Be Creative!


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Part 1: Drawing

Trust me in this: Drawing is one of the best ways to be creative. You don't need, say, $100 pens and pencils. Not even $20 pens or pencils. You just need a brain, a $1 pencil and some cheap paper or notepads. Then, once you've got the supplies, just draw.  

So you think you can't draw?

Sounds like 7 year old me. I would ask Mum (who was extremely good at drawing) to sketch me striking a ninja pose (or whatever I was into then). Then, when she was done

and I was happy with it it, I would take it into my room and try to recreate it in stick figure form. Then about when I was 9, I discovered Youtube and its artists.  

After experimenting with different artists, I found the right ones: The Box Office Artist, ZHC, Kesh and Vexx. For you, they might seem like a bunch of annoying buffoons thinking they could draw. But for me, they were about as good as De Vinci or Picasso. I copied every single drawing they did (now I think about it, maybe not) into my cheap first sketchbook I now call 'My Very First Sketchbook'. Creative name, right?

 To add to this part, I recently watched a TED where an artist  called 'Graham Shaw' explained to the audience that if you think you can't draw then you can't. If you think you can, then yeah, you can. It's as simple as that.

I know what you're thinking: Lachlan, I tried this and it didn't work.

Well. Practice. I've never believed in 'Practice makes perfect' because it doesn't. Nobody is perfect at anything. But yes, I see what they're getting at. Practice will make you good. Pretty good, depending on how much you practice. Hey, I just created a better quote!

"Practice makes you pretty good." 

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