Not Quite Right.


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Chapter 1

In a quaint little café that overlooked a picturesque British seaside, there sat two sisters sipping coffee and nattering. Faith, the younger sister, had something on her mind that had been bothering her for quite some time.

"Constance? I've been thinking and... well do you not find it a little odd that the Queen has been ruling for such a long time? I mean it's been like one hundred years!"

Constance pursed her lips as she considered her sister's point. "Well I suppose that is rather a long time. She must eat a lot of greens, she's looking rather good for someone over a century old! I wonder what moisturizer she uses..."

Faith shook her head in disbelief. "Oh Connie don't be ridiculous. No amount of healthy eating could keep someone that strong and healthy for a hundred years! Something not quite right is going on there, mark my words."

"She's the queen, darling. She probably has the best fitness instructors and dietitians that money can buy!" Connie chuckled, using the interactive tabletop to order a muffin as she spoke.

Faith huffed, annoyed that her sister was paying more attention to the menu than her own sister's concern about the monarchy. "Connie, will you please pay attention! There could be a huge conspiracy going on here! Quite frankly, I'm somewhat shocked that no one has raised concerns on a larger scale before now." She said, frustrated that Constance didn't seem to be understanding where she was coming from at all.

"Look, Faith. I'm sure..." Constance's counter argument was cut off abruptly when Faith's gasp interrupted her. She watched her little sister's eyes widen as another realization hit. Faith leaned over the table and lowered her voice, the urgency in her tone reflected in her eyes as she stared imploringly at Constance. "Wait... Do you think the brain chips everyone has put in at birth has something to do with it? Perhaps every time someone gets suspicious about the actions of our world leaders, they activate the chips and forcibly change our minds!"

"Faith dear, if there were anything strange going on I'm sure the general population would be notified. Leaders don't keep secrets from their people. It's just not done."

The younger woman thought about this for a while, before realizing just how ridiculous her claims had been. "I suppose you're right." Faith agreed eventually. She finished her coffee with a smile, inwardly scolding herself for being so silly in the first place.


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