A Different Species


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My name is Shyann . I am 12 years old. But there is something different about me. You see, me and my friends are part of the Galaxy Moon Pack. It is a pack of mixed supernaturals. But me and my pack are not of age… sooo yea. But my birthday is November 14, which is in two days. The rule of the supernaturals is that when a royal or high ranking is born, they will gain their forms and powers on their 13th birthday.

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Chapter 1

Today is just like any normal Monday. Get up, go to school, come home, chores, homework, then bed. But things are different these last three weeks. You see, my mom died on the 23rd of October. She died of liver failure. I never got to say goodbye. I got mad at her the night she died. I didn’t even say goodnight, or just an ‘I love you.’ My dad fell into a routine. Get up, wake up me, go to work, come home, change, feed the kids, fall asleep on the couch. I’ve become the ‘mom’ in our house, cleaning, feeding everyone, putting everyone to bed, and then sitting in the living room, watching dad and doing my homework until midnight. Then i get 6 hours of sleep.

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Chapter 2

It is now the 13th. I am currently sitting on the couch watching YouTube on my iPad and doing my homework. I look at the clock, and it says 11:59. Dang its late, but it’s almost my birthday. The clock strikes midnight, and i see a ball of light surround me. I start screaming in pain as i feel every single one of my bones break, then reform. Finally, the pain stops, and the ball of light disappears. I walk, well, more like float around the house, checking to make sure that everyone is still asleep. They are, and i go back into the living room, and sit on the couch. Then I feel a knock in my head. I close my eyes, make a door appear, the open it. On the other side is a man. He says that I must go to the phone store after 3:00pm. I respond with a nod, close the door, and walk downstairs into my room. I put my stuff away, then go to bed.

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