Real Life


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Making a Difference

I go out into the community, to homes that most wouldn't dream of going to. I am on a mission of the heart, to reach the ones that are lost, alone and tired of the way life is going. I bring with me, love, encouragement and hope for  a better life. 

There are people dying every single day from overdose and something need to change and I am going to change it by educating people who don't understand addiction. We need to stop labeling people!

"Today, I am going to get up and go out and see how quickly I can mess up my life, hurt the ones I love and how fast I can kill myself by using drugs/alcohol!"Said no addict, EVER! People are constantly saying ridiculous statements like "he won't amount to anything", she chooses drugs over her family", loser, junkie, meth head etc. Wake up people. Do you not think that people that are using drugs/alcohol, already feel worthless? Well, Inhave news for you, "They Do!" And we don't need to help them feel any more alone than they already do! 

We cannot arrest the problem away. All this is creating is money for the jails, not fixing the issue. When we are arresting people that have a problem and not addressing the problem it's self, we have created an epidemic! It's time for a change. Get off your judgement butts and make a difference.  Everyone knees someone, who is addicted to something. Go out and encourage them, love them and guide them to recovery. That is what I do. One person at a time and even if they are not ready, I don't give up! There is hope until I have no breath left in me. I keep planting those seeds of love and one day, if they live through it, that seed will grow and then we see the beautiful miracle. 

More to come

Please join my journey 


@manyfaces-on problem 

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People are Dying


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