The Blood Street


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Chapter 1

"Where are you?" was the text one of my best friends sent me. I started to write back when I heard a voice behind me. Or THE voice to be exact. It was Sam, one of my best friends. "There you are Louise" he stated and came to sit next to me in. Soon followed by Hanna, my other best friend. They were cousins and BFF's at the same time. We were one of the trios in the school. We were a tight group with many memories to look back to and many inside jokes, that's why it's hard to come in to our group. Sure we weren't always just us three, we had other friends to. But we wouldn't leave one behind, we helped each other with different stuff. Sam was the muscles, he had the weapons, Hanna was the food girl, she fixed cooked food and found food we needed, but that's later,  and I was the brain, I planned things. But more about that later. Now back to school. It was the last lesson we had that day we waited for, we had Math. We sat right next to each other, or almost, I sat beside Sam and Hanna sat in front of us, no not our choice, our teacher put us like that. It was amazing that she choose that places for us. Hanna had a person beside her, it was Anna, she was a friend of ours. She had her own little group with the other girls in the class. We were more then welcome to join the rest of our class if we wanted, but we was happy with out little group. 

It was later that night, around 7 P.M. when I heard my phone ring, it woke me up from a day dream about me meeting  my favorite band, it was Hanna. "Hello" I said. "Sams place in five minutes, bring a knife and something to eat, it has begun" she said panting heavily, then she hung up. I was confused but followed her instructions and fixed the things then I asked if mum could drive me, she did so. On the way I understood what she meant with "It has begun" on the streets it walked some people, dead people. It was zombies. They disturb mums driving and we suddenly was beside the road. We quickly jumped out and we tried to get out from there, that was the last time I saw my mother. I got out from the little group of zombies with a small help by my knife and made a run for the last bit. 

When I got to Sam's big red house I saw Hanna sit in the big gray couch, Sam was no where to be seen. When I got closer to Hanna I saw that she was crying. "Hanna?" I asked and she looked up to me. "What happened?" I asked and she wiped her tears away with the back of her hand. "M-My family didn't make out from the house" she sobbed and I hugged her. "My mum didn't make it either" I told her sadly and she hugged me back as we comforted each other. Then Sam came. "Hi girls, I think I have all I need" he told us and we nodded. "Now we only need a car" he then said. I began to giggle. "or a truck" I said and he nodded. "Well, where your parents Sam? Shouldn't they be home?" Hanna asked looking at us. "They are away for the moment, they would some home later but I won't wait for them since the zombies are about to surround us" he explained and we nodded. "I have dad's work car in the garage and the key is here" he told us then as he hold up the key. "Good" I replied and snatched the key "I drive" Both of them nodded, none of us had the car license, we were only 14, but we had planned the apocalypse for years, they knew I was going to drive. "Lest's go then" Hanna said and we made a run to the garage that was built  in to the house. We was not going to have to run outside the house. I quickly jumped in to the driver seat and Hanna in the passenger seat. Sam had a tons of important stuff that he lasted in to the car and then jumped in to the van from there. "Do you know how to drive Louise?" Sam and Hanna asked at once and I told them no. I really had no idea but let's be adventurous, right? The white van rolled up to the street fast met by a tons of zombies. I pressed the gas pedal the most I could and drove the way full of Zombies, I saw a friend of ours on the way, as a Zombie. I got really scared by then, last time I'd seen him was like five hours ago.

Soon we came out from the little village we lived in and I tried to succeed not to drive from the road when I saw the road sign telling me I was on the right way. I pulled in and soon saw the big shops, it was locked for the days, I parked in the middle of the road and we ran into one of the shops at the time. It was hard to get in at first as it was locked but then Sam smashed a window and we jumped in. Our ordinary school clothes was not good to run from zombies in but we'd managed to fix it until now. But We all agreed that we needed to find some other more comfortable clothes. First to the food shop where we took all kind of food and something to drink to it. Then to the shop selling guns and knifes. We took everything we could and then went to the back of the shops. Luckily it stood a lot of trucks there. I smiled and we ran to each of them until we found one with a key in it. We packed in all the stuff we had taken then we all took a seat and I drove away to find a shop with clothes. I knew exactly where I could find one so it didn't take long to get there, sadly there was tons of zombies, and humans on the road. We took the guns from the truck and tried to help the persons from the zombies. we shoot all the zombies we could and then all of the zombies was on their way to us. We didn't thought that would happen but it did. The first zombie I saw had gray skin and many wounds on his face. His eyes were white and the shirt was ripped into rags so you could see his great wound right on his chest, I was sure I could see his heart. I wanted to barf from the smell to, it smelled like dead people, which wasn't so strange as it was dead people. As he came to closer I started to panic and grabbed the closest thing I had to kill them with. Which was the knife. I stabbed him in the heart and he didn't even react. So I started to panic. Sam who had seen zombie movies quickly took his own knife and stabbed him in the head. The zombie fell to the ground at once and I breathed. "Thanks" I whispered but Sam just waved it of. And then all three of us fought the many zombies we had in front of us. 

