Evelyn and the island


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The smallest but brightest seashell

 On July 24,2003 a beautiful child was born. She was born is her home land Grand Isle. Her parents were Laurel and James. They decided to keep the mothers last name, which was Tides. It meant ' the waves will bend and fold, and be renewed.' . They believed in this and lived their lives to it. They named their baby girl the most beautiful name they could think of. Evelyn . Laurel and James did not believe that she needed to learn anything from a school, so she did not go. 


"WHOO HOO !" I shouted. It was early in the morning around five thirty. I had already  jumped on the back of Mr. Johns boat as a stowaway, not wanting him to know. I knew Mr. John but it was fun for me and I didn't want him to know I was there, I liked hearing his low voice sing old fishermens songs. I would have jumped in the water but I needed to get there fast and I knew if I would have swam I'd get distracted. I was know standing on the rock barrier staring at the sun rise. At this time the prettiest lightings would cast over the waves. Then they would crash on the rocks. My mom and dad said I could go where I please whenever I please. So while they were sleeping, I was out here. I had wore my usual white dress like cover up and under it my usual blue bikini. I know I never went to the grand isle mulitiplex school, or any other school for that matter since I never left the island, but I'm not stupid. I don't have any friends though, well human friends. The ocean and sea creatures are my friends and that's all I need. A hemit crab crawled onto my always shoeless feet. "Aww ! " I said scooping him into my hands." Aren't you the cutest little guy !" I placed him back on the rocks. " Kellpy !" I yelled. I soon saw a light grey, eight foot long  dolphin swim up to me. I jumped on his back." Hey kelp ! What's up ?" I was met with two-" ah ah ak a!" "Really ?"I asked knowing he was telling me that the waves at the beach were perfect for riding. Kellpy is my boyfriend, don't think it's weird. He went under water and began to swim to the beach(yes,I can hold my breath for a long time). 


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The war shore

 Kellpy swum up to the  beach but far away. We played there. I was greeted by mullets jumping out the water. Or as I called them when I was a baby an Oreo. Kellpy and I chatted the whole time. Then I walked up to the shore. It was early so I only saw one person who was running. I walked down the beach, right where the water and sand meet. My feet were wet and a little sandy. I picked up seashells and put them In my dress, holding up the front in a pocket form. I ran up the sand Levi. I went to the SAND DOLLAR store and traded them in for five dollars. I could always find the prettiest shells for Mr. Michael to sell. Today I only brought enough for five dollars. I did this every morning and every night. "Thank you Evelyn. These are beautiful!" He waved his hand to the back of the the store. "Your welcome !" I smiled and went to the back were he had ice cream, he often gave it to me for free. I grabbed a ice cream bar labeled ' sandy melt' " mmm." It was a chocolate,peanut covered bar with vanilla ice cream inside. "Thank you !"  " Anytime!" He responded. I walked down the road and ate my bar, humming a song. "Glistening white waves, sandy shores of land, dolphins playing, land is lost ocean is found." It was a song mom used to sing me. I finished my ice cream and licked my fingers. I heard footsteps behind me. Three pairs of feet. It was probably just some kids. I'll just move out the way. "Hey ocean girl !" Shouted one of the girls. "Did you just get back from taking a salty bath !?" Screamed another. "Did you get stuck in a shell today ?!" The third voiced. Why are they so mean ? I turned down my street and walked all the to my house, walked up the stairs, threw the money inside and ran to the dock. They followed me. "Get her girls !" Shouted one with red hair. They walked towards me and I ran behind the one with red hair and pushed her in. "Ahhhhhhh!" SPLASH ! "You'll pay for this !" She screamed. I just smiled. Especially because she was in a white maxi dress. The brown haired and blonde haired tried to help her get out. And I jumped off the dock. The two didn't hear a splash and  ran over, I was sitting on Kellpy's back. I waved bye and we went out to sea.

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The islands

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Hidden life

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Castaway and a tagged

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Returning to old habits

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Why am I actually doing this

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Halfway there

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Stuck and deserted

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Easy return ?

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Aurthors notes

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