Him And The Nomad


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He sighed, looking at me suddenly. “This day couldn’t get any more interesting for you, could it, Miss James?”

My mouth fell in wonder at what he said. Okay, I was the only one who knew how disastrous this whole day was. Why did he speak as if he knew something about how this day had turned out for me? “I don’t know what you’re saying, but I really need your help.”

He inclined his head to the side, his lips curling to an uneven smile all of the sudden. “Really now? I thought you didn’t need me." 

I blushed, ashamed. “Well, I’m sorry. It’s all your fault anyway. You’re being an ass.”

“What did you say?” He asked, astonished. 

“I said I’m sorry, okay?” I said, almost pleading. “Now, it’s really getting late. Can you please help me get to the palace? I’ll come with you. No questions asked.”

His steady gaze went on. To my surprise, he fell into a laughter.

This guy, he was seriously getting into my nerves.

Oops, before we'd go ahead of this story, let me take you back to what really happened.


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Chapter 1

£420!!! But I only had here £400! I didn’t have twenty more! What? Just like that, I didn’t have any more money left? I looked around, tensed. Oh my, what would I do? I didn’t have enough money. Would I tell the waiter I couldn’t pay the whole bill? Would they sue me? Send me behind bars?
I took my chance and left Arlindale, only to find myself spending more than I had in my pocket. Why didn’t I even think that food here in Arrenbour would be more expensive? I shook my head and let out a sigh. This was what you’d get for being so fond of chocolate glissade pudding and all sorts of sweets.


Okay, no one was looking. Maybe, if I would just put £400 here and left, they wouldn’t notice. What would I do? I couldn’t let them know I was broke! So, I put all my money inside the handbill and stood. I walked, faking nonchalance, toward the door. Just one step and I’d be out until suddenly…

“My lady, this is…"

I looked back, the waiter just counted my payment and was looking at me with doubtful eyes. Oh no!

Instinct hit me. I stepped out of the café quickly and ran to the street where people walked to and fro.

“Lady, come back here!” 

I turned back, seeing that the waiter had followed. I shrieked and ran again, rushing towards the throng of people that yelled and complained when I hit them. “Sorry!” I would say repeatedly. 

“Come back!” 

My heart was racing wild. He hadn’t given up yet. Why couldn’t he leave me alone! It was just £20! Right, and I didn’t even have it. But hey, I had to think fast! I couldn’t keep running! I had to hide! I saw a booth of flowers in the street side. On the other side, there was no booth, just a clean sidewalk. There was a tall, dark-haired man standing before the flower booth and people were everywhere. Maybe if I would just…

I ran to the flower booth, let loose of my braided hair and spread it over my shoulders. I peeked slightly to the side. Oh my, he really had followed me. He was now walking among the people, getting nearer… and nearer. I gasped. I suddenly held out the arm of the man beside me and hid behind his black-double-breasted-suit-clad stance. I didn’t even look up to know who the man was, or how he looked like. I just hid… and waited.

“There you are!”

I gasped. The bald waiter was just beside the man whom I was seeking refuge from. I went on my heels and ran again, really, really fast until I reached the other alley. Would he never give up? 

Now, all the chocolate I’d eaten was used up. I was dead-beat and hungry. Oh, finally, he wasn’t stalking me anymore. What happened? Did he finally give up on me? I hope he did.

I looked at my hands and knotted them over and over, trying to relax myself. Wait a minute, my hands, my hands...

They weren’t holding anything! I gasped big time. My baggage, where was my baggage?

There was nothing more ridiculous than this experience. I was spent, worn-out, dirty, broke, and most of all, baggage-less! Ugh! What had I done? All my clothing were there, my personal things and of course, my works of Art!

I walked and walked without direction along the streets of Arrenbour the whole afternoon. Oh gosh, I didn’t expect that my first day here would be as horrible as this. It was already past four in the afternoon. I’m so hungry and penniless! I went back to all the streets I’d gone to as soon as I’d found out I didn’t have my baggage, but I didn’t find it anymore. Ugh, what would I do now? I didn’t even have my aunt’s address, nor her number. I wanted to call Terry, my bestfriend but… I was so shy. This was my first day here and I already had a problem. 