Soon we had killed enough to make it to the shop we wanted to. It was luckily open and we quickly snatched all comfortable clothes we could find and ran to back to the truck. The way back was much easier than the way there. It was just a few zombies out there walking around in circles not bothering us at all. They all looked so different to each other. One was gray and the other was yellow-ish and some had long hair and others had short. All I could focus on was how some of them was eating a man that laid on the ground and screamed. Sam and Hanna tried not to look as I stared at it. I recognized the man on the ground. I couldn't put a finger on who it was but I had seen him before. That's when I realized, it was one of our teachers. I didn't know what to do but we couldn't just do nothing, but he wasn't able to save as one of the zombies held his arm already, so I picked up the gun I was holding and shoot him in the head, saving him from be tortured to death. I was feeling really bad about it but didn't have time to bother as I ran to my friends that was almost by the truck already. I quickly started and pulled the gas pedal to max. As I ran away form the town. We drove for a long time not talking until Hanna broke the silence. "If we are going to cook food we need some gas from my dad's job. It's just over there let's go!" she said and I made a tight curve and almost went off road. But as we stopped at the bad smelling factory she and Sam ran and got at least a hundred and put it in the truck. They almost didn't come in to the truck again before I rushed away with the car. "We actually doing this" Sam laughed. We looked at him in disbelief before we began laughing to. "And now of to the cabin" Hanna laughed and I nodded and we drove away to the cabin in the middle of nowhere. They talked and laughed as I concentrated at the road. The only thing we saw was trees when I saw the sign saying I would take left. I made a good turn for the first time and cheered for myself. "Good job Louise, now we know we won't die when you drive" Sam said and we all started laughing again. "Yeah, I'm not that bad at driving now am I?" I said in between the laughs. "Nope, just almost" Hanna laughed and I made a quick turn to the right as we came to a little way leading deeper in to the forest. "Here it is" I said and stopped the truck not caring that we were in the middle of the road as no one actually drove here. "Where is it?" Sam asked as he was the only one not being here before we just pointed down the hill. Sam nodded then we took some food and some milk together with some of the weapons and a gas container and walked down to the cabin. It was a long way down to it and we had many things to drag down so it took us a long time to go there. We wasn't disturb by any zombies there, which was why we had chosen that place.We was only met by some watery ground and a whole lot of trees. And a reindeer to, it ran away from us thought. "Well, know we know that it is animal to hunt in the forest" Sam stated and we nodded. "Of course" I said. Then we reached the little red cabin with the even smaller gray outhouse. "How do we get in?" Hanna asked and looked around as no one of us had a key, but I knew where it was and ran to get it. It was hidden in the outhouse and but it wasn't hard to find. Then I unlocked the door and we came in to the small house. "This is nice" Sam said a bit confused, I bet he thought it was a bit more luxury in it and not only a old cabin with out electricity nor internet. It was chill though cause we had a tons of firewood in there and more out side so we could easily start a fire with the helps of the matches we had in on the fireplace. This was going to be a nice place to live in for the moment, we had everything we needed and we could find things to do too. Like play the games we had here. That could be fun, I hoped. 

