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CAPTA (Taken)




Tobias – Great Grandfather

Crispian – grandfather to Nona - (wife) Nanna Ana

Matthias – father to Nona

Illa Diabolus – grandmother of Nona

Luca – horse trainer


Ekka – Elder of Petra Terra


Aetrenum Saltus - Everlasting Forest

Vocem Sanatores - Voice Healer

The Sempiternus - gift of life

Particularum Ligans, (Elemental Binder.)

Collingens Locus .Gathering Place

Vespera (Eventide),

Nox tineis (night moths)

quod capulus - coffee


CAPTA (Taken)

©May 2012

Lois Terrans Bradbury

If you had told Spanish born Casta Marcus, a one quarter member of a very successful international singing group that in three years he would find himself hanging onto the side of a mountain all because of a woman he would have laughed in your face. He didn’t do camping and he certainly didn’t do mountain climbing. Yet as Casta grappled with the rocky skin of a mountain, his thoughts drifted to a woman.

By the time Nona had reached the cliff face Casta was almost a third of the way up. Nona gave a heavy sigh as she dropped her backpack to the ground and began pulling out her climbing equipment while keeping a watchful eye on Casta’s progress. If he somehow didn’t kill himself and made it to the top without her he would never survive. No man had set foot on top of Illa Diabolus Montem (She Devil Mountain) unattended and lived.

Re adjusting her pack onto her back she hoped she could catch him before it was too late and was counting on the fact that his climbing skills were newly acquired to give her the edge she would need to do just that. “What in the spirits was he thinking?”

Casta muttered away to himself in Spanish as every inch of his body seemed to be fighting against him. His legs shuddered with the effort it was taking to keep them pressed against the cliff face; every single finger nail he possessed was torn and shredded. His fingertips were now just bloodied pads making the climb even more perilous. In Spanish he echoed Nona’s thoughts. “What the hell was I thinking?” He dared not stop to catch his breath in fear that he would fall. Maybe if he had only listened to the warnings of his brothers, to Nona, if he had only taken the time to stop and think what he was doing. Casta shook his head at the thought and very nearly lost his fragile grip. “Debo estar loco” (I must be insane).

“Loco….Yes Casta.”

Her voice so shocked him that Casta did lose his grip and it was only by Nona’s hands that he was saved. She pulled him back against herself adjusted the rope she was using to tether to the cliff face and then attached Casta’s safety line to her own. Casta recovered enough to start to argue with Nona. “I’m not going back until I get what I came for!!”

Nona pulled the rope a little tighter than she needed making Casta wince as she gave him a cold, hard stare, her violet eyes piercing to his very soul. “You would argue here?!!” She checked to make sure all her equipment was tight and secure giving her a reason not to look at Casta as she spoke. “We cannot return. We have crossed over the boundary and must complete the task to return, for Aetrenum Saltus (Everlasting Forest) will not allow us home empty handed.” This time she gave Casta a sorrowful look “You have sealed my fate to yours Casta.” She sighed, tilting her head upwards to see how much further they had to go, wishing, praying they would succeed. Looking back at her companion she handed him her spare pair of gloves. “When we are finished we shall need to cut them off, now they will protect your hands.”

Casta thanked her but gritted his teeth as the raw pain at the tips of his damaged fingers shivered through his whole body when they connected with the inside of the gloves.

As they began to ascend Casta’s mind drifted to thoughts of the woman who, after all was said and done was his minder. She was tall and slender; her skin tanned to a smooth caramel colour. He smiled a little as he tried to think of how he would describe her hair. It was long and straight, fell almost to her ankles when left to fly freely but today she had braided it in the style popular with her people and doubled it up on itself to a shorter length so that it did not impede her climb. The colour was the hardest thing to describe, dark but not black nor brown. It seemed to shimmer with flecks of silver and the tips looked like they had been dipped in a can of paint the same violet colour as her eyes. Having spent time in her community he knew this was a genetic trait. Everyone bore the same colour dipped hair. The ends being the same colour as a person’s eyes.

Being slender and tall, very tall; Casta at six foot only came up to just below her shoulders. Her physique gave the false impression that she was fragile, far from it. Like her brothers and sisters she was physically and mentally very strong, far stronger than Casta had expected. Hanging from the side of a cliff he was very grateful. If they survived he would have to find a way to apologise to her for his stupidity.

Nona stopped climbing and looked down to Casta who was surprised to see that they were almost at the top. “We are almost there. Whatever happens you must never be separated from me Casta.” Nona pulled on the rope that joined them. “I will shorten this when we get to the top, do not take it off.”Casta nodded that he understood and they began to climb again.

Once on the plateau Casta stretched his aching muscles as he looked around. For some reason he had assumed that what he was looking for would be right there waiting, he was shocked to see the land before him stretched further than his eyes could see, disappearing into the grey mist of the horizon. Sparse and flat, no trees or vegetation except for the grass under his feet and no sound….No birds, no animals, no wind. Being so high up and unsheltered Casta had expected to have to face a stiff wind but there was nothing as if the whole world was holding its breath. Nona waited quietly while Casta took in his surrounds only speaking when she saw the disappointment wash over his face. “Do not despair Casta. It seems a long distance away but we only have to take a few steps.”

Casta frowned and waited for an explanation as Nona began to unpack her bag. “Illa Diabolus. You understand? You know what the name means?”

Casta spoke the name both in English and Spanish.

When Casta and his companions had first met Nona and her people they had spoken a curious mix of English and Latin so with mutual agreement they spoke English to each other but he wanted her to know he understood. “Yes and I know the stories of this place.”

Nona adjusted the rope between them, bringing Casta closer she sighed. “They are not just stories Casta. This place is dangerous…”

Casta interrupted. “For men?”

“For all. Man, woman, spirit, light and dark. She will consume all given the chance.”

“She cannot be destroyed?”

“The only way is to return what she stole. Return it to Aetrenum Saltus but this is not an easy thing.”

“But that is why I came Nona; to get what I was told would save my friend.”

Nona began to shake her head even before Casta finished. “No. She may allow me a small portion of what you need. I am female; I can walk her lands without fear of death. When my forefathers banished her they also cursed us all. They forbid her to take revenge on her sisters. She will only give up a small portion because we ask of it for a sister by a sister because of the curse. If we asked for a brother we would leave without.”

“Then how could you ever return the…” Casta struggle with the word they used for the gift of life. “The Sempiternus?”

“You know the legend Casta. That is for another time. She will not be happy that a man has dared to enter her domain, for it was men who banished her here.”

Casta took her words as a challenge, pushing his shoulders back and standing to his full six foot in height, still only coming to Nona’s chest. “Then let’s get going. She will find I am no ordinary man.”

Nona had to laugh as Casta started to march off dragging her behind him. “Wait! Casta wait!.” She dug her heals into the ground and pulled on the rope that connected them making Casta stop abruptly. “Remember what I said. We only had to take a few steps. She will come.”

Again Casta frowned a little but followed Nona back to where she had dropped her backpack.

“She will know we are here but will not show herself until I call.” Nona looked seriously at Casta, placing her hands down on his shoulders. “No matter what happens never let the tie between us break or I will not be able to save you. She will consume you Casta. We must be bonded the whole time, even then she may win.”

Casta took hold of both her long slender hands and placed them on his chest. “I promise to do as you asked Nona but will you do this one thing for me?”


His movements startled Nona just a little as he gently undid her braid so that it now hung down her back with only the tips lying in the palm of his hand. “We are bound by rope yes…..Would you permit me to bind us with your hair also. A second bond….Just in case?”

Nona smiled. “How Casta?”

“By braiding it onto my belt then I shall pull my shirt over the top to conceal it.”

Again she smiled. “I will permit this.”

Once Nona was attached to Casta by their unique hair tether she began to summon Illa Diabolus.

Casta watched as she arranged some small stones on the ground then got a shock when she stabbed her finger with a small knife and let the drops of blood fall on the stones. He had expected her to say a prayer, a chant, a spell but there were no words only silence as he watched the stones absorb her blood.

From the second Casta looked on her beauty he was chilled to the bone. The woman who had quietly appeared in front of them was exquisitely beautiful. Casta thought Nona to be one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen but Illa Diabolus held him captive, her spell cast as soon as he laid eyes on her. So much so that when unspeaking she held out her hand to him Casta obeyed walking towards her, stopped only by the rope that held him to Nona.

For her part Nona pulled on the rope, jerking Casta out of his trance, watching as a frown appeared on Illa Diabolus’ face. Again Casta felt the chill envelope him as she spoke even though he could not understand much of what she said as her grey eyes drilled into him.

“Infirmus…weak like the others before him I see, yet different; but tenetur, obligatius (bonded) to a sister.”

Illa Diabolus focused her gaze on Nona. “You perhaps brought him as a donum, a gift?”

Illa Diabolus addressed Nona in a strange dialect of the language he and his brothers had been learning since their arrival. Even with his limited learning he knew what donum meant and knew that the woman meant him.

Casta shot Nona a worried look, was that how she would get what they needed?

Nona bowed slightly and from some unseen pocket produced a small flower that Casta had seen growing everywhere almost like a weed; however this one was a little different. The flower looked like a daisy but every petal was a different colour. He had come to call them rainbow petals, though he had never seen one quite like the one that Nona was holding out to Illa Diabolus. Amongst the coloured petals were three silver ones, they shimmered and gleamed as Nona handed the flower to Illa Diabolus.

Casta shivered involuntarily as an evil half smile appeared on the woman’s face when she accepted the flower from Nona and he tried hard to understand their conversation.

“Why sister such a special gift indeed. You know of this how?”

