Friendly Zombie


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Chapter 1

Zombie: noun 

(in popular fiction) a person or reanimated corpse that has been turned into a creature capable of movement but not of rational thought, which feeds on human flesh.


Friendly Zombie: Chapter 1

"Guys were going to need to go and get more food." said while coming into their small apartment living room with his siblings.

Hunter and Hudson, both rolled their eyes at their little brother, James and got up to get ready to face the outside world. It has been two days since they brought loads of food and some canned foods they knew James wouldn't eat. 

"Well if you weren't such a fat ass we wouldn't have to worry about food." Hunter said while strapping on her gun and knives, Hudson doing the same while agreeing with his sister.

Hunter and Hudson are twins, both with light green eyes and the same for their little brother. Hunter has dirty blonde hair while Hudson and James shared dark brown hair. Hunter and Hudson are both 21, Hunter being three minutes older. And James being the tender age of 14.

"Hunter, stay with James while I go get the food. We don't want a repeat of last time." All three grimaced as they thought back to that day.

The twins had told him to stay by their sides no matter what, but James being James went against their demand and went to go look for some pop he remembered they said he couldn't have. Seconds later, James found himself underneath a zombie who had sylvia dripping down its chin and onto James face. James remembered the fresh smell of blood in the zombie's mouth and how parts of it's skin was missing, making it's bones visible. James still dreamt about how the zombie's face had made him want to vomit, over and over.

But no matter what happened last time, Hunter definitely didn't want her twin out their on his own. 

The three sticked together like glue.

"Hudson were going together and that's final." Hunter said sternly while shaking her head at her twin.

"Ya! We stick together like glue, Hudson!" James said loudly while grabbing his iron bat and small knives.

Hudson glared at him and mentioned there might be zombies around their apartment building and to always keep quite, even though both twins knew the zombies couldn't get pass the electric fence around the building.

The twins smirked at each other as they noticed their littler brother starting to look nervous.

"Guys, stop trying to scare me." James glared at them, but this time his voice was in a whisper.

After finishing strapping in their several weapons, Hunter said, "Alright lets head out. James you know the rules."

"One, always stay in the middle of us. Tw-" Hudson began naming their rules for him until James stopped him.

He rolled his eyes while grabbing a large sack for the food "Blah blah blah. How could I not remember, you guys literally remind me everyday."

Hudson glared at him for interrupting him, but than sighed once he realized that they had been reminding him constantly. They had been in the zombie apocalypses for 10 years now. The twins were both 12 at the time the apocalypses started, and James four. Everything happened in a blur.

The night began as a normal one for them both until they heard a smash of a window and followed by a frightened scream. The twins laid in their beds for a while, their light green eyes filled with confusion and fear. Hudson was the first to react by pulling back their window curtains and taking a peak outside. Hudson jumped back as if staring outside the window had burned him. 

Hunter stared at her brother worried as to why he reacted in that way. Another scream went off but this time, it was a painful scream.

Hunter quickly jumped off her bed and and rushed to the window 

Hunter now completely knew why Hudson had reacted in such a way, several houses were almost completely destroyed, some even on fire. But that wasn't what caught her attention, it was people that caught her attention, some her neighbors and some she barely recognized. Many were running while screaming, some just hid but others seemed to be... chasing the screaming ones and searching for the hiding ones. 




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Friendly Zombie: Cast








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Started: 1/29/2017

Ended: TBA


Inspired: Warm Bodies 




Amber Heard as Hunter King

Jordy Baan as Hudson King 

Colin Ford as James King 

Diego Boneta as Gunner(The zombie)  

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