Creative Thinking


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Creative Thinking



A Workbook

& Guide to changing your life by

Making positive choices and

Discarding negativity

By: Lori-ann Victoria Parker







The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the Serenity

To Accept the things

I Cannot Change

The Courage to Change

The things I can

And the Wisdom to Know

The Difference.

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“And if it is a fear you would dispel, the seat of that fear is in your heart and not in the hand of the feared.”

-Joseph Campbell

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Thought Creates Everything

Have you ever found yourself wondering how it all began? Do you sometimes gaze about the room in utter amazement hypothesizing over where this all came from? From the room itself to the chair in the corner; from the microwave oven to the plants on the shiny brass stand; it all originated somewhere. But where? And how?

Each of these things started out in exactly the same way. This sounds somewhat unbelievable, as all of these things are so different from each other, however it is a fact. Each thing you can see or touch right now started out as a single idea. That’s right; one simple thought. In fact, just one thought created everything around you from light fixtures to hardwood floors, from the food in your fridge to the clothes on your back. You, yourself, also started as a single thought form, a mere concept, a faint flicker of a flame in your father's eye. What your mother and father chose to do as a result of this idea in their mind has ultimately resulted in your conception and your creation on this beautiful planet.

The truth of the matter is that thought creates everything. Each living and inanimate object alike started out as a thought form. Now that it has been created, this thought form puts energy in to motion. In order to move our conscious awareness into the world of spirit where the laws function more simply and obviously, we must use some of the laws that unfortunately, we do not fully understand.

Sir Isaac Newton proposed three laws of Motion that are useful in trying to explain the importance of thinking positive in order to create a positive fulfilling life. The first law is that an object that is not in motion tends to stay still and the second, an object in motion tends to keep moving. Newton's third law of motion states that when you push an object in one direction, the same force pushes you in the opposite direction.

The universal laws such as Sir Isaac Newton's law of motion and Galileo's Law of Gravity exist as principles, but they are set into motion by thought. None of use can see precisely where the wind blows from or where it is blowing to.

We can however see and feel the effects of it and therefore, we know that we live within an atmosphere of air. By concentrating our thought by using meditation, visualisation and prayer, we can bring the universal laws into conception.

Once we have brought this energy into motion, through whichever means we chose to do so, this energy will always remain in motion. In fact, one of the fundamental laws of Physics states that Energy can never be destroyed. Although it is not possible to destroy energy, it is possible to alter it from a negative force to a positive one or vice versa.

When we alter energy, or change it from negative to positive, things come to pass that previously were not possible. Happiness is easier to achieve and usually comes without warning. Relationships transform and we often end up unexpectedly meeting people who, it seems, we were destined to be with. At times, even our understanding of our lives and everyday events becomes clearer. Often we simply feel better about our selves, our lives, and our futures. When this occurs, money flows and the stress of not having enough of it also seems to disappear. When we replace negative energy with positive, disease and injury seem to all but disappear. This could be at least partially due to the fact that our spiritual acuity is elevated by such a change. The effects of such an energy transformation become clearly visible to anyone who has made this shift in his or her life.

Since energy, once we have summoned it up with a thought form, is not able to be destroyed, it is imperative to think positive as often as we can. This is especially important because positive thoughts create positive energy forces that, in turn, can be transformed into positive actions. So, for simplicity’s sake let us say that Positive thoughts create Positive Actions. Think Positive!


Conversely it is imperative to remember that negative thoughts create negative energy forces. Remember Newton's third law? Something that is pushed in one direction will push you in the opposite direction. So, try not to use negative energy if you can avoid it because you run the risk of that same force pushing you instead of the person you are focusing your negative energy on. Although it is possible to alter negative energy through the power of positive thinking, if it is compounded with more negative thoughts, the outcome will most surely be negative. Think Positive!

It may seem harmless to wish that a co-worker gets fired, perhaps or that your sister-in-law’s party is a flop. It is, however, one simple negative thought that starts the whole ball of energy rolling.

So, while it may seem beneficial to you, at the time, to hope against hope that an adversary does not get the promotion she deservedly seeks, the important thing to remember is that the energy you send out IS the energy that will eventually return to you. Could this be from whence comes the old adage, “Be careful what you wish for; you just might get it”?

In this day and age of various religions and countless different belief systems, many of us are able to choose the right path not just because our conscience leads the way, but also because of a deep belief in karma. Many people today possess a great fear that if they do no do what is right in this lifetime, they will pay for it in the next or they will end up in a fiery pit for all eternity.

Whether or not you, yourself, believe in Karma or an everlasting Hell is irrelevant to our discussion, though. The simple fact is that science of long ago has proven something that modern day religions can only begin to guess at. Many years ago, Albert Einstein, Sir Isaac Newton and many other highly skilled physicists, succeeded in proving that if positive energy is emitted, and there are no obstacles in the path of that energy, positive energy is what will return. So, think positive!

Is the same true, then when dealing with negative energy? It most certainly is. If, by thinking negative, destructive thoughts, your body emits negative energy forces, then negativity is what YOU will eventually receive. So think positive!

