The Benefits of RPA for Businesses


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The Benefits of RPA for Businesses

Robotic process automation is a technology used to deliver predicable, steady, results by automating tasks. Some examples of RPA solutions are your email’s autoresponder, the tap function on Interac, and auto-fill on digital forms.

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Why Are RPA Solutions Important for Business?

Employees are a company’s most valuable resource, and in the same way a company must ensure its production equipment is maintained, upgraded, and in its best working order, employees must be empowered to do and be their best too. Robotic process automation supports employees, removing the monotony of performing low-value, repetitive tasks, and enabling them to focus on more skilled and high-value work. 

What Impact Does Robotic Process Automation Have on Businesses?

When a company correctly deploys RPA solutions, it can expect:

Error Reductions

RPA software is formulaic and follows the commands inputted into its code. Therefore, when properly programmed, will not be burdened with human errors such as overlooking key data. Humans tend to make mistakes when they are bored, tired, or burned out on repetitive tasks. Robotic process automation solves this problem by taking over these tasks.

Shorter Lines

We have all had this issue: standing in line waiting as the cashier, receptionist, or host slowly processes the people in front of you. Nobody likes waiting in line! RPA solutions being adopted in many different types of businesses include self-checkout, self-ordering (like the screens at McDonald’s), tablets instead of receptionists (you touch the screen to check-in and be directed to/call the person you wish to see), key card or key fob entry, etc.

Greater Security

RPA solutions that read cards, fobs, or scan biometrics are hard to fool. People, on the other hand, are easily fooled. Any company that needs to protect people, equipment, or data should look at RPA solutions designed to restrict unwanted access.

Better Data Transfer

Have you bought a new phone recently? Remember the good old days (like…2015?) when you would have to manually input your contacts and pictures from one smartphone to another? Today you can simply transfer all your files quickly and easily thanks to cloud technology. RPA solutions that center on data transfer for businesses work the same way. Instead of manually inputting the data from one system to another, it can be reformatted, stored, transferred, and secured in minutes.

Automated Responses

Customers like to know that their emails or orders have been received. RPA solutions that generate automatic messages such as “thank you for your message, someone will respond within 24 hours,” or “thank you for your order, here is your confirmation number,” increase efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Implementing RPA Solutions

These are just a few of the many types of solutions robotic process automation can provide. Like any change introduced in a company, however, RPA solutions must be planned out and carefully deployed. 

The company must first assess:

Is This Necessary?

McDonald’s benefits from touch screen technology but a mom-and-pop coffee shop where interaction is part of the charm may find this RPA solution ineffectual.

Will it Replace Jobs?

RPA solutions should assist employees in their tasks, not replace them. It is a tool used to bring efficiency and improvement to operations. If the technology will result in job loss, consider retraining existing employees for other positions in the company, or working on a mutually beneficial exit strategy.

How is the Long-Term Impact measured?

What data or processes are needed to measure the impact of the RPA solution over time to determine if it is effective in its goal (to reduce costs, improve efficiency, improve employee engagement, etc.)?

Contact The Bernie Group

Introducing RPA solutions starts with assessing the need, identifying which technology is best suited for the objective, and keeping employees informed of the process. The Burnie Group, a leading business consulting firm in Toronto, can help. Contact us to learn more.

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