“My great grandfather.”

“Arrr…..Tobias.” Casta thought he saw the woman’s features soften for just a moment as she spoke the name. “Child…. he is with you still?”

Nona shook her head once. “We have been without him for some time.”

As the woman stroked the petals of the flower she asked Nona more questions. “Your grandfather Crispian and your father Matthias?”

“They still walk.”

“I must thank them for raising such a brave child.” Illa Diabolus fixed her dark eyes on Nona. “You know what it is you bring me child?”

Nona’s answer was short and direct. “Yes.”

Illa Diabolus placed the flower into the weaves of her garment. “Very well, ask for what it is you seek.”

“I wish to return to Collingens Locus with The Gift of Life to enable a healing.”

“For THIS one?!” Immediately the woman cast her dark gaze on Casta and he felt his will power seeping away. As hard as he tried not to give in he knew he would succumb to whatever she asked of him. At the same time wondering how being bonded to Nona was going to help when he heard the woman cry out in pain and her hold on his mind released. “Release the bond child and you shall have what you want.”

Nona carried on like nothing had changed while Casta tried to stop the ringing in his ears. “No. I do not come for him. I come on behalf of a sister.” Nona relaxed feeling Illa Diabolus probing her mind for the truth.

The woman smiled. “It is good you do not try to hide the truth from me. This trip was not by your choice I see. Then leave your bond for me and return to your home with help for your sister.”

Nona shook her head. “I will be leaving with both.”

Illa Diabolus thrust her hand out towards Nona and she fell to the ground clutching her chest. Casta had no choice but to fall to his knees. “I may not be able to kill you child but I can torment you within an inch of your life.”

Casta was shouting at Nona as she tried to breathe, feeling like Illa Diabolus had her hand wrapped around her heart. Just before she was about to pass out from the pain Illa Diabolus released her hold and Nona collapsed. Casta’s passion and anger got the better of him yet again as he started to shout at Illa Diabolus. In return the woman entered his mind but this time Casta could hear her speaking to him. “Release your bond and I promise I will torment her no longer.”

Before he knew what he was doing Casta’s hands were trying to undo the rope. A hard task with gloved hands. He saw Nona pull on the rope weakly and once more the woman screamed and again Casta was freed from her grasp. He helped Nona to her feet as he ranted at the woman. “I would gladly die for Nona you witch!”

He could see that Illa Diabolus was angry. “Release the bond and I will grant your wish!” As she spoke she thrust Nona in one direction and Casta in the other with such invisible force that the rope frayed. In his haste to get back to Nona, Casta got tangled in the rope and it broke, their bond was severed. Illa Diabolus thinking she had Casta all to herself thrust an enormous amount of energy towards him and for one brief moment Casta thought his life was over until Illa Diabolus clutched at her own head and screamed with pain looking first from Casta then to Nona.

Nona stood, stooping slightly from the pain in her chest and pulled on Casta’s shirt to show their second bond. “Torture me; make me so weak that I will have to crawl all the way back to Collingens Locus but this bond will never be broken. I will leave with the Gift of Life and Casta.”

Illa Diabolus began to laugh. “As you wish.” From another weave of her garment the woman produced at first what Casta thought was a large ruby. Yet inside it seemed to be moving, wisps of smoke maybe, small clouds? Holding it in one hand the woman sliced through the rock with her long finger nails like it was warm butter. A small sliver falling, drifting to the ground like a leaf in a gentle breeze. Illa Diabolus moved her hands over the sliver and it stopped falling, instead travelling towards Nona as she stood with her own hands held out ready to receive. Because they were still attached by her hair Casta felt the energy rush through him as soon as the small sliver touched her. Nona quickly wrapped it in a cloth, knowing that every second that it was in contact with her skin the energy would flow into her and be lost.

Nona bowed to Illa Diabolus. “Thank you.”

Casta was surprised to see the woman return the bow.

Nona spoke again. “May we have your permission to start our return journey?”

Again Illa Diabolus bowed to Nona. “Nona, your Grandfather….”

Nona gave the woman a sorrowful smile. “Yes Grandmother, I will speak of you with him, I promise.”

Casta was shocked, he had understood the word for Grandmother and Grandfather and hoped against hope he was wrong.

“And for your kindness my child I thank you.” Illa Diabolus waved her hand slowly as if to say goodbye and before Casta could think what had happened they found themselves at the bottom of the cliff face, never having climbed back down.

“Illa Diabolus, she, she is your grandmother?”

Nona sighed. “Yes.”

“The stories….It was your Great Grandfather that banished her? Dios mio en el cielo. (Good Lord in Heaven). His own daughter.”

Nona sighed and began to untie her hair from Casta’s belt changing the subject as it was not a discussion she wanted to have. “Remove you gloves Casta you will need them no longer.”

For a moment Casta looked at both his hands, he did not relish the pain he would suffer trying to get the gloves off but he did as he was told very surprised when the rush of pain did not arrive. He dropped the gloves to the ground amazed at what he saw. His fingers were completely healed. Looking back at Nona he spoke. “That is what I felt when you touched the piece of stone? It healed me.”

“Do you not feel better Casta?”

Casta had to admit that he did feel much, much better. Gone were the aches and pains from his body. He felt like he had the strength to climb Illa Diabolus Montem all over again.

Nona gave him a weak smile as she began to walk towards home. Now maybe he would understand why The Sempiternus was so important to her people.

Danny the American quarter if the singing group and Simeon the French, sat at a bench in the small park in the centre of the town no longer gaining curious stares from passers by having been accepted as part of the town’s people. No longer feeling self-conscious or exposed as they had on their arrival. Danny even returning a wave to a small child as he passed.

Sweeping his eyes across the town he allowed himself a small smile at his thoughts. Once they had realised they were no longer in their own world it was easier to deal with how the town looked. None of the buildings were higher than two storeys built from wood or the unusual crystal mined for a variety of uses. To Danny it looked like a town from the Wild West days of his own country yet with a refined civility and culture. Collingens Locus; the town’s name meaning gathering place was just that. People from other towns and villages would come to trade, gather news and before the gift of life was stolen they also came to be healed. He loved to watch the business of the daily life yet it never felt rushed. People helped others, towns helped towns. Collingens Locus was apparently one of the few towns which engaged in education, literature, music, theatre as well as its responsibility of crop growing and breeding the finest horses in all Aetrenum Saltus. Collingens Locus was also the bank for the villages and towns in the area. Not a money bank but rather the central storage place for goods and provisions. Once a town or village had provided for its own people the surplus would be sent to Collingens Locus for storage and then be dispensed to those who required anything. The people of Aetrenum Saltus had been living this way for a very long time and Danny wondered if they had been able to get back to their own world if it would be possible to show his people that they could live in peace and harmony. He sighed knowing that is was the people with the money to gain the power that made his world how it was. It may not be right and he may not like it nor did he ever think he would be in a position to change it. Yet some part of him missed it.

“Do you miss it Si?”

Simeon gave Danny a confused frown. “Miss what?”

“Home, our lives?”

Simeon sighed, it was a conversation they’d had many times before. “In the beginning, like we all did. When we thought there was some hope of returning. But now.” He paused. “I have made peace. This is not such a bad place to make a home Danny. I don’t have the answers you want, not all of them.” Again he paused and looked caringly at his friend. “Homesick?”

Danny shook his head. “Yes, no, not really it’s just with Quillion being ill. If we were at home we could help, the technology, the hospitals, the medication…”

Simeon gave his friend a sad knowing smile. “Maybe if our world had evolved like this one we would have no need for such things.” Simeon waved his arm in front of him. “Look at them Danny. Look at how they live. Look how they are taken care of and how they take care of each other. Isn’t this a more peaceful, harmonious way to live? Each tribe has a part to play in the well-being of all. Even knowing what we do about their past it does not seem that they have had too many conflicts and nothing that comes close to the wars of our own home.”

“But she is still sick Si and…” Danny’s voice trailed off and Simeon patted him gently on the back.

“And our mad Spanish friend has gone off to find the cure. If anything is going to upset the balance and harmony of this world it is Casta.”

A voice from behind startled them both. “It will take more than Casta to bring such devastation.” Matthias smiled at Danny. “Do not fret so my friend. If not for you and your brothers Quillion would have already passed from us. You may have arrived as strangers from a strange land but the gift you brought; Vocem Sanatores has not been seen here for many a generation. We had thought it a dead gift. Vocem Sanatores is a rare gift, a very rare gift and to find ourselves with four. No Danny even if Quillion does pass from us you gave all of us more than we can ever repay.”

“But that is just it Matthias. You call us Voice Healers but we are just singers. That is what we did at home we sang for people but we did not heal them.”

Matthias gave him a curious smile. “Are you so sure of that Danny?”

Matthias saw Simeon smile just a little. “Simeon, you smile, you think that maybe I am right in what I say?”

Simeon shrugged his shoulders. “Well we did get letters and messages from people telling us how our music helped them get through their day, through some hard times but we never physically healed anyone, not like we have here.”

Matthias placed his hand on Simeon’s shoulder. “A physical healing is not always what is required.” There was a slight pause in the conversation before Matthias spoke again. “Come my friends. Your assistance is needed.”

Immediately Danny stood tense and concerned. “Quillion?”

Matthias reassured him. “No Danny. Ulrick is by her side. She rests. I have spoken to him. He will stay with her until we return.”

This time Simeon gave him a curious look. “Return?”

“Yes my friend. An Elder from Petra Terra has asked for your assistance. I have already explained that only two of you are available and he has returned to his village with this information.”

The men were already walking through the town when Danny spoke again. “What happened Matthias?”

