Stand By Me


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Chapter 1 - Creative, I know

Life ain't easy. Terrible things happen to everyone. You have to keep your sense of humor, give something of yourself to others, make friends who are younger than you, learn new things, and have fun. 
Tell a Friend-George Vaillant


I am a terrible person.Truly, I'm not like amelia earhart, scarlett o’hara, or any other noteworthy female figure. There is really nothing special about me. Then how do I get my own story? To be honest, I don’t know, but it’s my job to tell it to you.

There a a couple things that you need to know about. you already know that first and that is that I am a terrible person, as long as you remember that throughout the story, you’ll follow along just fine. The other thing you need to know is that I am a dramatic person. Yes in the literal sense that I true but I also have a degree in Theatre. One of the most useless degrees someone can ever get besides a degree in Creative Writing (yes, I do sense the irony). With these two know facts I will give you an accurate retelling of my life up to this point. Why this point? I’m glad you asked but I am not going to answer that question yet. Hold on to the question though, it’s a good one with a great answer that needs some backstory first.

Backstories. That word is probably the most hated word in the American English language. Yes I am American and I do speak the bastards English but if it's helps to redeem myself, I also speak German, Spanish, some Russian, and some French. It's a weird combination of languages but I digress. My backstory is long, complicated, and, frankly, very annoying to have to relive. So we'll skip my delightful past for now and focus on the not so distant history of my life, college. I just graduated from college a few months ago with a peice of paper and a bunch of loan debt to show for it. Isn't college great?! Snarkiness aside, I was like every college student when I graduated, I was an adult. A terrified, poor, and jobless adult. But don't worry I had my peice of paper to keep my company. Maybe if I framed it and put it in a really nice wooden frame I could use it to keep me warm as I slept on the street.

Instead of remaining as the independant person I had become over the last four years, I made the bold decision to leave my lovely house, fantastic job, great friends, and in the most beautiful city, to move back in with my Dad. To this day I still don't know what complelled me to leave my comfortable life to move back in with my family. That's a lie, I totally know why I did it, but again, I'll be getting to that. So the week after graduation I packed up everything I owned, with the help of my friend Raeya, and moved to my Dad's house.

Incase you havent guessed, my parents are divorced. That happened when I was in the 4th grade. The weird thing about my parents divorce is that they stayed living together until my Dad moved away Feburary of my Senior year in high school.

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