Essay Writing


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Chapter 1

Check the finished article

check article

check grammar and spelling errors, typos, extra spaces

The text with errors causes irritation and distrust of the author. The article should be free of errors, at least from the point of view of Word. But Word, underlining words or sentences with errors, will not show you, for example, extra spaces in the text.


And this is definitely a mistake. I don't recommend relying heavily on literacy testing services. They still won't fix the mistakes for you. Better improve your own literacy. With each article, believe me, there will be fewer and fewer mistakes.


do semantic proofreading

Is the topic consistently presented? Are there any repetitions? Have you forgotten anything that you wanted to include at the beginning? Is there too much so-called water in the text? You need to write an article that is relevant and useful in every sense, and not just type the required number of characters.


check the text for uniqueness (if necessary, modify it)

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