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Biological Mythconceptions

 All of these mythconceptions you may have been told are biological in nature. Eventually all of these will have short explanations. I'm just creating a list of them first :)


1. Humans have five senses.

Humans actually have more than 5 senses, with biologists agreeing that the actual number is probably 21 or more. W e have the 5 basic senses: touch, smell, taste, hearing, and sight. Then there are other senses too, including: proprioception (the ability to detect where our body parts are in relation to each other), balance, colour, hunger, thirst, itch, pain, vibration, temperature (the last four are commonly placed under 'touch' but they actually have different sensors, so qualify as different senses).

2. Different parts of the tongue taste different flavours.

We are taught that different parts of the tongue taste different flavours at school, but this is wrong. Instead, all parts of the tongue can detect all flavours.

3. Clicking your knuckles causes arthritis.

Most, if not all, of us have been told that clicking your knuckles causes arthritis. There have actually been a few studies on this, including one where a man clicked the knuckles on his left hand twice a day for over 60 years, while those on his right hand were not clicked. There was no sign of arthritis on either hand. Another study suggests that you are more likely to get arthritis if you don't click your knuckles, but there were only 28 subjects.

4. Sitting too close to the TV will ruin your eyesight.


5. Carrots improve your eyesight.


6. If you sneezed with your eyes open, they would fall out.


7. You only use 10% of your brain at any one moment.


8. You lose most of your body heat through your head.


9. If you touch a baby bird, it's mother will abandon it.


10. Bears can't run downhill.


11. Goldfish have a five second memory.


12. Elephants are the only animal that can't jump.


13. All polar bears are left handed.


14. One dog year is seven human years.


15. The daddy-longlegs is the most venomous spider in the world, but its fangs can't penetrate human skin.


16. If birds eat rice they explode.


17. Deoxygenated blood is blue while oxygenated blood is red.


18. Sugar makes you hyperactive.


19. This animal is poisonous.


20. Duck quacks don't echo.


21. If you cut an earthworm in half it makes two new earthworms.


22. The 5 second rule.


23. Organic food is better for you.


24. Genetic modification is bad.


25. Natural sugar is better than processed sugar.


26. White sugar is more processed than brown sugar.


27. Sugar is as addictive as heroin and nicotine.


28. Cats and dogs are colourblind.


29. When the population gets too high, lemmings commit mass suicide by jumping off cliffs.


30. Sharks don't get cancer.


31. People can get warts from touching toads.


32. Ostriches bury their heads in the sand.


33. Bats are blind.


34. Hair and nails keep growing after you die.


35. You can't grow new brain cells.


36. Some people have photographic memories.

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Other Science Mythconceptions

 These mythconceptions are scientific, but not biological.

37. A penny dropped from the Empire State Building could kill someone.

38. The Great Wall of China is the only manmade object visible from space.

39. Water conducts electricity.

40. Mount Everest is the tallest mountain on Earth.

41. Lightning never hits the same spot twice.

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