consider elevating the whole structure


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Chapter 1

That Department of Emergency Providers reminds St. Mary’s County residents that fall weather conditions can often trigger seaside flooding; therefore, advance preparation is vital.

Protecting yourself today means making your house and workplace ready, getting involved in collecting sources of information, developing an emergency communications plan and knowing where to start should a flood approach the house or business.

Reduce the chance of damage from flooding by elevating critical utilities, such as electrical panels, switches, sockets, wiring, appliances and heating methods.

In areas with similar flooding, consider elevating the whole structure.

Make sure basements are waterproofed plus your sump pump is being employed. Then, install a battery-operated backup in the event that of power failure.

Installing a water alarm will also show you if water is accumulating in the basement.

Clear debris via gutters and downspouts.

Anchor any fuel tanks.

Shift furniture, valuables and important documents to somewhat of a safe place.

Store reports of irreplaceable documents (such because birth certificates, passports, and so on. ) in a safe, dry place; keep originals inside a safe deposit box.

Build an unexpected emergency supply kit. Food, bottled mineral water, first aid supplies, medicines and a battery-operated radio should be commited to memory when you are. Go to Ready. gov or prepare. stmarysmd. com for a whole disaster supply checklist.

Plan and practice a ton evacuation route. Ask someone beyond state to be the “family contact” in a crisis, and make sure everybody knows the contact’s address and cell phone number.

Make a pet strategy. Many shelters do not really allow pets. Make plans now on what to do with your pets if you ought to evacuate your residence.

Check your policy and coverage to be sure you have enough policy

Standard insurance policies tend not to cover flooding, but flood insurance can be acquired for homeowners, renters and business people through the National Innundate Insurance Program (NFIP).

Understand your flood risk. Learn should you live, work or travel through areas that happen to be prone to flooding. To aid communities understand their risk of flooding, FEMA generates flood maps (Flood Insurance Rate Maps, or FIRMs) showing the locations of high-risk, moderate-to-low-risk and also undetermined risk areas. To measure your flood risk, search for your address in the particular FEMA Flood Map Company Center (https: //msc. fema. gov/portal/search).

Take photos and movies to conduct a home inventory and keep an archive of all major residence items and valuables. These types of documents are critically crucial when filing insurance statements.

For more information, get in touch with the Department of Emergency Services at 301-475-4200, ext. 72110 or visit prepare. stmarysmd. com.

Information about all different types of disasters and emergencies – including flooding – is located at Ready Navy, your Navy’s Emergency Preparedness System by visiting ready. navy blue. mil. Ready navy is for the Navy community to supply information, tools, and means that empower navy people to more aptly prepare, react and recover any time faced with any crisis, with or without innovative warning.

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