“Casus……..Accident. Some miners have been injured.” Matthias could see the worried look on both their faces. “No fato, no fatality.”

Simeon was still concerned. “Their Physicians could not help?”

Matthias gave them a weak smile. “Some, but I fear without your help it may not be enough. I don’t think Ekka would have come otherwise.”

Danny and Simeon looked at each other understanding just how serious a mine accident could be in their own world and wondering if they could indeed help.

Just as they got to the edge of town Matthias motioned to a man standing with three horses. “Good, good. Luca has our transport.”

Again Danny and Simeon looked at each other. It still took a little getting used to the fact that although Aetrenum Saltus was a peaceful place it was also devoid of any of the mod cons they were used to. No machines, no cars, no electricity. This was not to say that the people did without power. They had power; it was just nothing like they had ever seen before. No power plants, no wind turbines and they did not have to rape the land to find oil or gas for fuel. Petra Terra being the exception.

In the beginning Danny had mentioned it was like finding yourself in Middle Earth from Lord of The Rings. There was a harmony between people and nature, yet it was much more than this, it went deeper and there was something or someone certainly watching over all; people, beast and plant. The people spoke of Aetrenum Saltus as the spirit that watched over them but they also called their world Aetrenum Saltus. All four men had come to learn that there was a power at work they did not understand. Their own gifts of healing the biggest surprise.

Luca bowed to the men as he handed them each a rein to the horse they would be riding. Like the people of Aetrenum Saltus these animals had similar traits. Their eyes and the tips of their mane and tail were the same colour. Most horses were light or dark brown in colour with a black mane and tail, plus the unique coloured tips. However the horse that Danny was about to mount was called Tres, meaning three as it had several patches of white on its body making it look more like a cow than a horse. It was also a horse that none had been able to ride until Danny. Many of the town’s people had their own painful stories of trying to tame the wild beast that was Tres. It was while Danny was a spectator at one of these trainings when yet again the horse broke loose and headed straight for him that the miracle happened. Instead of running him down the horse came to complete stop only feet away from Danny and just looked at him. It was then that someone suggested that Danny sing to the beast. Which he had and a strange friendship had been borne. His three friends had tried to ride Tres, singing to the horse but the horse would let no other on his back. It had amused the town’s folk that the wild horse had picked a stranger with little riding skills as his master.

As Danny mounted the horse he could feel its body tense under him as if the animal knew the importance of their journey and was eager to get started.

Ulrick the Swiss quarter of the singing group took hold of Quillon’s hands as she stirred from her sleep. He had been at her bedside for most of the day, taking up his post just after dawn. As her eyes focused on him she gave him a weak smile; squeezing his hands gently. “You have been here all day. Are the others…”

Before she could finish Ulrick answered. “They are fine. Matthias has taken them to Petra Terra.”

Hearing the name of the mining town, concern covered her face as Quillion began to pull herself up the bed. The look of concern turned to one of pain and Ulrick began to hum as he helped her into a sitting position watching the tips of her hair gain some colour. Quillion relaxed and sighed, closing her eyes for just a moment. “I don’t think I will ever get used to that. How you can make me feel so much better.”

Ulrick sat back on the bed but kept hold of her hands. “Me either. I worry that I cannot do enough.”

This time she squeezed his hands with as much force as her weak body would allow. “Do not…..Do not ever think that. Ulrick, if you and your friends were to be taken from us this very day you have blessed my people so much more than we could imagine. Danny and Simeon are on their way to Petra Terra yes?”

Ulrick nodded.

Quillion smiled. “I fear if you and your friends had not been here Petra Terra would be grieving the loss of their kin not their possible healing. No Ulrick… you give us much more than we could possibly repay.”

“But I….None of us have been able to heal you. Fully heal you.”

“As with my illness Ulrick. We don’t know why it happens, we never know who will be afflicted and until your arrival we had no way of even slowing its progress.”

Ulrick went to say something but she put her fingers to his lips to keep him quiet. “I do know it is not because of who you are or where you came from. The stories from my people say that even the Vocem Sanatores that lived before did not know how to heal this illness .You ease the pain, for surely without your help I would not be able to endure a single day. By doing this for me you help my family. They do not worry so.”

For the first time in a while Ulrick saw the cheeky glint flash across her eyes. “Besides that crazy Casta is determined to do it all by himself.”

Ulrick was shocked. He had no idea that she knew his friend had gone off in search of her healing. “You know? But Matthias, Nona, they all say it is not possible.”

Quillion smiled. “I have a feeling that Casta does not know the meaning of impossible.”

Ulrick gave her a small smile. “True. If Casta wants to do something then it is no longer impossible.” Ulrick changed the subject; he did not want to dwell on the fact that this time Casta’s stubborn nature would not be enough. “Would you like to sit outside for a while?”

Quillion nodded her head and Ulrick began to sing softly giving her the strength to walk. His singing had side effects. While he settled Quillion into a chair outside the front of her house where she could watch the daily goings on of the town her garden came to life. Not that it was dead only that Ulrick’s singing seemed to give the plants a new strength and life; the colour of the flowers radiated a brightness that was hard to miss. 

Quillion smiled. “You do indeed have a rare gift Ulrick. Even my garden is happy to listen to you.”

“I am glad it approves.” Ulrick sat next to her quietly humming as those that passed stopped to say hello.

Each person that did so would leave with a new energy, a small healing if they were ill.


The Elders had explained the protocol for people who wished to seek the services of a Vocem Sanatore but Ulrick and his three companions had asked for a change in the rules. Each week they would hold a communal healing. To the four men this was something they were used to; a concert. They would sing for a few hours once a week and those who had an illness could come and listen and be healed. However if there was an emergency or an illness that could not wait for the weekly healing they would be happy to make themselves available. It had worked very well, however the town’s people had come to realise that spontaneous healings were also available as the four Vocem Sanatore had a habit of breaking out into song unexpectedly and even when they were engaged in other ventures they all seemed to hum or sing under their breath which had an effect on those around them. To the four men it had been unsettling in the beginning as it did not seem to matter what song they sang their voices healed people, helped the crops grow, ease someone’s sorrow. Simeon had even found out that when he was composing a song his powers worked once he began to sing even if he had not managed to write the song as he wanted and it was not music that healed. Nona had given him an instrument that looked similar to a guitar and he had practiced long and hard to be able to play it like the locals. He also noticed that just playing a chordaceum vox (stringed voice) did not heal. If they touched people while they sang this also seemed to help.


As Quillion greeted her neighbours and friends Ulrick sat at her side with his hand gently resting on hers, humming ever so softly and wondered what his companions were dealing with.

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Chapter 2

Casta was rapidly firing questions at Nona as they made their way home, so fast that she wasn’t able to answer one before he spat another one at her. She stopped walking and smiled knowing it would have the desired effect; Casta stopped talking. “Casta. You know of my family history, having a grandmother should be no surprise.”

Casta was not sure if she was just baiting him or that Nona seriously did not think that having Illa Diabolus as her grandmother was significant.

“Grandmother I understand but your history…. This she devil that was banished. I thought it was a long time ago.”

Nona raised her eye brows. “Yes. Have you forgotten that we live a longer life than your kind?”

Casta began to shake his head. “The stories, the legends…….”

Nona put her hand up to stop his ranting. “Casta….Like the sickness that afflicts Quillion, we have known about Illa Diabolus for many generations. We did not know, how, when or who it would be. All else was foretold.”

Casta was getting frustrated. “Then why was it not foretold how to defeat her so that people, Quillion do not have to suffer?”

“It was said that at the right time all would be revealed. Aetrenum Saltus protects us, guides us. For reasons we may not understand at the moment what has passed has passed.” Nona gave a little sigh and took hold of Casta’s hands. “I am sure that Aetrenum Saltus has given us what we need to defeat Illa Diabolus but we have yet to find it or understand it.” She pulled the small cloth from her pocket and showed it to Casta. “You have done a great thing Casta. You have given Quillion back her life.”

Casta was still frustrated. “But if your grandmother had not taken this from you in the first place Quillion may not have needed it.”

“How do I get you to understand that Quillion would still have the sickness but unlike now it would not kill her.” Nona placed the cloth back in her pocket. “With The Sempiternus we can restore the years that Quillion would have lost but she will still struggle with her illness. She will not be as strong as she once was.”

Casta sighed and they began to walk again. “So even if The Sempiternus was still with you people would still become ill?”

“I often wondered if that is why we no longer had any Vocem Sanatores. Because their gifts were not needed while The Sempiternus had a home in our town. Maybe the lesson we have to learn from all this that we should rely on each other, know that we can.” Nona gave a heavy sigh and Casta understood she was thinking deep and hard about her life. “Do you know that while The Sempiternus was with us people would come from so very far away for a healing even though their own Healers were well equipped to handle the situation? It was, is the only healing stone known to us and I expect that Aetrenum Saltus may have given it to us for a test. A test I think we failed.”

“But surely giving it to someone like your grandmother….”

“It was not given Casta, she stole it.”

“But your guardian, he, she, it….Did nothing to stop her.”

Again Nona sighed. “As I said before Casta, we do not understand all.” She paused. “Did you ever consider that Aetrenum Saltus brought you and your friends to us?”

Casta stumbled as the thought rested in his mind.


Ekka was waiting for Matthias, Simeon and Danny with several of the town’s youth ready to take their horses. As Tres’ reins were handed over to a young boy the horse began to get restless, pulling back on the reins as it began to step backwards. Danny placed his hand on the horses shoulder and it immediately came to a standstill; however it did not take its eyes off the boy. “Hey there my friend. You have brought me here to help these people.” The horse snorted with what looked like an understanding. “This young man only wants to help as well by looking after you while I am doing that.” The young boy nodded his head. “See. I am sure if you go with him he will have a few treats, maybe a nice apple.” With that the young boy pulled an apple from his pocket to show the horse.

