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Chapter 1

It is the windy evening of Monday, September 8th, when I stumble into Boston's South Station, Amtrak ticket in hand. The destination reads: Penn Station. It is 9:25 p.m. and I've just spent the last couple of hours styling a client in Beacon Hill. 
In that moment I have two suitcases, two purses and one dream. I keep thinking: this is my chance to make it happen. This is it. It is then that I realize that I have been to Penn Station approximately 15 times over the past three months, but this time it's different. This time I'm not coming back.
As I steady my luggage, I anxiously scan the Amtrak board. I stare blankly at the blinking, yellow letters that read: ON TIME. I struggle outside onto the train platform, to find two trains in front of me. 
I block out the excess noise to hear the string of announcements coming from overhead. It quickly dons on me that the two trains in front of me are a coincidental pair. One train is headed to Needham, the other, New York City. How convenient? I bite my lip in an attempt to hold back tears. My heart is pounding, my cheeks are flushed. 
I try to slow my breathe, as I say to myself: "Kelsey, you have a decision to make here." Hop back on a train to that little suburb of Boston. That wonderful place you've lived your entire life, or hop on a train that will lead to your future.
My hands are raw by the time I board. I manage to squish both suitcases into the side compartment before taking a seat. I unfold my headphones, squeeze my pillow and look out my window. The grey and purple striped train that I had once taken to my very first Red Sox game is pulling away from the station. And it is headed for home. 
I'm suddenly keenly aware that I've made a rather large decision. A decision that could positively or negatively effect the rest of my life. I hear the familiar clicking of closed doors and I take a deep breathe. Ready or not, New York, here I come. 


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