Miss 'Pak Ganern' and the Council of Nerds


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Coming soon.

Author's Note:

Pak Ganern is a slang phrase in Philippines. Pak is from the Filipino word "tumpak", 'nailed it' or 'you got it' in English, but sometimes, it is just used as an onomatopoeia for explosions [1]. On the other hand, Ganern is from the Filipino "ganoon" which literally means 'like that'. Thus, Pak ganern means 'Boom! Look at that!' [2]

Though in this story, Pak Ganern is a coined term for a social climber, or an elitist.


1.) http://www.gmanetwork.com/news/story/572793/lifestyle/artandculture/what-is-pak-and-why-is-it-ganern-experts-weigh-in-on-new-online-catchphrase

2.) http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Pak%20ganern

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