Heart Breakers


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Chapter 1

 Polly was just an ordinary girl,who lived in  London with her mum,dad and brother Kyle, to her life wasn't always on her side. She had just lost her best friend Gina to the most popular and richest group of girls in all of the school. It was a very exclusive group and only the most pretty,rich and popular girls could join. The leader of the group was Stacey Birch and her best friends, Lucy James and Molly George. But now Gina Timon was now a part of this group.Polly was so mad after. They had always said that those girls were total cows,had brains smaller then peas and had such highly scented perfume it could knock out a herd of elephants in five seconds. Polly and Gina were best friends since they were four and now all that was gone.However she did find a new friend, a girl that she had known since she was eight but never really spoke to. Hannah Morris was her name and they had more in common than they thought. They began to talk after Hanna saw Polly eating by her self in the canteen, twirling her spaghetti round her fork. Hannah never really had a real friend until she had met Polly. It was the best thing ever to happen to Hannah and Polly was glad to be her friend 

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Chapter 2

 "Uhh, look it's the losers," smirked Stacey as Polly and Hannah walked down the corridor. "I know,like, her shirt looks so tacky that my Gran could pull something better out of her wardrobe ," Lucy said,as they all stared at them with their eyes scrunched up, they always did that when ever they saw them. "Yeah," giggled Gina as she tried to act cool.Then Polly lost it."Well Gina, you did give this to me at Christmas. So are you laughing at me or what you buy for your friends?I hope you like it girls, because you're all getting one," Polly continued to walk down the hall with Hannah. "Gina, do you think for one minute that if we are going to let you buy us such tacky stuff,you can leave our group," Stacey commented as Lucy and Molly agreed. Gina began to blush."No! Of course not!"she added quickly." I hope so," Said Molly. As the bell rang for lunch the girls flipped their long hair as they passed the boys on their way to the canteen,it got all of them noticed even more.

It was Friday,pizza day, everyone's favourite. And that ment an extra long wait in the lunch cue which meant more people butting into your convasations, breathing down your neck and a the load sound of laughing in your ear. "Why do we have to go through so much just for pizza?" Said Hannah,sarcastically." Who knows? Why do the cooks keep making spinach meringue pie?"replied Polly,like a cheeky toddler. After waiting for fifteen minutes they had finally got their pizza and had found a seat,but the bad part was that it was at the teachers table. This was where every teacher spent their lunch,and it was the was the worst place to sit. But it did have its perks. You could hear your teachers saying that they are planning a super hard test,the teachers always had lemonade on the table and you could have as much as you want and it was right next to the sports boy table. Polly had a crush on Micheal Pete the coolest boy in the school, captain of all the sports teams and Stacey Birch's boyfriend.

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