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Chapter 2

We had only lived in the cabin for two days. Not doing much we just sat quiet and thought about different things, mostly about our family's. The fire held us warm as the rain out side fell. It was cozy. The games I thought we were going to play were still untouched. When I thought about what had happen I got a shock, I had killed that teacher without even pity him, I know he was going to be a zombie but still. I did wonder what Hanna and Sam thought, about probably the same things as me, I hoped that they wasn't mad on me for killing that teacher. 
Later that day Sam broke the silence. "Do you think they are alive?" he asked looking at me. I didn't understood what he meant first. I looked around trying to figure it out when I realized that the question was to me only as Hanna already knew about her's, her family was already gone, or so we thought. I thought a moment before I closed my eyes and nodded. "I hope so" I said and he nodded. His eyes watered and I didn't know what to do. That's when we all realized that we were scared by this. We sat in the silence for a while before Hanna stood up. "I'm going to make dinner, what do you think about chicken and rice?" she said and got in to the little kitchen. The yellow walls in the kitchen was rotten but it didn't matter much to be honest. We didn't plan to stay there forever, just as long as we need to. 

After we had eaten Sam did the dishes, we was in turns on that, first day it was me then Hanna and now Sam. It was just how we had to do to make it work. As Sam did the dishes me and Hanna talked about school stuff just to make all seem like we was getting back to school after the weekend, like everything was normal. We both knew we wouldn't get back to school on Monday though. It was scary but we didn't care as we sat and talked around our homework in English. It was normal, we thought wanted it all to seem like. Even know we did know we wouldn't get back to school in the nearest future. We knew we would get back if we survived the apocalypse. But we couldn't know not there. 

When Sam was done with the dishes he told us we needed to get out from the cabin at least a while to get fresh air. We agreed and walked out all three of us. We looked at the little lake by the cabin. I remember all the great memories I had here, both with family and friends. I didn't notice when Hanna and Sam walked inside, probably because they were getting cold and wet by the rain. I didn't care though. I walked down the stairs to the ground. The forest seemed to be so calm even know it wasn't the calmest time, with the zombies and all. I saw the boat by the water, with that we could get out on the water. It wasn't a motorboat though. It was a rowing boat. It had no paddles out here, they were inside. I had no idea why.

When I got inside again Sam and Hanna was playing dart. The dart board was broken by the many times we had used it before this all started. But they didn't care as they throw the darts over the room to hit the board. All of them didn't hit the board, but they had fun so it didn't matter. I had fun watching them for a while to. Then I joined the game to. We throw darts for hours. Maybe was getting better after the time but we didn't care as we had fun playing. I was losing with getting as many darts to the board, Sam was winning. At least this round, Hanna won last. I lost every time, I wasn't so good at this. But it didn't matter as I was good at other things, like card games. I won over them in that. That made me happy. So I stopped playing dart with them and took the cards from the table and started to play solitaire. 

No, we wasn't busy here, we had nothing to do really. Other people were probably stressed out there trying to get away from the zombies when we sat here not doing much more then wait for the safety to come home. We were probably not getting back to the point of when we would feel so safe we had and I'm pretty sure we all want our computers back and then we thought that one day we maybe would, Hanna looked at her phone now and then, we thought then that it was to check the clock, even know we didn't know why she wanted to know but we didn't ask her. All of our phones were on the table in front of me as we didn't actually needs them here. I looked at the phones for a long while, stopping my solitaire. And opened my mouth "Shouldn't we check if our friends are okay?" I asked and both Hanna and Sam stopped to look at me. "I've wondered that since we came" Sam said and we all smiled. "Go ahead" Hanna said and took Sam's phone from the table throwing it to him "make a call" Sam caught his phone and dialed a number then put it to his ear. It didn't take more than five seconds before he threw it back to the table, "doesn't work" he explained. I nodded thinking a minute before getting it. "Of course it didn't work, the zombies must have been inside the satellite control" I said irritated as I actually knew that. "What?" Sam asked in confusion "our service is linked to an satellite in space which have an controller some where" I explained. "So we can't make calls?" Hanna asked. "No, of course we can't!" I said and stood up wandering to the fire trying to find another way to contact our friends and family. "Don't we have walkies-talkies?" Sam asked checking through his stuffs. "Not if you didn't bring any, and don't you need to be pretty close for those to work?" I said. "I don't know I've never tried to be this far away" Sam said taking his walkies from his backpack. "Let's try" he then said throwing one to each of us. We tried all channels hoping that some body else had one of them, and that it would work. After trying for an hour our two we gave up. It didn't work. "Well, now we can find each other if we have to split up some time" Hanna said smiling. "That's good" I said and Sam nodded. "Knew we would need them to something" he stated. Both me and Hanna gave him a "Really" look and started to laugh. "Okay, okay, I just forgot to get them out. But lucky I didn't right?" he confessed, making us laugh even more. "GIRLS, This is an SERIOUS situation" he said as we continue laughing, we stopped then and looked at each other, knowing he was right. I saw Sam's green eye's searching for the fire in the fireplace. Hanna looked at me, sadness in her blue eyes. That's when I realized, we wouldn't make it alone here. Hanna started to cry, Sam comforted her this time. I didn't feel comfortable there in that moment and went out to pick blueberries. It wasn't many there though, it wasn't the right season yet. I still picked the few I found and brought them back inside. "Who want blue berries?" I asked as I came in. Sam and Hanna looked at me and raised their hand and I put the berries on the table. Then we ate them, I don't think we got more then four each but like I've said, it's not the season. "Thanks" Sam said then we all wen't to get ready for bed. It was two bunk beds in the small bedroom. Hanna slept in the top bunk of the right bunk bed with her cousin under her. I slept in the top bunk in the left one. As we crawled down the sheets in our beds we talked a little bit. Not about anything important, that made everything seem normal and not like the world was in a crisis. The only sound we didn't think would some was heard, someone was knocking on the door. We all got up and got to the door. We all took something sharp to protect us with before we opened the door, only to revile three boys, in our age, with a hurt girl in their arms. "You must help us!"