This is especially important because, although it could take some time for the effect of your negativity to reach its way back to your doorstep, have no doubt that it WILL return from whence it came. Since bad intentions seem to create somewhat of a snowball effect, the energy you get back will almost certainly wreak more havoc than the original ill wish was ever intended to do.

The unfortunate and somewhat ironic twist to this energy boomerang is that, in the long run, you could end up doing yourself more harm than good by being petty and selfish. In instances when you find yourself faced with the gut-wrenching dilemma of whether to put someone else first or be selfish and greedy instead, it may help to remember one of the oldest rules in the book. That is the Golden Rule. I am sure we can all recall that one. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Doesn’t it just make sense?

Wouldn’t it actually be beneficial to you, in the long run, to wish your co-worker luck with her promotion (and mean it) or to help your sister-in-law throw a smashing party? It would make each person involved feel good, you just might have some fun and the energy that you emit and thus receive from the experience will be positive. This, in turn, will make your life and the lives of all parties concerned just a little bit easier

Doesn’t it make sense, then, to think positive as often as possible? Aren’t there enough roadblocks on the bumpy road of life that we don’t need to create any more? And wouldn’t it be nice to receive a helping hand along the way instead of creating more speed bumps and detours? Who would have guessed that all we need to smooth out some of those potholes on the road of life is something as simple as positive thinking?

Hopefully, you now perceive the tremendous power of positive thinking. So, for a moment let’s think about things in a slightly different way. What if we were to use the power of positive thinking to try to help someone else? If each of us could spare a little extra time to think positive thoughts about another person and consequently emit positive energy around that person it certainly couldn’t hurt, could it? I believe it may be highly beneficial to everyone concerned.

By sending out positive energy, you will receive positive energy eventually, and we could all use a little more of that. What’s more, the positive energy you emit could actually help to counteract some of the negativity created by an unpleasant situation. So, in a way, you really are helping both yourself and whomever you chose to direct your energy toward each time you pray.

Imagine the kind of change just one person could make if she were to pray for someone less fortunate, if only once a month. Now, if each one of us were to pray for someone else once a month, just think of all the positive energy we would be emitting. And think of the positive energy that we would each receive. It would be very powerful.

By the same token, if each one of us wished something nice upon two or three people, just once a month, the positive energy that would return to us would be tremendous.

Now, think about what could happen if each of us were to say a little prayer for somebody else once a week, perhaps. The amount of positive energy that one person would emit and consequently receive from something as simple as praying for another would be immeasurable. Now, can you imagine the positive feedback one of us would receive if she did that every day? Doesn’t it stand to reason, then that each of our lives would infinitely improve if we stopped focusing on the negative aspects and started looking on the brighter side of life?

The important thing we must keep in mind is that it need not be a grand wish to start a change. It is, however, of utmost significance to start to think more positively, one day at a time. After a little practise, and with just the right amount of coaching, you will eventually find yourself thinking positive thoughts more and more often. Soon you will be creating positive energy forces instead of negativity without even batting an eye.

And instead of negative energy forces returning your way, more and more positive energy will find its way back to you. You, too, will begin to notice that, by doing something as seemingly inconsequential as thinking positive your life will begin to get easier with far fewer obstacles to overcome. You will soon have the sort of stress-free lifestyle that you have always dreamed of. Don’t you agree that it’s about time? I think you deserve it.

So, if you can remember this one simple statement, I think YOU have the power to change your life. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE IF YOU THINK POSITIVE. Along with a few simple lifestyle changes, POSITIVE thinking WILL make your life more fulfilling. It will be less stressful and more rewarding and consequently, you will enrich the lives of those around you. So, when focusing on trying to think positive in your day-to-day life, it may help to remember The Little Engine That Could: “I think I can, I think I can!”

Complete the quiz on the following page. It will help you determine if you generally feel good about yourself and should keep up your positive way of thinking. You may find, however that your mental miseries may be gaining on you. In which case, you will want to find ways to focus on your positive traits. If your score is exceptionally high, you may be ready to challenge yourself to change your way of thinking. However high or low your score, this quiz should help you determine just how much work you need to do in order to be come someone who sees the cup as half full.

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Worksheet # 1 (B)

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Chapter Two: It's all in Your Head

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Emotional Causes of Physical Problems

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Worksheet 4B

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Once you have made that decision, the next step is to ensure that this is so.

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You can plug in your own variables and use this equation whenever you need it. It really does work!

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I'm confident that you will experience complete success with this exercise just as you have with each of the exercises thus far.

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Day Five Who?

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Many of us have a hard time believing we have a right to have needs and express them, so here are a few things to keep in mind:

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Study the model below. It will show you the negative energy created by neglecting to say " no " and by lying to get out of a situation.

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Worksheet # 8

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Or maybe not said?

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Follow these pointers and you'll find it is easier than it sounds.

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Worksheet # 10

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Notice and Affirm. __________________________________________________

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Now: Change your breathing once more. This time breathe in slow, deep breaths. Note any changes in the way your body behaves, now.

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Is it possible to breathe deep when your spine is curled?

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Worksheet 11c

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How do you feel now that you have begun to nurture yourself more?

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Chapter 13 -- The Truth Is

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Feeling Coupons

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