The Sky At Night


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Just think...

 It's hard to think that the univers dosent end. But if it does, say there's a wall at the end of it, what's on the other side of that wall. Is it another univers, maybe a parallel univers. If there is, another of you and I could be sat in the same spot doing the same thing. Well ... if you believe in mathematics that has to be the case. But just think, if we new everything about space, then it wouldn't be such a existing thing to think about. Would you rather know, or imagine?

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To know, or imagiane?

 The sky is a wonderful thing to look at. The sun, the clouds and the bright blue sky that almost looks like you can swim in it. But when it turns to night it's a whole other story! The stars, the moon, the mystery behind it all that really pushes you into to deep deep thoughts. But when we finally know, when we finally find out about it all. All of that thought and mystery will be gone. So this book, I hope, is going to open your mind. Really suck you into space and just leave you there,in deep deep thoughts...

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Far,far away...

 Everything we see in the sky at night is only a small part of our solar system. But it's all light years away. Hard to tell I know. But believe it. You know how long it takes to get somewhere on a airplane, well that's nothing. It's predicted that it takes about three months to get to mars, that's going 100x the speed of a airplane too! 

If we were in a airplane for that long we would die from lax of oxygen. So when there isn't even air in space then that's a lot of preparing.

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Are we there yet?

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Keep it up...

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The univers...

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