“Now look at that, he was thinking of you even before you arrived.”

Tres grunted and took a step forward and to his credit the young boy did not move. Danny smiled “You can let go of the reins, Tres will follow you and behave; you have no need to tie him down.”

As if knowing what Danny was saying the horse moved closer to the boy as he dropped the reins, sniffing the apple in his still outstretched hand before ever so gently taking it. The other men just looked on amazed as the horse finished the apple and nudged the boy as if to say “Okay let’s go.” and it followed quietly behind as if it was an everyday occurrence.

Ekka patted Danny on the back as they began to quickly walk to the infirmary set up not far from the mine and in halting English spoke. “I hope that you can do as much for the miners Healer.”

Danny gave him a weak smile, after three years he was still getting used to being called Healer. “I promise I will.” He shot a look at Simeon. “We will do all we can.”


Danny and Simeon stood at the entrance to a large tent both wondering what they would see once inside. Instinctively they both began to hum. Danny flashed a look to his friend and Simeon gave him a smile. “We should walk the full length of the tent as we sing, giving those who are not too bad a chance to heal.”

Danny smiled. “Your new song Simeon, if they understand the words it might help a little more.”

The two men nodded to each other and once again began to hum as Danny threw back the entrance flap to the tent. As they stepped inside the sight almost stopped them in their tracks. Danny looked back to Ekka while Simeon continued to hum. “So many?”

Ekka could see the shock in his eyes and took his arm gently trying to help Danny but he found it hard to translate into the English that Matthias’ people used with the Healers so as he spoke Matthias translated. “He says there were two accidents. The second caught the rescuers as well.”

This time Simeon stopped humming waiting for the answer to Danny’s question. “Did they all get out?”

Before Ekka spoke they all knew the answer.

Danny’s voice trembled. How many stuck? Are they still alive?”

Again through Matthias, Ekka gave his reply. “Three and yes they were still alive. People are trying to get to them.”

Danny looked to Simeon. “We do this then we need to get to the mine and help if we can.”

Simeon nodded and both men broke into song as they moved from the front of the tent to the very back. As they did everyone in the tent felt the calm, warmth of their powers wash over them. Those that had been attending to the injured watched as cuts and bruises began to disappear. Even Ekka looked down at his own hand as the wound on his palm began to heal. Danny and Simeon walked up and down the aisle several times until the song ended and then picked another song to sing before returning to the rear of the tent where it was clear the most seriously injured had been taken. They did not pay much attention to the quiet commotion going on in the rest of the tent as people got up from their beds fully healed and Ekka trying to get them to leave.


Both Danny and Simeon saw a young girl kneeling next to a bed, holding the hand of the unconscious man occupying it. Looking at her tear streaked face almost undid Danny. Simeon feeling the same whispered to his friend. “We can do this Danny. We have to.”

Danny took a deep breath and knelt at the other side of the bed, looking into the girls eyes. “Your father?”

When she did not answer Simeon used the language more familiar to her. “Patrem vestrum?”

This time she nodded. “Ubera.”

“Yes Danny it is her papa.”

Before Danny or Simeon could ask any more questions Matthias joined them. “Ekka says this man has internal injuries and a concussion and has become weaker since arriving. They fear he will pass before morning.”

Simeon knelt down beside Danny and placed his hands on the man’s stomach while Danny placed a hand on his forehead and they both began to sing. Neither man knowing if it was too late; their healing skills had never been tested on such wounds.

They had sung three songs before the man under their touch groaned. In those three songs others in the tent had been healed but had stayed to watch. Danny and Simeon looked to each other willing their patient to open his eyes. The young girl reciting the same word over and over again in tearful gulps. “Ubera, Ubera...”

The man groaned gain and this time he spoke but so faintly they almost did not hear him. “Stomachum laedit….”

Neither Danny nor Simeon needed a translation as Danny’s hands moved down to rest next to Simeon’s and they kept singing. It was two more songs before anything else seemed to happen when the men uttered a single word. “Zu’zan?”

And the young girl jumped up so she could hug her father around the neck. “Etiam Ubera hic sum. Hic sum.” (Yes papa I’m here, I’m here).

She kissed him on the cheek as he raised his arm to cuddle her. “Angeli mihi cantare?” (Angels sing to me).

Matthias quickly explained to the man about Danny and Simeon; who were still singing quietly over him. It was only then he opened his eyes. Firstly looking into the face of his daughter and smiling. Then looking to the other side of his bed at the two men who had saved his life. “Bene facis, Bene facis.”

Danny and Simeon stopped singing and stood, smiling knowing their work on this man was done as his eyes and the tips of his hair radiated with more colour. .


Before they could decide on who to help next a woman pulled on Simeon’s sleeve to draw him over to another bed. As Danny was about to follow the young girl rushed to him and silently wrapped her arms around him. It was then that Danny realised the implications of what they had done. Saved a life; stopped a young girl from losing her father. Danny shuddered just a little as he knelt down to return her hug, a small tear escaping from his own eyes as he did.

At the next bed a man lay groaning. When the woman they assumed to be his wife pulled back the blanket they saw the reason for his pain. His legs were completely crushed. Considering his injuries both men thought he should have been in much more pain. The woman began to talk to Matthias so rapidly that neither Simeon nor Danny recognised any of her words and had to wait for the translation. “She says he stopped screaming when you began to sing.”

Danny looked over at the last two beds.  Even if they had not been able to heal the injuries they had at least eased the suffering. When Danny looked to his friend, Simeon had the same worried look in his eyes not knowing if they could heal the crushed legs.


Once more kneeling down at either side of the bed Simeon placed his hands on one leg while Danny did the same to the other and once more they began to sing. Just after they started their second song something beneath the man’s tattered trousers began to move; ever so slightly at first and with this movement the man’s groans increased. Danny and Simeon moved so they could keep one hand on his legs and place the other on his head. It was as if he fainted at their touch. Looking back to his legs Matthias and his wife gasped at what they saw. His legs began to rebuild themselves, muscle and tissue mending, bones aligning and cracking back into place then the breaks healing all the while Danny and Simeon kept singing. Once the healing of the legs was complete they all noticed the colour at the tips of man’s hair take on a more vibrant colour. With this sign Danny and Simeon stopped singing and began to stand, both men fell back to their knees. Matthias rushed to Danny and Ekka rushed for Simeon.

Danny shot a look at his friend as they tried to stand again helped by Matthias and Ekka. “Do you feel as weak as I do?”

Simeon rested on Ekka’s shoulder as he guided him to an empty bed and sat him down. “Maybe this healing gift is finite Danny. We have used all we had.”

They both looked to Matthias for an answer who began talking before he had Danny seated on another bed. “I do not know. You are not from our blood so it could be but the Healers that came before never lost their gift.” He looked over the beds and patients. “Maybe you just need to rest. I have never known a Healer to work such magic before. For this is surely what you have done.”

Danny and Simeon stared at Matthias in stunned silence. “The most we had hoped for by bringing you here was to ease the pain of these men. I know of no other Vocem Sanatore who had the power to bring a body back from such devastation.”

Danny stood he was so shocked. “Then how did we do this?”

Matthias shrugged his shoulders. “Maybe because you did not expect there to be a limitation to your healing there is none.

Simeon sighed. “The way I am feeling we might just have reached it.”

Ekka said something to Matthias and again Matthias translated. “He wants to know if you can heal yourselves?”

Both men shook their heads as Danny explained. “No… we have been able to heal each other, we experimented but we cannot heal our own wounds.”

Matthias gave a heavy sigh. “I hope that by bringing you here we did not waist such a precious gift from Aetrenum Saltus.”

Somewhere deep down his gut feeling was telling Danny that they could still heal, they just needed a little time to recover. If they could sing, they could heal. That is what made sense to him and that his what he told Simeon and the others. And because they had done so much healing in close proximity to the last two men a lot of the work had already been done. One man even sitting up in bed declaring he was ready to go back to the mine and help the rescue. That was until he put his full weight on his leg and collapsed. Simeon rushed to him and without thinking put his hands on the leg and began to sing only to find Danny’s hand next to his own moments later and their voices merging. By the time they had healed the man Danny and Simeon were visibly shaking from their ordeal, totally exhausted. Neither one would recall being helped to a bed to rest, only waking several hours later when a young boy raced into the tent with news that they had pulled a man out of the mine but it had collapsed again.

Danny spoke as he rose from the bed. “How bad is the man they pulled out?”

The look on Ekka’s face was enough, they needed no translation. Danny and Simeon were headed out the tent before anyone could stop them. Matthias caught up to them. “Your strength has returned?”

Simeon and Danny gave each other a quick look before they both nodded. In fact they still felt weak. The sleep had revived them but both still felt weary. However they knew they needed to help and help they would even if it meant draining ever last ounce of healing power they possessed.


As they reached the mouth of the mine at least a dozen pair of worried eyes looked back at them. Danny and Simeon were about to start to sing when Matthias shook his head. “These men are not injured” he pointed to the three men lying just off to the side. “But there are another five trapped inside.”

Both Simeon and Danny looked from the mine to the three unconscious men. Danny gave Simeon a tentative smile. “You ready for an encore?”

