David The Silencer


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Friends can betray

 "The name's Adam. I work for the International Crime Investagtion Agents or ICIA." "Oh hello, my name is 'David' and I have been trying to figure out these murders that have been happening. They call the murderer 'The silencer' and people believe that there's more than one person." "Can I have your source David?" "Oh just the Internet, you know Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. There are videos around the Silencer. Some believe the murder of Jayson Nors was somehow connected to him." "Okay. We will use this information. We're heading to site 62 as signatures of the 'Silencer' have been left. It's weird as hell. It's weird as hell. The victims have been strapped to a chair then burned in the middle of a six sided triangular star. We'll be investigating it. Thank you for the information. Please inform us if you know anything more." And then Adam left. What he didn't know was that the person he just talked to was the person for over 200 linked murders.

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Site 62's dark side

 Site 62. You'd think it'd be like any other military site. Soldiers training, all that stuff. But the Silencer chose this for a reason. You see, before it was a military site, there was an orphanage. A girl called Hetty lived in this orphanage. Hetty had a teacher who would come every day at 5:00. Hetty never liked her. One day the told her that she would never be to any good so Hetty told her "What good are you up to?" And told her to die because her life was wasted. The teacher got so angry that she talk her stick and threw it right at Hetty's eye. Hetty stayed in bed for 2 months until the teacher broke in, talk a knife then stabbed her to death. That is why this base is chosen by the killer. 

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50 Soldiers are not enough

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