A Not So Happy Ever After


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An Oohy Ghooy Romance Novel

 If you came here for a oohy ghooy romance novel with a happy ending where everyone is dancing on rainbows, you’ve come to the wrong place. This is my real life and it punches you in the face instead of giving you candy. If your alright with that kind of story, keep reading. If not, go read Twilight or something. Now to get on with the story. My names Kegan and this is how life not only stole all of my candy, but ate it in my face. Let’s begin.

In the middle of sixth grade, I moved from a small town in the middle of cornfields into a suburb of a large city. Three hours away from everyone I knew and everything I grew up with for eleven years. After moving we spent six months in a hotel until we found a house. And to get all the facts strait about school, it was December first in the middle of the school year when we moved. I moved from a class in elementary, staying in the same room all day, to a middle school moving from class to class eight times a day. Let’s just say my first day went through with me crying in the hallway in the middle of Spanish class. And Spanish class was only my fourth period. But on that day, one very good thing happened. I met my best friend, Jess. And might I say, she still sticks with my insanity to this day. Props to her. After let’s say, I think eight months, I met her twin brother, Jace. And might I say, he has a very fire like personality. From him, I met Bane, a very quiet boy, Jadyn, a boy who will be a pretty big factor later, and Red, a bigger factor than Jadyn. We hung during the summer and started to get to know each other. By eighth grade we were pretty good friends. That summer we started hanging out at Red’s House. Now this is where it starts to get interesting, so if you already left, sucks for you. But, let’s save it for the next chapter. I don’t want to get to far ahead otherwise this will be a very short book. Although it probably will be either way. 

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