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Chapter 3

As we had let the boys with the girl in to the cabin I led them in to the bedroom so they could put the girl down. She wasn't much older than us, she was the same age as my brother, but that we got to know later. She had a bloody wound on her arm and she had high fever. One of the boy's, the one with the brown hair that was showing from under the hat that was dragged over his eyes making him unrecognizable, stayed with her as the rest of us got out from there to give them space. "So who are you?" Sam asked as we sat down at the benches around the table. The boys on one side and me and Sam on the other, Hanna made hot chocolate to us, and tea to the girl. "I'm John and this is Luke" the boy with dark eye's told us. "How did you find us?" I asked strictly. "We've wandered around for days trying to avoid the zombies" The boy, who was named Luke, explained.  I understood that, but it didn't answered my question but I let it go. They wouldn't actually go straight to the zombies, that would just have been stupid. "So how did she get hurt?" Sam asked and nodded to the bedroom. "It was a day ago when we ran from a group of zombies when Ellen fell on a rock and landed on her arm. She lost a lot of her blood and Mike put his sweatshirt on her wound as a bandage" Jake explained. We nodded and then Hanna came with the hot chocolate and tea. She first put down the cups to us then wandered in to the other room with their drinks. Then she sat down beside us. "I know you" she said looking at the boy's, you could see that she thought about it hard and long. "YOU ARE OUR CLASS MATES!" she screamed happily "Are we?" they replied a bit confused. "Don't you recognize us? We are from the same class" Sam explained happily. "Cool" John replied. "Yes, Of course!" Luke cheered and throw his cap from his face making him recognizable. "How did you find us?" I asked again as we hugged each other. "We was walking in the forest as we saw a truck on the little road up there, then we saw the path and followed it here" Luke explained as we hugged. "Ellen it's not Ellen Mason right?" Hanna asked a bit worried, John nodded slowly. And with that Hanna ran in there and Mike came out to us. "I wasn't aloud to stay there" Mike said a bit sad, then he saw our hugging and threw his hat away to. "MY GOD, SAM, LOUISE" he screamed in surprise and embraced me in a hug by happiness, he almost crushed me. "Calm down Mike" I laughed in surprise and he let me go and gave Sam a similar hug. "Good to see you to man" Sam laughed and hugged back. "So, how was things when you left the village?" I asked and they looked a bit sad. "Bad, but we know that some of them left the country to get to the safety" Mike explained. "Do you know anything about my family?" Sam asked with a worried voice. "They left, so did Hanna and Louise's" John explained. "My mother?" I asked slowly. "She was with them" John nodded and I smiled, thank god for that. "How about your family's?" I asked hoping that they also got out from the country but all of their faces went down, I saw how Luke almost started to cry and John putted a comforting hand on his shoulder. Sam looked confused at them. "We two was out with some friends, then me and Luke went home to him and his whole family was zombies" John explained. I didn't know what to say, it was so sad. "And when did you find Mike and Ellen" I asked to change the subject. "We walked the street to Long Alley when we met them walking toward us" Luke said then Hanna came in and dragged me into the bedroom without saying a word. Ellen laid down and it looked like she slept. She breathed calmly. "I think her fever is getting higher" Hanna explained. I felt on her forehead and felt the difference from earlier, but I guess she is burning inside her hat and I got it off. "I think you're right. So we give her time to rest right now" I said and she nodded and we got out and closed the door as much as it could. "She's sleeping" Hanna said and the others nodded. "Good" Mike said and let out a big yawn. "I think that you need some rest to guys!" I said calmly. And as I let the boy's take the beds that were left I took out some sleeping mats for us. We also had sleeping bags in the cupboard that we used. Then we crawled to bed. 