Simeon nodded and even before they reached the three men they both began to sing. As had happened at the infirmary the effect of their singing touched all who heard. All but a few went back to trying to clear the mouth of the mine in the hopes of rescuing their friends. Danny and Simeon watched for the tell-tale sign of recovery and stopped singing when each man’s hair colour got stronger. The men may have been stronger; however Danny and Simeon weren’t so lucky, both feeling even more drained but knowing there could possibly be five more healings ahead of them.

As they walked back to the site of the rescue they could hear what sounded like an argument and unable to get anyone to explain the situation to them they began to hum and then sing bringing the tension and anxiety levels of all within ear shot down and the argument to an end.

Once it was completely silent Danny directed his question to the man who seemed to be in charge of the rescuers. “What has happened?’

The man spoke and again Matthias translated what Danny and Simeon did not understand. “They say it is hopeless. Every time they get close there is another cave in. They are trying to shore up the walls but …”

Danny sighed. “Are they still alive?”

The team leader tried to speak in the language that Danny could understand taking time to make sure he used the right words and getting a nod from Matthias. “They are.. …….but not for much …not long.” He gestured to the entrance to the mine. “We dig it falls. Too many falls, they not survive.” The man looked back to Matthias and began to tell him what they were trying to do. After he had the full story Matthias made his way to where Danny and Simeon had gone to sit, out of the way. They would be of no help until the men were rescued and needed to rest. Matthias knew both men were weary and had they had the colour tipped hair of his people he would have known just how much of their strength they had sacrificed to save so many. He sat down beside them with a heavy sigh and a heavy heart. “A’Vel said they are going to try and cut a tunnel through the centre, just enough for them to crawl through. It seems to be the only way left without causing more collapse.”

Simeon just looked out into the night as he asked his question. “Will it work?”

Matthias had no answer, no one knew.


After several hours the rescuers had not got as far as they had hoped and time was running out for their friends trapped on the other side. As Danny stood at the entrance to the mine he could see the despair written all over A’vel’s face. He could also see their progress or lack of it and in his mind he could see what they needed, wanting with all that he had to help. Danny had no idea he had been leaning on the exterior wall to the mine with his eyes closed almost praying until several men that had been digging the tunnel scurried back out expecting a cave in. The commotion jogged him from his thoughts, opening his eyes startled to see Simeon standing in front of him.

The hairs on the back of Danny’s neck began to prickle. Every miner, every person at the site was looking at him. Even Matthias was looking at him with a stunned, almost fearful look on his face. Danny looked to his friend. “What happened Si?”

Simeon placed his hand caringly on Danny’s arm. “I think you did my friend.”

“I don’t understand?”

“What were you thinking about just then?”

“The miners of course why?”

“No, exactly what were you thinking?”

Danny was getting a little frustrated but decided it was better to answer. “Well if you want to know I was thinking that we needed a tunnel right through the middle of that mess a lot faster than it is happening. Why?”

“Come and look.”

Danny followed Simeon through the still quiet crowd to the middle of the entrance to the mine; at first not knowing what he was supposed to be looking at. “Okay Simeon I am looking.”

“Danny look at how far the tunnel goes.”

It took Danny’s eyes a few seconds to adjust then he smiled. “They got a lot further than I thought they had.”

“No Danny they didn’t. The extra work was you.” Danny went to protest but Simeon stopped him. “I was right here watching them work when it happened Danny. The men came out because they thought it was going to collapse but instead the tunnel grew. As if stretching all by itself. I was about to shout to you to come and see but….Danny I think you have more than healing powers.”

Now Danny was indignant. “Don’t be ridiculous Simeon.”

Danny never finished before Matthias cut him off. “Danny, however, whatever you did you made that tunnel grow further than we have been able to get. There is no other explanation.”

The crowd began to murmur and the look that Danny gave Matthias and Simeon was that of a dubious man. “It wasn’t me.”

Simeon smiled a little. “Deep down you know it was Danny. For the sake of those trapped would you at least try again?”

“But. I didn’t do anything I was just thinking that we needed to get to those men.”

“Then think of it again my friend and help them.”

Danny took a deep breath, closed his eyes and concentrated on what he wanted to happen………and nothing happened. “See, it wasn’t me.”

Matthias stepped forward. “Danny please, do everything as you did before.”

Danny was about to protest when he saw the look in Simeon’s eyes. Even if it wasn’t him they needed to show the people that they had tried everything they could. Once more Danny sighed and was just about to close his eyes when he stopped, looked around and then went back to the wall he had been resting on earlier. It was the only thing he could think of that was different. Once more he closed his eyes, placed his hands on the wall and thought of the tunnel getting to the trapped men. The gasps of disbelief from the crowd are what stopped him. Again he found Simeon looking straight into his eyes. They spoke no words just walked back to the entrance where Danny could see that the tunnel had indeed grown in length. His voice weak and quiet as he spoke to Simeon. “How?”

For his part Simeon shrugged his shoulders then saw the change in Danny’s expression. “If I can then maybe you can. Please Simeon give it a try.”

It had never entered Simeon’s head that he may be able to do the same thing but if he tried and could not at the very least they knew that Danny could help them.


Like Danny he took a deep breath, stepped up to the entrance of the mine and placed his hands on the wall as he closed his eyes and thought of the tunnel reaching the trapped men. For a moment nothing seemed to happen then he felt the rock beneath his hands change. If he was asked to put the experience into words he would not have been able to. It was almost like he became part of it, knowing it like he knew his own body. Simeon was so immersed in the experience he did not notice the gasps from the others or that Danny had gone to the other side of the opening and was doing the same thing.

Matthias, Ekka and A’Vel stood at the centre of the entrance watching the tunnel grow and grow with the rest of the rescuers watching from behind them all praying that it would reach the five trapped men.


Just as the tunnel broke through the rubble at the other end and they got sight of the trapped men Danny faltered and fell to his knees and the tunnel stopped. Simeon was at Danny’s side in an instant. “Rest my friend. Hopefully I will have enough strength left to make the whole big enough.” He looked down the length of the tunnel. “It looks stable enough.”

Danny looked up into Simeon face, so weak his vision blurry. Only nodding his head to let Simeon know he had heard him.

As Simeon began to stand he stumbled and A’Vel caught him. “You cannot do this alone. You show us they live. We can finish.”

Simeon shook his head. “Matthias I can’t explain but I know if they start digging the tunnel will collapse. I have to open a hole for them to get out. Can you explain to them? Get them to be ready at the other end. I don’t know how long I will be able to keep going.”

Matthias nodded and began to translate to A’Vel and his men while Simeon went back to his post and began to concentrate once more. As he did the hole began to appear but it was too small for any man to fit through. Then all of a sudden the hole widened and the rescuers rushed to make sure each man was safe as they hurried back down the tunnel.

The extra surge of energy had come from Danny. Although too weak to stand he was sitting at the entrance to the tunnel with his hands on the wall concentrating so hard that his nose began to bleed.

As the shouts of joy filtered to his ears Danny opened his eyes and smiled weakly before he collapsed into unconsciousness.

Simeon slid down the wall all his energy spent. A’Vel and a few of his men had gone to see if he was alright while Ekka and Matthias attended to Danny. It was then that they all heard the rumble, knowing that there was another cave in about to happen; only managing to pull Danny and Simeon from the mouth of the mine before it completely collapsed.

Everyone looked to the mine and then to the two unconscious Healers wondering if it had been their powers that had stopped the cave in. One that would have surely trapped the five men forever.

A’Vel voiced the question no one wanted to hear. “The Healers…….They will recover?”

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Chapter 3

Ulrick stood from his seat next to Quillion with the intention of taking their cups back into the house. It had been a lovely night and Quillion had wished to stay outside for as long as possible. Only Ulrick did not stride into the house he fell, managing to hold himself up by the doorframe, dropping the cups as he felt his energy leaving him. Quillion stood by his side worried. “What is it Ulrick?”

Ulrick went to answer but only managed to groan before he fell to the floor. Quillion shouted for help as loud as she could and thankfully her neighbours came running.

Between the neighbours they managed to get Ulrick to Quillon’s bed.

Nava was not a neighbour but had been talking his evening walk when he had heard the commotion.

“Quillion, the Healer has contracted your illness?”

Quillion shook her head. “No, he was well then just collapsed.”


Ulrick had in fact collapsed at the same time as Simeon and Danny. If truth be told he had been feeling tired most of the day but put it down to the attention he was giving Quillion.


Nona had noticed that Casta had become much quieter the closer they got to the town. He had fallen back several times and was struggling to keep up with her. “Casta we can rest, sleep overnight, start again tomorrow.”

Casta shook his head. “No we are close, I am just tired.”

Nona was concerned, after the healing of the stone Casta should have felt invigorated, which he had in the beginning but is was as if something was sapping that energy from him little by little. “We have another hour before we reach the boundary.”Casta nodded and kept walking.

By the time they got to the boundary Casta wasn’t at all sure he would make it back to the town. He thought of asking Nona to go on alone to help Quillion and he would rest and join her later. He also remembered what Nona had said about not being allowed back without their gift. “What now? Can’t we just keep going?”

Nona shook her head then pointed to the only recognition of the boundary. Two black rocks at either side of the road they had been travelling. “Put you hand over the boundary.”

As he did Casta was given a shock, surprised he pulled his hand back as quickly as he could. “How do we get home? I have been down this road before and that has never happened.”

“You have to understand Casta that Aetrenum Saltus protects us. Somehow the boundary keeps much of the evil out. You left that safety to go to a place of great evil. We need to show that we have returned with the gift, with hearts and souls unchanged from our journey.”

“What if it decides we have changed?”

“Then we do not pass.”

Nona took the cloth from her pocket and opened it to reveal the sliver of the Gift of Life. Placed it on the ground and recited what to Casta sounded like a prayer in Latin.

