Switched! Book 1.


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Totally not cool!

 "Sup! I'm sure you don't know me but I'll introduce myself I'm Jessica and this is my bff Janna!" "Sup guys!" Janna said excitedly" "so today we're gonna be starting at a new school called Johnson academ-" Janna then cut her off. "C'mon the bus is outside!!" "Okay, okay" they both ran outside and sat next to each other on the bus. "Jeez these students look like they just jumped of a plane with no parachute and survived" said Janna. The girls giggled. Shut it kids! The bus driver said angrily. "Bruh are you the devil's dad?" Jessica whispered. They then arrived and hopped of the bus. "This place had its own personal freaking tornado! Said Jessica. "Preach it gurl!" Said Janna. They walked into the building and both read aloud. "Welcome to aberdeen elementary" the girls both looked at each other. "We are.."  "at the wrong school" the girls both screamed.    

To be continued.

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Chapter one: first day mess up!

 "Sup! Most of you don't know me but my name is Jessica! And that's my bff Janna!"  "Hi everyone!!" Janna said with excitement. "We are starting school today at a private school called Johnson academ- Janna then cut Jessica off. "C'mon we gotta go! The bus is here!" Janna said quickly grabbing her things. "Okay, okay!"  The two girls quickly ran to the bus both sitting beside each other. Janna then whispered "everyone looks like they just climbed a mountain and ran all the way back to the bus.." the girls both giggled. When they finally arrived to school they looked around. "This place looks like it's been abandoned twenty-six times" Jessica said. They then walked into the school and read the sign on the wall. As they both said "welcome to Aberdeen elementary we hope you enjoy your year" the two fourth graders looked at each other "we're at the wrong school" Jessica said. "Oh we are so dead."

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