That night was sleepless for me. My mum was okay, so was Hanna and Sam's family's that meant that we could find back to them. And if they tried to get out of the country this must be the only effected way I thought then. It was easy to think back then, it gave me hope and if there was something all of us needed it was hope and that's how I got my plan, it wasn't an easy plan, it needed strength and tricks, but most of all it needed hope. Hope for survival. That what we needed right now. 

When Hanna woke up I already sat by the table with a cup of hot chocolate and wrote and drew on a paper trying to get my plan down so I would remember it. I didn't even notice when Hanna sat down beside me and looked at the paper. She nodded when she checked it out. "That could work" she stated and I jumped by surprise. "Don't scare me like that Hanna!" I said and then began to laugh. "Sorry" she smiled and I smiled back. "When are we leaving?" Hanna asked and looked at me. "As fast as we can!" I smiled and stood up. "There is just one part that is missing in the plan" I said and started to get all the papers that I threw on the floor earlier up. "What?" Hanna asked and I smiled like I was crazy. "The weapons, we need more swords and spears to make it, the guns sounds to much!" I said and threw the papers on the fire, except for the one that I had the whole plan on. "Can't Sam make some?" Hanna asked and followed me as I went outside and stood looking out to the lake. "Of course, I didn't think about that!" I said happily and then I pointed at the other side of the lake "You see that Hanna? That is the zombies! I discovered them earlier as I looked at it closer with the binocular!" I said and she tried to see over there and I quickly passed her the binocular. "Can't you see it Hanna?" I asked and smiled crazily again. "This is bad, right?" She asked confused. "No! Not at all, it's good!" I said and looked around. "It means that we must leave as soon Ellen gets well" I said and then walked fast back into the cabin straight into the bedroom. I felt on the forehead and felt that her fever had gotten down "Can you make some tea for her?" I asked quiet and Hanna nodded and left. "And wake Sam up!" I told her and I saw how she nodded. "Good morning Louise" Luke whispered and I turned around and saw him getting up from his bed. "Good morning Luke" I smiled and both of us made our way to the main room. Luke sat down on the same place as yesterday. "Did you sleep well?" I asked and he nodded. "That's good" I said and then Hanna came out with the cup of tea. Sam still was in his sleeping bag on the floor. "Come on lazy!" Hanna exclaimed irritated trying not to spill the tea in her hand. Sam made a muttering noise and opened his eyes. Then Hanna went to the bedroom to give Ellen the tea. To my surprise she came back, without holding the tea but with Ellen. "Good Morning" Ellen said with an lazy voice. "Morning" Luke replied as Ellen sat down by the table. "Feeling better?" I asked and she nodded. "Yeah, much better" she replied. Soon the rest of the boys came back to. "Good Morning everyone" They said and sat down, taking from the breakfast we had on the table. I took this chance to tell them about my plan. "The zombies is on the other side of the lake" I began to tell them. All of them dropped what they held in and the milk and chocolate blended with bread, cheese and ham was blended over the table. "What is the plan then?" Sam asked and looked at me. "We are getting out from the country, to our friends and family" I explained and they looked serious and nodded. "We are leaving when we are ready" I then told them. "We can leave now!" Ellen said and the others cheered in agreement. "No, we need more weapons first, not guns but spears and swords, we can't make noise when we kill zombies if we want to get from here fast" I explained to them and all of them sat down. "Sam, that will be your job, Hanna you will fix the food, John and Luke you'll help Sam, Mike you take care of Ellen, Ellen you will rest" I said and they nodded and left to fix everything. "What about you?" Mike asked as he and Ellen stayed at the table. "I must fix a thing" I said then I put on a jacket and some shoes and left the cabin. 

I looked at the boat, the paddles that I had put there last night when everyone slept was ready for the tour over the lake. I showed the boat out on deeper water and then jumped in. "Let's kill some zombies"

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