345 Days Of Wishes


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Chapter 1|First day| beginning |

 "August wake up you don't want to be late for your first day of school" said Nicole april's mom.

*You  wake up by your mom's loud talking*

Your mother smiled happily "oh goodness your awake I thought your going sleep all day" mom said.

"What time is it?" April asked "7:30" mom said looking at her watch on her wrist.

*Your mother walks out if your bedroom you pick out a shirt with a owl on it and you pick out white jeans no holes or rips in them you put the clothes you picked out on*

"Where's my glasses?" April asked you walk around your room to look for glasses you finally find them on a small table in your room.

*You put on your blue ish, black ish glasses there are no fingerprints on the lenses*

*You walk to the kitchen and sit down on a chair to eat your breakfast*

"April have a good day at school" Said Ashley April's sister "You too" April said Ashley went outside to walk to college.

You eat your breakfast quickly and fast so you don't be late for school.

*you brush your hair with a hair brush and put your long black hair into a braid.

Your mother drops you off at Sky blueberry academy.

Your mom drives off in her dark blue mini van.

April walked slowly to the academy the academy looks brand new like they just painted a few weeks ago. 

Three girls and four boys walked towards April, one girl had dirty blond hair, another girl had dark brown hair, the last girl had red hair.

One boy had black hair and black glasses, another boy had curly red hair, another boy had dark brown hair, the last boy had dirty blond hair.

"Hello rookie" said the girl with dark brown hair "..." Said April kept looking at the ground then April lift her head up to see who's talking to her.

"I mean.. Do you want a tour of the school I mean school only starts in 45 minutes" said the girl with dark brown hair.

"Just give her some time to reply" the boy with red curly hair "b-but" said the girl with dark brown hair "No" said the boy with red curly hair.

*April nodes her head yes slowly*

"What's your name mines Kayla?" Asked Kayla she was the girl with dark brown hair.

"April" April said April lift her head up to see Kayla and her friends "That's a pretty name" said Kayla happily.

*April makes a smile on her face*

"Thanks" Said April still smiling "No problem and also want to be friends I mean you can be apart of our club" Said Kayla "Um.. No thanks sorry.. Club's are not my thing" Said April "Oh" Said Kayla.

"I'll be your friend but not apart of the club" Said April "Ok let me show you around the school" Said Kayla walking to enterence. April walked to enterence and tripped on someone's shoe lace.

The boy with red curly hair turned around April got off the ground "Are you ok April?" The boy with red curly hair asked.

*April walks to the nearest libary*

I slowly walked into the fantasy section my shoes made squeaking noises... Squeak. Pause. Squeak. Pause. I put my head up I was in the middle of the hall of the fantasy section of this libary. The libary was pitch black I could see nothing I pulled out a mini keychain with a flashlight on the keychain...

Why did let down Kayla? I could of just said yes when asked "do you want to be apart the our group?".

Alex's part of the storyline 

Where did that girl go? I forgot her name was it Vanessa or lily... I walked to nearest libary... I saw a little of light coming from the fantasy section of the libary... I walked slowly and careful and quietly to the fantasy section of the libary... I tripped on something I couldn't see though since it was pitch black... Now I was in the children's books section... I used my grip on a bookshelf... BANG! The bookshelf fell books fell every where... I slowly made my way to the fantasy section...

Aprils side of the storyline 

BANG! I turned around and laid the light of flashlight near the children's books section a bookshelf was laid on the floor like someone pushed it hard. I walked careful near the children's books section...

I tripped on someone's shoe lace I fell on the hard marble ground... Kayla flicked the lights back on... And me and this random boy where in a WERID awkward position... "Oh-"Said Kayla walking towards us. The boy had red curly hair... Slowly but gently the boy kissed me and ran off like it never happened. "W-hat.. Just.. Happened..?" Asked Kayla with a confused look I shurged. "Did you just know he just-" Kayla was about to finish of what she was about to say "I know" I said. I picked up my blue ish black ish glasses since they fell off.

Alex's part of the story

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