Damon's Dreadfully Good Day


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A power outage the night before (peculiarly only affecting his alarm clock) prevented Damon Stephen from awakening on time for work; on the day of a huge presentation.  Because he was running late for his presentation, he only had time for a slice of toast before heading out the door. However, the toaster jammed with the bread inside of it. Eliciting a swear and promising himself to take care of it later, Stephen quickly unplugged the toaster before it could burn down his apartment and quickly fled down the stairs and out the door; just as the bus was leaving the bus stop. He would have to bike to work now.

Damon entered the office, the air and exercise leaving him more calm and refreshed than when he had started his morning. Furthermore, by the time he entered the office, his fellow employees had all had their morning coffees and were pleasant when he entered the building.  Damon exchanged a few pleasant grins and waves with his coworkers as he accepted a coffee and plate of toast (much better than the bread that he had in his own cupboard). With his breakfast in hand, Damon slunk into the conference room where he was to make his presentation and was greeted with the fact that his boss was still done talking before Damon and his production team could even begin their presentation. Damon situated himself alongside his production team, all of their materials neatly laid in front of them, and waited...



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