Paper Planes


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The little brown haired boy gazed out of the window; watching the birds dance in the sky, mixing with the blue and disappearing into the white fluffy clouds. His hazel, deer-like eyes were wide with wonderment. The little boy didn't even tear his gaze away when his mother walked in, touching his shoulder to try and gain his attention- all she tried but failed.

It was difficult for me to watch the mother tear her child away from what he thought amazing. It was extremely difficult. I was suppose to have that.

But I didn't. And would never.

It's funny how teachers band the clever little things students make with their left over paper. Making them into flying objects. Well, sometimes you have the odd person who takes the time and scrunches the paper into a ball and throw it at you when you're not looking...and by odd- I mean everyone. But there was one person, Peter I believe his name was, who was different.

And that is who this story I'm about to tell you, is about; Little Boy Peter.

Maybe it's better if I explain it all, maybe it's better if I go to the start...the very start....

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Chapter One: The First Plane

It's funny how teachers band the clever little things students make with their left over paper. Making them into flying objects. Well, sometimes you have the odd person who takes the time and scrunches the paper into a ball and throw it at you when you're not looking...and by odd- I mean everyone. But there was one person, Peter I believe his name was, who was different.

And that is who this story I'm about to tell you, is about; Little Boy Peter.

I paused before pulling my hood over my head,

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