Alice, Charlie & A Cup Of Chrysanthemum Tea


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The Girl No One Knew

"I can't believe it! You got the job!" "Honey, we are very proud of you." 

I rolled my eyes at their enthusiasm. How could they? I just disappear for a moment and now they tell me that I've got a job. What a load of toadstools. If it wasn't for their mistakes I wouldn't be dragged into this mess. But it seems like I've got no choice.  I looked at them and smiled. 

"You know, you should be grateful that I'm grateful for you guys because if that thing never happened, I wouldn't be caught dead doing this sucky job." 

"That's precisely why we love you Alice, you are such a good kid."

I raised my hands in protest. "Please, no more mushy appreciations. I'll probably regret doing this but hey, when ya got zero bucks a girl can't complain." 

And boom. Suddenly I crossed the line.  I knew it. I could see the pained look on their faces. I know they made a lot of stupid mistakes but my heart just won't let me be. They were still my parents. And even if the world were to crash  and burn, nothing would change the fact that I owe everything to these two people. 

"I'm sorry mum and dad. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. It's just that, I really don't want to do this ya know? But I'll do it anyway. So can we be happy now?"

I have the weirdest family. But we all love each other none the less. I'm very grateful actually for being born in this family. Though we have flaws, we help each other. But while we held each other in a warm embrace, my gut told me that I was headed towards a place where there was no going back.

The alarm went off like a trumpet signaling the end of the world. 5, 4, 3, 2, and... 

"Alice, wake up! You'll be late."  

Mum is the most predictable human on this planet. I rolled around my bunker hoping I'd get the sweet "five more minutes" call. But alas, life's a bum. I put on a humongous black shirt that draped over my knees. I do not like to wear booby traps. If I was given a chance to rename titty wear I'd call them booby traps. That's what they do! They trap boobs and squeeze them. But I only do this at home. Since in my opinion, booby traps protect me from unwanted male hormonal attention. And with this thought I dragged myself downstairs. 

Mum outdid herself today. This wasn't measly cereal, (which I happen to love very much) this was a feast! I began to wonder where she got the money to buy the luxurious bacon and wheat bread. And I know what you're thinking and yes that's how screwed up we are in terms of the financial. 

"Today is your first day, please help yourself Alice." 

Whenever mum gives me that look, I feel like jelly. I could only guess at how much she worked to put something edible on the table. 

"Thanks mum, you should eat too cause I'm not that hungry and I don't want this to go to waste." She smiled and wharfed down a piece of bacon and bread. 

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