Maybe I would just have to know where the Pierre Palace was. I went to one of the fruits stands nearby and approached a middle-aged woman that sat beside it. “Excuse me, do you know where the Pierre Palace is?" 

She gave me that no-nonsense look and simply nodded. “It’s quite far from here. You have to ride a carriage to get there." 

Oh no, I didn’t have any more money left! “What if I just walk? 

“You can, but it may take you an hour.”

I groaned silently and shut my eyes as hard as I could. This was it. This was the consequence of being poor! All of these! “Can you give me directions?" 

She nodded and started speaking of the streets I barely knew and the directions I had to remember to get to the proper alley. I tried to memorize all that she’d said. When done, I thanked her and began my search. 

Whew, too much walking and running for me today, huh! If it hadn’t been for what happened a while ago, I wouldn’t have known I could run so fast! I must have been born to run. Right, born to run from the past, to run from my poor life in Arlindale, to run looking for where I was supposed to be. Seriously, would I be doing this all my life? I’d been wandering all these years. Would this ever change?

People were already rushing out of the buildings, signaling the end of office hours.

Now… I’m lost. This wasn’t good. Dusk was already approaching and still on the road I was. I got nowhere to stay, no money to pay for a temporary place to sleep in. I ran to one of the flower stands along the sidewalk and approached a young lady with reddish hair and sweet smile.

“Excuse me.” I murmured, trying to get her attention. But she wouldn’t stare at me. She just kept looking up at somewhere with an engrossed smile. I frowned and turned to see where she was gawking at.

There was a dark-haired man before the blooms of the roses in red, white and pink. He was simply looking at the flowers, totally oblivious of the girl that kept on watching him like a zealot.

Maybe this one could answer my questions. But I held back suddenly. He looked like he didn’t want to be bothered. I didn’t know but he seemed as if he was totally riveted by the flowers before him. Had he never seen one? I walked toward him. “Excuse me."

His steady gaze back there broke suddenly. Slowly, he turned to me.

I was flabbergasted. Why, this guy looked… rich. His gray long-sleeved shirt must be made out of some high-class sort of fabric because it appeared as if it shone… and his form-hugging russet pants fine and sleek. I wasn’t just used to talking to rich people. Terry and Cassie were the only rich friends I had.

I cleared my throat and just didn’t mind. “I would just like to ask for directions.”

It was only now that I realized that he, too, looked surprised when he saw me. He had those dark brows furrowed and almond-shaped, gray eyes slightly widened. Finally, after like a lifetime, his expression smoothened. 

Maybe I could start the questions now. “I’m looking for a palace. If I’m not mistaken, it’s the Pierre Palace. I’m kind of lost here. Do you know where it is?”

He arched his brows. I didn’t know what it meant. “Why are you looking for it?"Oh, I expected that. Not the question, but rather his voice. I kind of really expected that his voice would be deep and full, and with that clean, cultured British accent. He didn’t sound rude, just curious. “Um, my auntie works there and she told me that if I am to go to Arrenbour, I can visit her.” I explained.

He gave me a pondering look and nodded after a while. “I am an immediate neighbor of the Pierre and I’m about to head home. If you want, you can come with me."

Now, this was what I did not expect at all. Wait, wait, wait, I couldn’t just agree to walk with a stranger. What if this man really didn’t know where that palace was and he was trying to coax me somewhere.

He was walking ahead suddenly.

“Wait up!” I said, catching up with him.

He turned, staring with doubtful eyes.

“I can’t just come with you. Look, I just need directions. That’s all. I can get there on my own.” I said, slightly anxious.

This man, shucks, he had such kind of stare that glued. So steady and straight-on. “Listen, Miss…”

“Amelia James."

“Listen, Miss James. You are apparently new in this village. It’s getting darker and you know no one. It would be a waste of time to dictate directions one by one.” He muttered in a voice so strict as if he were my boss or something.

“I barely know you. So just tell me---."

“Ah.” He snapped, looking heavenward.

I only stared, utterly confused. He had gone completely impatient. I was only asking for directions. He could have gotten rid of me if only he already answered.

