later...

The announcement of there engagement was made and the whole kingdom rejoiced.

The two kingdoms made up and joined forces making one kingdom, and everyone thought it was fair for Rose and Peeta to be the rulers, after there marriage she announced that she was pregnant with a boy, after he was born they named him Philip. 

Years later she gave birth to Emila, named after the most beautiful women she ever hated, and then had her last child, a daughter, Bella.

The End Is Just The Beginning...

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