Heavy Dreamer


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 You have the Emo's, the Jock's and the artsy kids...with the Popular Girls. I didn't fit in any category; "Come on, Maw!" Gracie sighed, "I'm coming." I snapped, "What now?" Gracie asked me..."Coffee?" I said, very confused, "Coffee?! You never ask to go out for coffee!" "Well...I met a guy there..." I said, zoning out of reality, "Maw," Gracie giggled, "he's got a GIRLFRIEND!" "R-right!" I stuttered, we walked in, and I cupped the coffee takeaway mug. "You're HOPELESS!" Gracie smiled, "Haha. Suppose so." I said, now looking at the popular girls, they were pointing at me and yelling, "What are they even saying?" I asked, frustrated by the disturbance of me and Gracie's girl time; "Ignore them." Gracie snapped, "Oh. Sure." I answered, very suspicious of Gracie's behaviour, but what am I supposed to suspect from her? 

School ended roughly, they had just found the last year Prom Queen's body, I had that same dream that I saw what happened, yet it may of been a rough draft of the real thing. Gracie looked at me, "Do you...do you think bad of me?" I paused, "No." "I can get naked if you do," Gracie said slowly unbuttoning her plaid shirt, I saw a flash from a phone, Gracie looked as though she was gonna scream, "Gay Gracie," Shantelle giggled, "poor Maw, stuck with a hoe." The girls erupted into laughter, "Gracie, button up your vest this INSTANT." The Principal yelled, "Are you RAPING Maw?" Shantelle asked, innocently, trying to be on the Principal's side, "N-no...w-wait." Gracie stuttered, "Maw, come with me." The Principal said, "You'll tell me what you saw." "Um..." I pondered, "She asked if I thought bad of her, and I said no, and she said I can get naked...and..." then he told me, "That will be all. Thank you, Mawline Devon." Gracie was invited in, we heard yelling, Gracie crying and her finally denying everything before being punished and her parents arrived along with my Mom, Gracie was a crying mess, her parents put her in the car and you could see she was exhausted and so was I. So, I dreamed.

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The Next day

Summer for a day, we got a day off and...I went to the beach...And honestly, it was fun...

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The Photograph

 I was now in the Photography club, and...Gracie had become the most hated girl in Highschool, we'd take our minds off it with coffee; "Maw..." Gracie said, bruises decorated her face like a Mexican candy skull, "You still like me after that?" "Of course! I mean, like...in the Friendly way," I answered, Gracie giggled, "not trying to put you in the friendzone," Shantelle walked in; "Gay Gracie. Mawline." She snapped, a brick smashed her on the head, I took a photo, time warped backwards...I pushed Shantelle out the way of this, now; "Oh. M...My....G....God!" Shantelle dizzily hugged me, "You saved me..." Gracie looked faint, and I...I walked out like nothing happened. "What the hell just happened in there?" Gracie asked me, "I...I don't know and I don't want to." I paused, "Hah, well I do." Gracie said, smugly, "Your Camera started this...this mess." Gracie sighed, "Why not let Shantelle die?" Gracie asked, "Gracie?" I giggled, we both giggled and Gracie fell into the fountain...I took a photo and she carefully avoided the fountain. "Hmm..." I said, "Alice...A..." "OH MY GOD I CRACKED THE DAMN CODE HOLY SMOKES." I yelled, "A is for Alice, Brick is what happened to Shantelle, Fell is what happened to you, On was when we heard the soundtrack Ones, and me was that video Me!Me!Me!..." I said, Gracie's jaw dropped; "A brick fell on me...That makes no sense!" Gracie sighed, "Aha, the Person who owned this camera wasn't very smart, a brick fell on them in that very cafe." I smiled, knowing that I had outsmarted her. 

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Dream Caffeine

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Grass is Greener

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