Another Year


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Your probably wondering what happened to the group of Friends well "Friends".ok this is what happened Adrian Kyla but I'm Kyla, alivia, Lilyanna,Yamina, yamina  they were all freinds again like nothin ever happened last year so everything was all behind them they had a fresh start. They were in seperate classes Kyla was alone in the same teachers class lily Yamina Holden alivia Adrian 
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Never mind

 So they would always play together then one day they just split Yamina and Lilyana would hang out Kyla Adrian alivia hung out by themselves Holden well he would hang out he would want to. Any ways it was a couple months after that happened Kyla just wanted to be freinds with all of them but alivia would get mad when Kyla or Adrian went to play with lily or Yamina Kyla just wanted to be freinds with all of them so one day everyone had to eat outside and Kyla went to ask  if she could hang out with lily and Yaninaand hung out with them so she started hangin out with them and not alivia and Adrian 

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 Kyla started hangin with this girl in her class since none of her friends were in her class she soon became friends with ruby. Ruby is best freinds with alivia.yamina an Lilyana thought it was and excuse to hang out with alivia well that's what Kyla thought they thought but really ruby and Kyla didn't like Alivia she was so annoying. Ruby and Kyla would hang out everyday they would talk and talk they soon became freinds adree she was really smart and nice. Lilyana would talk once and a while with Kyla. Ruby and Kyla would snapchat all the time or FaceTime 

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