A few moments later Casta detected a slight shimmer between the rocks like a heat haze had appeared then just as quickly disappeared. Nona replaced the cloth back in her pocket and motioned to Casta that they could now move forward.

He was a little nervous and once again put his hand across the boundary. Nothing happened, so he smiled at Nona and stepped over the threshold. Once passed he looked back to her still smiling, holding out his hand helping her to cross some unseen obstacle. Suddenly the smile disappeared; Casta groaned, stumbled and fell to the ground heavily. Nona rushed to his side, pulling him over so she could see his face. “Casta!”

Nona literally wailed when she heard Casta’s last weak words before he slipped into unconsciousness. “Look after Quill.”

“No!” She thought for some reason that he had been allowed to pass back over the boundary but that the Aetrenum Saltus was not permitting him to go further and he was dead. It took her a few moments to work through her grief to realise that Casta was still breathing. She watched his chest rise and fall several times before she was happy that what she saw was not an illusion. Casta was alive.

Now she had a decision to make; Leave him and get back to Quillion as fast as she could and return with help. Or………. Stay with him during the night in the hopes that he may wake. She chose to stay with Casta. If some other traveller came their way well and good but for now she had to make them comfortable for the rest of the night.

Nona left Casta where he was until she found a suitable resting place. Thankfully it was not too far from the road. Nona was much stronger than she looked but pulling Casta’s dead weight wrenched on her muscles.

Once she had him settled she pulled the cloth out of her pocket opening it to look at the small piece of the Gift of Life, then back to Casta. She was sure if she used it he would recover but the instant she thought about it she knew what Casta would say and he would not be happy that she had waisted Quillon’s healing on him, so she returned it to her pocket and prayed. “If only one of your brothers was with you, he would be able to help you.”

If she had known what had happened to the others Nona may have elected to travel the rest of the way home instead of waiting.


Just as dawn touched the forest something stirred Nona from her fitful sleep. The first thing she did was check on Casta to find that he was awake. “I thought…. I thought.” She did not finish as Casta smiled at her and tried to sit.

He was still so weak he needed her help and it surprised him how easy it was for her to get him sat and settled with his back against the tree she had been resting against. “Do you know what happened?”

Casta shook his head. “All I know is that I felt like my strength was being drained as we walked but then whatever I had left was pulled from me and I could do nothing to stop it. Nona, you need to leave me here and get the healing to Quillion.”

Before he had finished she was already shaking her head. “You have to. If this has happened to the others she will be without help. Send someone back for me. If I gain my strength I will continue but you need to go….Now.”

Deep down she knew he was right, if the others were ill then there was no one to help Quillion. “I’ll get you closer to the road before I go. That way if someone passes they will see you. “

Casta sighed, he wasn’t even sure if his legs would carry him the short distance to the road and they didn’t. He had taken about six steps before he collapsed and then found himself in Nona’s arms as she carried him the rest of the way. He was embarrassed but said nothing knowing he would only make Nona feel the same if he did.


After she had him settled closer to the road she ran back to their overnight camp site to recover their belongings. Once back by his side she left him with most, only taking a small amount of water for herself. Casta had protested, not as passionately as he normally did but protest he did. However Nona convinced him that it was all she needed.

Nona knelt down so close to Casta he could feel her sweet breath on his face as she looked into his eyes and promised him she would return as soon as she could. What she did next surprised him so much that by the time he came to his senses she was gone. She had kissed him.


On their trip back from Illa Diabolus Nona had kept a pace that was easy for Casta. Now, unencumbered she put all her power into running. The trip back to her home would take a third of the time and Nona hoped that would make the difference.


Luca was patiently training a horse when his attention drifted to the road and he saw someone running towards him. It took a minute to realise it was Nona and she was alone. At that moment it felt like his heart had been wrenched from his body. No Casta meant that their quest had failed. May be that was why Ulrick was ill? And if that was so did that mean the same aliment had afflicted Danny and Simeon? Luca forgot about the horse and rushed to meet Nona.

Nona stopped as they reached each other, shaking from the exertion she had placed on her body, gasping for air so she could talk but Luca beat her to it. “Casta he failed?”

Nona shook her head.

Luca was stunned “But?” he looked past her down the road. “He is coming yes.”

Again she shook her head but had enough air in her lungs to speak. “He fell ill last night. He woke this morning and I left.”

Luca got hold of her shoulders. “Ulrick, he is also ill. I thought. I thought when I did not see Casta that he was dead and this was why Ulrick.” Dropping his hands from her shoulders he grabbed one of her hands and began to pull Nona into town. “You need to get to Quillon’s. Ulrick is the only Healer in town the others….”

Before he could finish Nona pulled him to an abrupt halt. “What about the others. Danny and Simeon?”

Luca sighed. “Ekka came; Matthias took them to Petra Terra, mine accident. We thought at first Ulrick had collapsed because he had been with Quillion all day but now you say Casta. What if the others have fallen ill, not been able to help the miners?”

It was Nona’s turn to grab hold of Luca and drag him behind her as she raced to Quillion.


As Nona burst though Quillion’s front door with Luca hot on her heels there was a hushed murmur of surprise from those in the house. Nava and several neighbours had stayed with Quillion after Ulrick fell ill and their first impression was that Casta had failed. As Nona continued into the bedroom Luca stayed behind to give them all the information he had before dashing away again to organise people to search of Casta.


As Nona knelt next to Quillion watching her sleep it was obvious by how much she had faded just what impact the Healers had on her health. She had been less than a day without one of them by her side and she was so much worse. As Nava and the others huddled around the door Nona took the cloth from her pocket and without touching it let the small piece of the Gift of Life slide off and onto Quillion’s forehead. Nona lent in a little closer and whispered. “He made it sister. Our mad, passionate Healer made it.” She kissed Quillion on the cheek and watched and waited.


For such a long time t nothing happened but just as Nona thought to move the Gift of Life it simply disappeared like it had been absorbed into Quillion’s body.

Nona kept her eyes on Quillion’s face but the first thing she noticed was the change in the colour of her hair. The tips went from a pale, faded, grey/white back to a strong, deep, ocean blue. Quillion stirred and as she opened her eyes Nona could see the change. A smile spread across Nona’s face. “Hello sister. How do you feel?”

Quillion lay, not moving checking her body, waiting for the pain to start but it didn’t. She felt renewed, full of an energy she thought lost forever. Smiling back at Nona she took her hand. “He did it, he said he would and he did.” Quillion looked passed everyone then back to Nona with a worried look on her face. “He is not here?”

Nona squeezed her hand. “No. I had to leave him.” Nona could see the worry in her eyes and hurried to tell her what had happened before Quillion came to the same conclusion that Luca had.

“But Nona that is the same time that Ulrick fell ill. Danny and Simeon. What if?” She did not finish, thinking of Ulrick and proceeded to get out of bed as if she had never been ill.

Those around her not sure if she would have the strength to make the trip to Ulrick’s home so soon after being healed. Nona went to help her but there was no need.

“I am of good heath my friends. I want to make sure Ulrick is recovering.”

Nava cleared his throat to get her attention. “He is awake, still weak but he is awake. I would be happy to take you to him.”

Quillion nodded and then looked to Nona and before saying anything gave her a hug, whispering in her ear while they were close. “Thank you my sister. I know without you Casta would not have survived.”

Breaking the hug Nona once again looked into her eyes. “Are you sure you are ready for this. I can go, see how Ulrick is and return?”

Quillion nodded. “I am sure. First Ulrick then we need to get a group organised to find Casta.” Quillion looked to her neighbours. “Thank you all so much for everything that you have done for me.”

As they walked to Ulrick’s home Nava told Quillion that Luca had already organised a search party and left to collect Casta.

Quillion was grateful for the news but her heart was still heavy. “What of the miners? If Danny and Simeon have the same illness?” She glanced at Nava. “Does Ulrick know about Casta?”

Nava nodded. “Yes and came to the same conclusion we all have about Danny and Simeon. He wanted to go after them but collapsed again. Sadly if they have fallen ill there is nothing more we can to for the miners that has not already been done by their own people.”


Quillion entered Ulrick’s home first announcing their arrival as the others followed, finding Ulrick in his bedroom asleep. She touched him gently on the cheek and waited for him to stir. As his eyes opened and focused on the person next to him he smiled. “You look wonderful. How do you feel?”

“I am well. I don’t know how to thank you or your brothers, Casta.”

Ulrick struggled to sit up and both girls went to help. Like Casta he kept forgetting just how strong they were and the fact that Quillion actually had that much strength warmed his heart. “No thanks needed. I am just glad that you are healed, that Casta succeeded.” He looked to Nona and gave her a slight bow of his head. “I know you were not happy about him going off like that Nona and I thank you for keeping him safe.”

“We will have to wait until he returns to see just how safe I did keep him.”

Ulrick offered his hand to Nona as he spoke. “Whatever this is Nona it was not of your doing. You kept that crazy Spaniard from getting killed and you saved Quillion.” He paused, dropping her hand and lowering his gaze. “I guess now we wait for word about Danny and Simeon.”


Danny and Simeon had remained unconscious, the only sign that they lived; the rise and fall of each man’s chest. One of the nurses from the infirmary had cleaned the blood from Danny’s face and it felt like the whole town was assembled watching, waiting, wondering what had happened.

Ekka, Matthias and A’Vel had hoped that the men would regain consciousness but night had turned into day and that day was quickly becoming night and still they did not wake. Matthias’ voice was tempered with sadness. “If they do not wake by morning we will take them back. The other Healer will be able to help. I am sure of it.”

