Austin TX Health Department Are Searching For A Young Woman


Tablo reader up chevron

 We are in search of a 18 year old young lady , in the Austin Tx area this young woman is to our understanding having unprotected sex knowly having Simplex2 (HSV as known as Herepes)” ms Buchman was tested in 2014 when a sex trafficking case lead back to her . Ms buchman was then placed on extreme medical care in Houston Tx juvenile hospital center where she then did not return and is believed to be back in Austin area if you or anyone you know have had any sort of sex contact with her please get tested immediately if you have seen her please give the health department a call at 512-978-0300 again if you or anyone you know have had unprotected sex with this young women from the year of 2014 please get checked immediately this is a serious disease that sticks with you for a lifetime if not treated . Symptoms in women are red blisters in vaginal area , itching , and pain when sexual in Men; Bumps on testicles , itching in penis area , and change in sperm Simplex1 Bumps on or around mouth of any kind .. we will be in the Austin area giving out free testing this can also cause blindness , kidney failure , death and much more if untreated if you see this young women please gieve the health department a call 2014-2017

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