He shifted his gaze to me again. “Miss James, you have strayed too far from where you really are headed to. The best thing you can do right now is to take a carriage."

I frowned. “Do you think I haven’t thought of that?” For crying out loud, I no longer had any money!

He didn’t respond. He simply turned and started walking away.

“Fine! I don’t need you!” I shouted after him. “Go away!"

And he never really turned. I watched his back as he strolled farther. I’d never forget this man for sure. How could he have kept me hanging for nothing? Now it was really, really dark. I checked my wristwatch. Uh-oh, it was already past six in the evening and still I hadn’t progressed. This was all that impatient, grumpy man’s fault. What the hell was his problem.

I took a seat on the perched area on the sidewalk. I really didn’t know now where to go. I was so alone here. I didn’t have my things and I had no money to spend for food. I was really, bloodcurdlingly hungry! Ugh.

“Hey there.” A man in his thirty’s suddenly approached me. He had this rugged blond hair, white polo shirt and gray pants. He was not in any way familiar and he looked… frightening. He was unusually too close.

I hurried to stand. “I’m sorry. I don’t know you.” I stepped past him right away.

But there was another one blocking my way, his hair was darker than the last one and taller. “We’ve been watching you, missy. We know you’re lost. We can help you."

My pulse picked up. These weren’t guys that would offer help, definitely unlike the first one who had offered it. “Get out of my way."

The blond-haired guy laughed. “So brave, I like that.” He was suddenly heading closer to me.

I panicked. I screamed so loud and used all my force to punch him on the face. He backed away, cursing me. I took my chance. I stepped past him. I screamed and screamed while I ran away from them.

“Come back here!"

I looked back and now they were running after me. What had I done to experience all this? Why did I have to run all day? I was heading to nowhere again as I rushed past all the streetlamps. I must have practiced real good today because I was extremely fast. I turned to look back.

Gosh, they weren’t giving up! What would I do? I looked around carefully. Where should I hide now?

Along my thorough scanning of the street, I suddenly caught sight of the tall, dark-haired man I’d fought with earlier. But wait, he was such an ass. If I went to him now, he would think so clingy of me. Oops, I didn’t realize I had stopped running.

“She’s over here!"

I heard one of them behind. I gasped. I really had no choice. I ran to the dark-haired guy who was just walking in all calmness and composure along the sidewalk. I swept him by his shoulder.

He turned, his brows furrowed at my sudden approach. He certainly wasn’t pleased to see me again. Well, the feeling was mutual. I just didn’t have any choice right now.

“I need your help, badly.” I said in between deep breaths.

He only stood there, staring down all steadily again. 

“There you are.”

My breathing hitched big time. They found me. “Please I need your help.” I begged him now. 

He stared at me one more moment and turned to look at them afterwards.

“Let’s just run away.” I whispered.

But he didn’t move. He just stood there, watching the two men, who amazingly, just stayed where they were, staring back at him.

What was happening?

The dark-haired man beside me took a step forward, as if exposing himself even more to the two, nasty guys. He didn’t speak a word. He just looked at them with firm, stalwart stand. 

I looked back at the two guys. Their eyes were now wide. I didn’t know why. After a few seconds, they lowered their heads, turned around and ran away.

What the hell was that all about? 

Amazed, I walked to him. “What did you do? Why did they run?” 

He sighed, looking at me suddenly. “This day couldn’t get any more interesting for you, could it, Miss James?”

My mouth fell in wonder at what he said. Okay, I was the only one who knew how disastrous this whole day was. Why did he speak as if he knew something about how this day had turned out for me? “I don’t know what you’re saying, but I really need your help." 

He inclined his head to the side, his lips curling to an uneven smile all of the sudden. “Really now? I thought you didn’t need me.” 

I blushed, ashamed. “Well, I’m sorry. It’s all your fault anyway. You’re being an ass."

“What did you say?” He asked, astonished.

“I said I’m sorry, okay?” I said, almost pleading. “Now, it’s really getting late. Can you please help me get to the palace? I’ll come with you. No questions asked." 

His steady gaze went on. To my surprise, he fell into a laughter. 

This guy, he was seriously getting into my nerves.

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Thanks a lot! :-) 



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