With the decision made people began to return to their homes, leaving volunteers to watch over Danny and Simeon to raise the alarm should they wake.


Come sunrise nothing had changed except that Matthias stood looking down the road that led into Petra Terra watching a man riding towards him.

Nava had volunteered to make the trip in the hopes that the two Healers had not been afflicted and they could return to help Casta and Ulrick. Matthias’ first thoughts when he recognised Nava was that he was coming with news of Casta’s returned which meant that Quillion would have her healing. Matthias took hold of the horse’s reins as Nava dismounted. “You bring news of Casta?”

“Yes and of Ulrick. I fear all the news is not as you would expect.” Matthias could feel his stomach tighten waiting to hear that Casta had failed. “Casta was successful, Quillion has recovered but I fear it came at a high cost. Casta fell ill and Nona had to return on her own.” Nava could see Matthias about to protest so put his hand up to stop any questions. “Luca and others have gone to get him but that is not all. Ulrick also fell ill. We fear a connection and I have come to see if Danny and Simeon can return.”

The shock of the news made Matthias stumble as they walked towards the infirmary. “Nava, this news you bring is overwhelming considering what I have to tell you.”

By the time the two men had reached the tent and Matthias swung back the entrance flap Nava had paled even before he saw the two Healers laid out before him. “I fear Nava that the connection goes much deeper. I fear it is because of what these two Healers did that the others suffer.”

“Matthias, Casta and Ulrick are conscious, weak but conscious. Maybe there is hope. If we can get these two home.”

Matthias gave his friend a weak smile. “We made the decision last night to transport them home today but I had expected Ulrick to be able to help. Now I am no longer sure.” He paused for a moment. “I have never known a Healer to do what these two did last night. I only hope they have not lost their gifts or their lives because of it.”

Nava could feel this friend’s pain. “I cannot answer Matthias. Once they are home and all four are together maybe then we will know.”

Ekka came to stand with them. “The carts are ready but Danny’s horse refused to be tethered. We may have to leave the beast here for another time.”

Matthias gave a subdued huff. “Let the horse loose Ekka. It will do as it wants without the Healer as a calming influence.

Ekka nodded. “I shall bring the carts; we shall be ready to leave soon.”


A’Vel and several other miners helped to load Danny and Simeon into the carts which had been made as comfortable as possible for the unconscious Healers.

A’Vel and Ekka took charge of the one that held Simeon while Nava and Matthias the one with Danny.

As they were about to leave there was a commotion from behind and the young boy who Danny had charged with looking after Tres was shouting and running trying to catch the disobedient horse. As Tres came up alongside the cart that held Danny the horse snorted, lowered its head and then gently nudged Danny by the shoulder. The others watched as it repeated the process and then just stood by the cart.

Matthias gave the order to move out; as they did Tres followed by Danny’s side. “The Healer most certainly has hidden talents. A Vocem Sanatores, a calmer of horses and A Particularum Ligans, (Elemental Binder.) I wonder if his brothers are gifted the same?”

Nava did not answer his travelling companion. If the Healers did not recover it would make no difference what their gifts had been.


It was a slow trip back and not once did Danny or Simeon stir. A few times Tres had nudged Danny and once moved to Simeon and did the same.

By the time they reached the outskirts of the town Luca and Nona were waiting for them. When they saw the carts their worst fears sprang to the surface. Nona’s eyes did not leave her father’s not wanting to look into the cart. “Father they did not survive?”

Matthias shook his head. “Yes my child, though I know not how we are to help them if Nava tells the truth.”

“Casta and Ulrick take rest in the Healing Hall. They are still weak yet they have both sung for people today and it did not  harm them.”

Matthias motioned the horses to continue. “Then possibly there is hope.”


Once the people of Collingens Locus realised that they had Voice Healers in their midst they set about building them a place for that very purpose. Their Healing Hall was next to the town’s equivalent of a local government building. All the buildings and homes in the town were built from the crystal they mined or wood from fallen trees. The people would never consider cutting down a live tree to make a home. Because they thought of Healers as closer to nature the Healing Hall had been made of wood.

In the beginning to Simeon, Ulrick, Danny and Casta it felt more like a quirky hospital ward with eight comfortable chairs at the far end where the Healers could take their rest as well as perform healings. Closer to the entrance were ten beds for those not well enough to sit. The Healers did not use it as much as they had now that they had their weekly concerts but the people knew if any one of the Healers was in the hall they would not turn any away.

It was the first two of these ten beds that Ulrick and Casta occupied. During the day they had gained more strength but not enough to stand for any length of time, they had also tried to heal each other by singing. It had worked but not enough to fully recover. The first time they tried neither had been able to finish a song before their voices strained and they could not sing. After resting they had tried once more making it through a whole song before needing to recuperate. It was then on Ulrick’s suggestion that they thought it would be a good idea to bring any of the town’s people who were ill to them. No point in wasting a good song.

As it turned out several children had been hurt playing. So as the two Healers once again sang they each held a child in their arms. The Healers got stronger and the children recovered.


Ulrick and Casta had been resting between songs when the others arrived. Many of the town’s people had followed the carts to the Healing Hall but only those carrying Simeon and Danny, Nona and Luca entered the hall.

Ulrick and Casta were stunned at how pale the other two looked. As Matthias and the men got them settled Nona came to kneel between Casta and Ulrick and explained what had happened. Ulrick shuffled up the bed a little more than he already had. “I do not understand how if they were so weak. How could they sing enough to be able to make a tunnel?”

Matthias had come to stand by Nona and was shaking his head before Ulrick had finished speaking. “They did not sing my friend; they only thought of what they wished to happen and touched the walls.”

Casta looked to Ulrick. “If this is so maybe we can help them the same way.”

Both men began to get out of bed, still weak but determined to help their friends. Nona caught hold of Casta and sat him back down as he stumbled while Matthias did the same for Ulrick. “Their actions made them very weak and they must have drawn on some of your gifts and made you weak also.” He pointed to Danny and Simeon. “They rest. I suggest you rest also. Tomorrow will be soon enough.”

Before either man could protest Matthias continued. “Please my friends, tomorrow. I do not want four unconscious Healers with no way of helping.”

Nona squeezed Casta’s hand so he brought her hand to his mouth and kissed it. “We will wait if this is what you wish.” Casta looked to Ulrick. “Wont we?”

Ulrick bowed his head in confirmation but he was not happy about it. Just as he was about to put himself back to bed so he didn’t have to talk to anyone Quillion appeared at the door. “What I have been told is true.” She looked to Ulrick. “They are the reason you became ill?”

Ulrick only nodded while Matthias explained the situation. After he had finished Quillion smiled at Ulrick. “A wise choice. I would be happy to sit with them all for a while.”

Nona also said she would stay allowing Matthias to leave and thank Ekka and A’Vel for their help and show them to a place they could rest until day break.

Quillion gave Matthias a somewhat cheeky smile just as he was about to leave. “Tres is just outside. I fear the animal will remain until Danny wakes.”

Matthias muttered something under his breath that no one understood but all knew it would have been something uncomplimentary in regards to the horse.


Just as Matthias left Crispian came through the door, giving Nona a cursory nod before going to see Danny and Simeon. After satisfying himself there was nothing to be done he approached the others. Firstly taking Nona’s hand and kissing it much the same as Casta had. “Thank you my child, you have done us a great service.” He sighed just a little. “And….”

Nona gave her grandfather a weak smile. “She asked of you and thanked you for the gift.”

Ulrick frowned not understanding but Casta remembered the flower. “Si. The flower. It is important yes? Was it a trade for the healing for Quillion?”

Crispian shook his head. “No. The silver petals are special. If you dry them, then crush them and then release them into the breeze you can see whatever you wish for a short time. She has used them in the past to look into our lives.”

Hearing this news both Ulrick and Casta got a little agitated. Casta wondering if she could harm anyone.

Crispian belayed their fears. “She can only look on the life she once had. She cannot harm any of us.” Once more he sighed, a sad cloud covering his face. “A gift is not always what it seems.”

At his words all eyes rested on the two unconscious Healers except Crispian’s, his eyes never left Ulrick. Feeling his stare Ulrick shifted in his bed and looked back to the elder. “I fear we have asked too much of you. We should not have sent them to Petra Terra.” Crispian looked from Ulrick to Casta, then the two women and then back to Ulrick. “Can you ever forgive us?”

Ulrick did not feel right addressing the Elder from his bed so he stood. Quillion watching to make sure he was well enough and did not collapse. He looked Crispian squarely in the eyes and hoped that the Elder did not take his next gesture as an insult. Ulrick placed his hands on Crispian’s shoulders and gave them a gentle squeeze. “There is nothing to forgive Sir. Any of us would have gone to Petra Terra and by going Danny and Simeon have shown us we can use more than our voices to help others. No Sir, we are grown men and made the choice to help your people as soon as we understood that we could. Please do not place the guilt on yourself.” Ulrick looked to his unconscious friends. “I am sure when they wake they will tell you the same thing.”

Casta interjected as he also stood. ‘Yes, yes. Your people have been most kind taking us in these past three years, helped us, not knowing who we were or where we came from. You showed us the gift we had. We thank you for that. No forgiveness needed, no guilt.”

Crispian gave them a weak smile. “Thank you my friends but Casta you could have died in your quest.”

Casta puffed out his chest which made Quillion and Nona smile and Ulrick shake his head. “Yet I did not. I understand you did not want me to go, I did not heed your warning, I did not understand how much danger I put Nona in. It is I who should be asking for your forgiveness. Your granddaughter is far wiser and very much braver than me.”

