The Hapless Demon


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Kane was once the most ruthless, feared and even revered demon in all the world until now. Cursed by a good witch, he has recently learned that he is no longer able to possess a human and make their lives miserable. 

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Chapter 1

Through the dark eyes of the human male Kane had just possessed, he saw the world much differently than ever before. What was usually dark took on a light that nearly blinded the demon inside the human. Something wasn't right. Could the spell a mere witch placed on him actually hold? She'd said Kane would never find joy in breaking down a human piece by piece until they were nothing but a listless shell of a mortal. No. It couldn't be. He'd been around for centuries and the witch he'd encountered was less than two-hundred years old. She didn't have the power to defeat him!

Refusing to accept he'd been bested by a neophyte witch, Kane crept into the mind of the mortal man and began manipulating him. Needing to prove he was more powerful than a witch, Kane opted for cold-blooded murder. He preferred to start small with humans, cursing at innocent bystanders, fighting with others the vessel he possessed cared for, and then he'd move on to torturing small animals before killing another. Kane couldn't wait now. He began whispering into the mind of the mortal, telling him that the woman sitting on the bench as she waited for the bus was in need of a good stabbing. To his bewilderment, the human reached into his pocket and pulled out...a wad of cash? He strode over to the woman, dropped the money in her lap, hugged her, then skipped away, happier than before. As if his good deed wasn't bad enough, Kane could feel gratification as though the demon and the human were one. 

Kane jumped out of the human male directly into another passing by on the street. Kane managed to convince himself the other human was not corruptible. That had to be it. Adjusting to the new body, he made it move back toward the woman he'd wanted to kill. Kane whispered the same suggestion in the man's mind, this time ordering the human to simply walk behind the woman and snap her neck. The demon became excited when the man did as he was told and moved behind the woman. His hands hovered above her head a moment and an instant later, the human leaned down, hugged the woman and told her she was wonderful. Then he, too, dropped money on her lap and left. No!

Defeated, Kane left the body of the mortal and sat down next to the woman on the bench. Most of humanity didn't believe in the existence of demons, which meant she couldn't see Kane. He could still affect them and as the woman counted the money she'd just been given, he reached out to knock it from her hands and have it scatter to the wind. Instead, the amount doubled and the woman jumped up, danced around, then sat back down. Kane wanted nothing more than to claw that smug smile from her face. Alas, he could not. What was he supposed to do with his immortal life now?

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