The Cryptic


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Messages in the Crypt

 I pushed past the big double doors. The third day and I still couldn't get past that moment. The lights, the noise, the crash and screams. Fire was everywhere, and there under the car was my fiancé. Seven years of a relationship and the only girl I ever kissed. Now she's dead and I have visited every day... for three days. 

I walked past the clerk who had memorized my face, and walked down three flights of stairs. Left, right, left, right. It echoed off the walls like the thumping of my heart in my chest. I solemnly opened the solid black oak door and slipped in the Crypt. Fourth coffin on the right, no issue finding it now. I sat down, resting my arms on my knees and just watching the face carved in her coffin. Such a beautiful sarcophagus, only reason I could afford it was because We had saved for our wedding for three years and were about to be wed. Two months, two months and she would've been my wife. 

I began to cry. Not harsh whining or watery balling, but just a slow flowing sob of tears and hiccups. My heart slowed and my head was detached from my body. Floating through time and space my head flew past planets, aliens, books, guns, games, robots and other freaky creations. It all blurred slowly and then the image shattered to pieces and I was back in my puddle sitting completely still unable to complete the signal from my brain to make my arm move. As I am lost in my grief my eye catches a slight motion on the sarcophagus. Snakes moving across her bust and down to her stone belly, in and out. My discernment wasn't fantastic. As if in cue the snakes glow and raise the hair on the back of my neck from the heat. It was a message. 

"The one you seek is red and white, and lives in a shoe."

What was happening? I thought I was hallucinating. I took my usual jog back to my apartment on the far side of Annapolis, Maryland and took a good nap till dinner time.

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