Nona placed her hand in Casta’s, the action noticed by Crispian and the others. “Don’t be angry with him Grandfather. He saved Quillion. No other has been willing to try these past cycles.”

Crispian beckoned for his granddaughter to come to him and as she did he folded her into his arms. “I am not angry my child. Worried as I feel helpless.”

He kissed the top of her head as Ulrick spoke. “We are getting stronger and with the new information we will be able to help Danny and Simeon, I am sure of it”.

Ulrick sounded so confident that they all believed him.

Quillion broke the silence that followed. “I think it time they rested.” She looked to Ulrick. “You may be stronger but you are still not strong enough. You both need to rest.”

Crispian gave a hearty laugh and held out his hand to Quillion. “It does my heart good to hear you speak so. I have missed your verve dear one. You are as much a granddaughter to me as Nona.” Crispian looked to Ulrick and Casta. “I dare say with both my granddaughters watching over you Healers you will have no choice but to rest.”

Before he had finished speaking Ulrick and Casta found themselves being herded back into bed. Once Nona had Casta settled Crispian motioned for her to follow him outside.


He was watching Tres while he waited. Hearing Nona’s voice he turned to her. “Walk with me a while child.” Nona looked back to the Healing Hall. “Quillion will watch over them….Come.”

They walked in silence for a while, Nona waiting to see what her grandfather wanted to talk to her about; Crispian trying to get his thoughts in order before he spoke. “It is dangerous what you do child.”

“Casta is safe Grandfather. I am sure they will all recover.”

“As I hope in my heart. It is the path you are thinking of taking that worries me.”

Nona still did not understand what Crispian was trying to explain to her. “I do not plan a journey Grandfather. I …”

Crispian took her hand as they walked. “You plan on giving your heart to Casta do you not?”

His words struck her so hard that Nona stopped walking. She had told no one of the feelings she had for Casta yet there she stood looking up into her grandfather’s eyes wondering how he could have known.

Crispian smiled down at her, his eyes shimmering with care and love. “I am old Nona but not so old I do not see. I understand that the voice of our hearts can be as loud as a thunderstorm, hard to ignore.” He gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “He is not of this world Nona, the dangers are…”

Nona cut him off. “How much more danger is there in not following my heart. I have denied its cries for more than two cycles. I have asked myself all the same questions you are about to grandfather. I am tormented every time he is close and while we were gone I realised that I had allowed myself to love. Would you deny me this?”

Crispian was so very proud of his granddaughter, not once had she raised her voice to him as she put forth her case. “I do not disagree with you Nona. I worry that you will get hurt. The Healers themselves made a commitment not to bond with us in that way but I fear they too struggle having been here as long as they have. There is so much at stake. The history……” Crispian realised what he was about to say but it was too late.

“What history Grandfather? What happened in the past that could cause me harm for the love I want to show? Please you have to tell me.”

Crispian sighed, they had reached the centre of town so he motioned to the park and they sat where Danny and Simeon had been before their trip to Petra Terra. Nona becoming very nervous about what her grandfather was about to tell her, it was not sorrow she saw in his eyes… he was afraid. This was not something she had expected. “What scares you so?”

As he looked at her and told his story the look in his eyes changed to one of pain. “Nona your grandmother life bonded with an outsider.” Nona was so stunned she was unable to speak. She had been told that her other grandfather had died not long before her mother was born and she had thought her own mother had died of the same illness that had afflicted Quillion.

Crispian continued. “It was not as it is now. The Healers we know they are kind and just. They have proven this over and over again. They may have just sacrificed everything to help us. Maybe if it had been one of them your grandmother….” Having started the story Crispian was not sure if he could or wanted to continue.

Nona’s voice was barely above a whisper when she finally spoke. “You had hoped the she and you would have been life bonded? I am sorry your heart was hurt so.”

Again Nona had surprised him. He had expected her to rant and rave about being lied to, living a lie her whole life but here she was trying to comfort him. “Is that why you married Nanna Ana?”

Crispian smiled. “No, my Ana came along after that. She was, is a very wise woman. She healed my heart slowly and gave me time to see her for what she was. My friend, someone I could confide in, someone who was willing to walk by my side through the good and the bad and that someone I fell in love with. Knowing how I struggled with ….What had to be done: it was Ana that suggested I talk to you.”

Nona could see that he was struggling with how to tell her the whole story. “If Nanna knows would you rather return home and have her tell me?”

Crispian shook his head. “No; like I said a wise woman, the story is mine to tell for me as much as for you.” Crispian sighed deeply before he continued a tale he had hoped would never have to be told.


“The other stranger, we did not find like the Healers and if he came from the same place he was not of the same heart and soul. Just like the Healers, how he arrived we never knew.  He kept himself hidden for many moons before entering our lives. We know now that he had been watching your grandmother and chose her specifically. As good as the Healers are this man was evil. He spent many moons in the town getting to know her and others; or so was thought. It was found later that they had been meeting secretly. He was poisoning her mind, soul and body. Your grandmother was young and came upon her gifting time while she lay with this man. If any of us had known that she would indeed be gifted and how.” Crispian paused again, it was like he was thinking of something else and Nona silently gave him the time to get his thoughts into place. “I often wondered if that man had been sent as a test for her because of what she was about to receive.” He looked at Nona and she gasped seeing the pain and conflict. “She was the first in many generations to be honoured with such powerful gifts. Visus (visions), Vita (life) Spiritus Vox (Spirit voice).”

Nona could not contain herself. “I do not know of one who processed all these gifts. This is why she was banished she was too powerful?”

“No my child. The stranger poisoned her mind. Like the Healers he too came to the understanding that he would not return to his home but he was not about to stay under the rules of our people. He wanted The Sempiternus for himself, convinced your grandmother that she was more powerful than any other and it was her right to rule, take charge of The Gift. I think it was his intention to rid himself of her once he had The Sempiternus. It is around this time that his seed began to grow in your grandmother.”

Nona stopped him before he went any further. “But Grandfather is it not true that any gifted woman who is with child loses her gifts until this child is born?’

“Yes…. Which meant the strangers plans had to wait until your mother was born.” Nona saw a small smile turn up the side of Crispian’s mouth. “Your mother was indeed a blessing. With her arrival the stranger disappeared.” He could see the stunned look on her face.

“At first we thought he had gone to another town but as time wore on no one ever saw him again. I still think that Aetrenum Saltus removed him from our presence as a gift of grace for your grandmother. She was very much a good mother in the beginning but once her powers returned so did the poison of the stranger.”

“This is why my great grandparents raised my mother?”

Crispian nodded. “We were worried in the beginning that she may have….”

Nona finished his sentence. “Been infected?’

“But as you know she was a wonderful person.”

“And loved me until the day she left us. She left so early.” Nona saw a change in her grandfather and felt her stomach tighten “What…….”

“Your mother did not leave because of the illness that Quillion had. In every way your mother looked like us yet the strangers poison ran through her. Your mother died of old age Nona.”

“But she was so young.”

Crispian sighed. “For our people but after I spoke to the Healers I knew what we long suspect was true. Their cycles are not as many. Ninety seems to be the most.”

Nona sucked in her breath. “My mother she only had seventy.” The ramification of the information suddenly hit and she began to cry and tremble. “What of me? Am I to have so few cycles?”

Crispian took her hands. “I cannot deny that we had some concerns for you but once you came into your hundredth cycle those concerns were no longer. You do not have any of the strangers poison Nona I am sure of it.

Nona dried her tears. “May be if I had, loving Casta would not have caused you so much worry.”

“My child. I would worry even if you had chosen one from our own people as your life bonded.”

Nona smiled and realised that her grandfather had left the story of her grandmother unfinished. “Thank you. I know the legends grandfather. Before I was born you all had some kind of small gift but once The Sempiternus was taken you were all left with nothing. This was my grandmothers doing?”

“At the time we had no idea that she had The Sempiternus. The banishing made many of us weak. It was only after the alarm that The Sempiternus was also gone and we never regained our gifts and others lost theirs we understood. We also understood why your grandmother never pleaded not to be banished. Your great grandfather, my father never recovered taking on the blame. We could not recover The Sempiternus now that it was with her.”

“The legends; you spoke them into existence.”

Crispian nodded. “We had hoped that being a mother she would perhaps listen to her sisters. Bring back The Sempiternus. That is why she cannot kill a sister.”

“Could you not just take her gifts from her?”

“No my child, they are of no use to her in the banishing except, well you understand and we had hoped that the banishing would bring her to her senses. Though it seems it just made the poison run deeper.”

“All these years Aetrenum Saltus has not helped us.”

“I am sure we have had help my child. The stranger disappeared; maybe there was a lesson we had to learn. There are many things I do not understand but in Aetrenum Saltus’ time all will be revealed.”

“The legend says the Gift will be returned someday. Do you believe this Grandfather?”

“With all that is in me.”

Nona took her grandfather’s hands again. “Could you have that much faith in me also? I will not ask Casta for a life bond if he does not wish it. I promise.”

She felt Crispian squeeze her hand. “You are wise beyond your cycles my child. I have always had faith in you. However I fear as sensible as you will be Quillion well and truly has Ulrick in her sights and I fear the Healer will be unable to resist.”

Crispian smiled at the crystal fresh laugh that came forth from Nona. “I shall speak to my sister though I fear it will do no good.” Nona saw the seriousness flicker back into Crispian’s eyes. “It is alright Grandfather. I am glad you told me.” Pausing, she looked back in the direction of the Healing Hall knowing Crispian would appreciate a change in the conversation. “May be we should return and protect Ulrick from Quillion’s renewed strength.”

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