The Dream


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 Right now choose the person you want to be 

(Character 1)

Then your twin sister

(Character 2)

Then your bestfriend could be boy or girl

(Character 3)

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Chapter 1 : Wake Up!

 One night Kiara went to sleep and as she slept her thoughts went into her brain and formed a new world where everyone was dressed in neon colors like the characters in the books dr.seuss makes. In this world they all lived happily ever after but in the baddest way they didn't live the good way at all they were mean but they weren't mean to their own kind they were mean to people who weren't their kind. One day, a loud siren woke up the whole town but, the siren haven't been heard ever since 9 million years ago. But, every one knew what it meant it means everyone needs to go to this scary, old house that would fit the whole town but you need to make it there fast or the lion will catch you. Kiara's family ran but Kiara tripped and was left behind but she didn't forget her sister and her best friend they were right by her side they all hold hands and ran like the world would end. Then, the lion came out of the mountains and said "I'M HERE". But Kiara and her friends thought they weren't going to get caught but they were the First people to get caught. The lion would see past the bad in people and turn them into who they really are the good people. The lion asked Kiara and her friends how old they are so he could pick which attack to use. Kiara said " 6,7, and 8" He said "hands in" they all putted their hands in he said "ready?" And they all said "yes, what are you gonna do to us?" He spun them around and lifted them off the ground and let go of them. They all stopped holding hands and Kiara's sister Emily and her best friend Heaven got hitted face first with the wall and were safely good. But, then Kiara's feet hit the top of the scary, old house a bit and only half of her face hitted the wall then she fell in the trees half of her eyes were in the bad trance and the other half showed the good side of everyone she decided to ask the lion for help . But, then by the time she walked to the lion everyone was in the good trance and vanishing but she asked the lion to help and he said " GET BACK TO CLASS" when she looked with her bad eye he was the good lion but when she looked with her good eye he was a mean principal. Then she heard a bell ring and automatically woke up and was in a classroom in a school and she was a teenager and she thought to herself "I forgot half of my life?!"

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The End

 Tune in tommorow which is August 12th for chapter 2. Where bad things start to happen love, friends, enemies, magic, injuries, revenge, sabatoge.

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