What Does Cannabis Do To Your Brain?


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What Does Cannabis Do To Your Brain?

Have you ever wondered what happens in your brain when you consume cannabis? Do you know about all of the effects it can have?

The answers may surprise you. Read on to find out more!

The Research


Identifying the different ways that cannabis affects the brain is a complicated matter. You see, we’ve only just begun to unravel many of the mysteries of the brain! Not to mention there’s a lot of contradictory evidence out there! Also, cannabis is a complex plant with of hundreds of different chemicals and there are so many misconceptions around it. Two of the most prominent, THC and CBD, can affect us in very different ways.

To get into how it affects our brain, we need to start off by clearing up some technical terms:

The Endo What? - The sites in the brain where cannabis is absorbed are called cannabinoid receptors. When you link them all together, it’s what is known as the cannabinoid system, or the ECS for short. They have a specific function in the brain, which is to help us regulate our moods, appetite, memory and overall health.

THC - The chemical responsible for cannabis’ psychoactive effects. It affects the brain by activating cannabinoid receptors and helps promote creativity, amplify thoughts, and keeps you focused.

CBD - This chemical plays an important role in regulating appetite, the immune system, and pain management.

The Biphasic Effect - Cannabinoids are biphasic which means they can have two different types of effects on the brain. These depend on the dosage: some people may feel relaxed with lower doses and paranoid under higher ones.

Effects of Cannabis on the Brain


Now that we’ve got the technical jargon out of the way, let’s get into the good stuff! What follows are just some of the many effects that consuming cannabis can have on the brain.

Neuroprotective: There’s evidence that cannabis can act as a neuroprotectant. This means that it can help protect, and possibly even prevent, the onset of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.

Antioxidant: The chemical THC has been confirmed as a potent antioxidant alongside its neuroprotective properties. It helps to clean away so-called “brain plaque,” whose build-up is the primary cause of diseases like ALS, MS, and Parkinson’s.

Neurogenesis: Research suggests that cannabinoids can cause new brain cells to grow. This process is known as neurogenesis. This is why cannabis can be so effective in treating mood disorders such as depression, anxiety, and stress; these conditions are related to a lack of neurogenesis in adults.

Boost Brain Power: New research suggests that cannabis affects older users differently. It can reverse age-related declines in the cognitive performance of the elderly. Experiments with mice proved that older animals performance improved to the point that they resembled those of young, untreated mice!

Enhance Creativity: Cannabis is a well-known muse amongst musicians, writers, poets, and other artists. Research suggests that subjects who use cannabis have faster and more accurate results in word association and creative reasoning tests.

Control Seizures:Cannabinoids can help control seizures by binding to the brain cells that regulate excitability and relaxation. When cannabis was given to epileptic rats, it rid them all of the seizures for about 10 hours.

Regulate PTSD: Naturally occurring cannabinoids regulate the system that causes fear and anxiety in the brain. Research suggests that THC, which is also a cannabinoid, has potential as a treatment for those with post-traumatic stress disorder.

Stroke Protection: Research suggests that cannabis use can help protect the brain from damage caused by a stroke. It does so by reducing the size of the area affected by the stroke. When tested on rats, mice, and monkeys, it proved its neuroprotective effects.

Concussion Recovery: Cannabis can help heal the brain after a concussion or traumatic injury. A recent study suggests that it can lessen the bruising of the brain and help with the healing mechanisms after a traumatic injury. This was carried out in mice and had positive results.


The Source Matters


Different strains of cannabis contain different amounts of THC and CBD. As we mentioned above, the dosage you take is very important. This is why it’s so important to obtain your cannabis from licensed medical marijuana dispensaries! They will have advisors on hand who can advise you on the strain to use and what dose to take.




We hope you found this article useful. Did you know about all of the effects of cannabis on the brain? Are there any that we missed? Let us know in the comments!

Oh, and don’t keep this information to yourself. Be sure to share this with your family and friends!

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