Kitsune and Me


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Kitsune and Me

A 10 year old boy living in a small orphanage in Yorkshire in 1903, is lonely and bullied. No friends or family, Joseph starts to feel he has no hope in being loved and accepted. Until a mysterious, white fox cub named Kitsune stumbles into the orphanage, cold and alone, abandoned by his family. Joseph decides to keep the fox cub and finally have a friend of his own. But he must keep him a secret, Kitsune isn't an ordinary fox..


By Lucy Lewis

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Chapter One

July 8th, 1977

I sat down on the sofa and listened to the little old radio sitting next to me. Sipping my warm tea, I took a moment to take in the moment and look around my living room. The shelves and mantel pieces were filled with old photos that told the stories of my life and then intertwining when I fell in love with the woman that would change my life for the better. Old War medals sat next to family photos, contrasting between the two stories and feelings. I could still hear the dreadful bombs that took away many lives and the endless waves of bullets from the enemy that would tear into my fellow soldiers. But that was the past. There was no reason to bring up the past into the present to revive it. That was something a very old friend of mine used to say. The past should stay in the past, and not brought up into the present so it can be revived. He used to say. His soft and warm voice passed through my mind with more power than the dreadful bombs; and had hit me hard.
I hadn’t spared a thought for my dear friend for many years, and despite him not being alive for years and years, he still lives on widely in my heart. I switched off the music and put down my tea on the counter beside me. Despite being almost eighty, the memories I have in the orphanage in which I spent my childhood have been always so strong. I would sometimes have vivid dreams of my life there, both the good and bad. But these memories were stuck, glued into my head that needed to escape and live on forever. I knew this day would come, and today, with the days to follow, I knew I could do it.
I reached over the arm of the sof
a and to the drawer in the counter besides me. Inside was an old journal. Worn out and tattered, the empty book has never been written in. I picked up the pencil in in the drawer and opened it up to the first page. I started to write where my life truly started.

October 12th, 1903

My name is Joseph. That was the name that was given to me. I wouldn’t gain a last name until I am adopted. Maybe that would be soon, maybe it wouldn’t. But for now, all I’m known as is Joseph. Just Joseph, of the St. Edwards Orphanage in the middle of Yorkshire, surrounded by miles of fields and the odd group of sheep.
This has been my home for the only ten years of my life. It would be easy to say I have friends, seeming as there are only a few hundred other orphaned children, and about twenty of those are my age. But that wouldn’t be true. My nickname at his ‘home’ is “Runt”. Quite fitting really. I’m the object of bullying, both physically and emotionally. It can be surprising how hurtful some people can be. Even some of the younger years can be incredibly hurtful.

What confuses me is why. Why do I get picked on and no one else? I don’t ever remember saying or doing anything to anyone else. Maybe it’s how I look? I’m simple looking, a round face with hazel eyes. I have no old scars or birth marks, or even a disability that would make me stand out.
Maybe everyone has a purpose and mine is being everyone else’s punch bag. But I have to learn to live with it; it doesn’t look likely that I’ll be leaving this place anytime soon. I just wish for a friend. Someone I can call family, a place I can truly call home. But what I really wish for is that special person to call my best friend. Someone I can share stories with, and when needed, help with each other’s problems. That’s all I wish for; a friend.

It was October the 12th, 1903, with the weather mild, and a slight cool breeze throwing autumn leaves off its branches and forming orange shapes on the grass. This sunlight had broke through the clouds, and poured into my room, blinding me through my closed eyes. It must still be early, eight at the earliest, so I hid myself under my covers, away from the sun and tried to fall back asleep. But it soon occurred to me that other boys in the room were awake.
The bedroom holds fifteen beds, but only about nine of those were filled with other boys including myself. I could hear about four, maybe five, other boys snickering and whispering amongst themselves. I stifled the urge to sigh. I know what would soon happen; it tended to happen early in the morning, when the Carers and Guardians are most likely still asleep. Hopefully it won’t be as bad. Today is a Friday; almost everybody will be in high spirits for the weekend, so I’ll most likely be lucky. Hopefully.
My thoughts were broken by the sound of two pairs of feet, slowing getting louder as they made their way towards my bunk. One of them giggled slightly. I clenched my eyes shut and gripped my blanket. “Hey,” one said, slightly smacking me on my leg. “Joseph.” I didn’t reply. Hopefully if I ignored them, they might think I’m asleep. “Joseeeeph,” the other called my name in a low, quiet voice. I presumed he didn’t want to wake the any others that were asleep.
“Do not ignore us, Runt!” The first of the boys spoke, raising his voice and punching me harder in the same place. I groaned through my now throbbing leg.
“Told you he was awake,” the other whispered to the first. I could hear the small chuckles from the other three from their pack from across the room.
One of the boys grabbed my blanket and threw it across the room. “Hey! Why would you do that?” I said, sitting up and rubbing my arms where goose bumps soon rose.
“Were you hiding, Runt?” One said, with a smirk on his face. I recognised him. He was called Edgar, twelve years old, and at least a foot taller than what I was.
“Hiding? No, I was sleeping…”
“Sure,” the other said. He was Josh, eleven years old and about the same height as me. I always thought he was a little tag along; a puppy with its tail in-between his legs following its Master. “Then why were you under your little blanket?”
“The sun hurt my eyes,”
“You’re scared of the sun?” Edgar said.
“I never said that.”
“Don’t talk back to him, Runt!” Josh roared, hitting me hard on my other leg.
“Ow! Stop that!”
“Why? Gonna cry?” They both laughed. I stared up at the two, and then at the other three. They all had the same, stone cold expressions on their faces. Evil and stupid.
“No, I just want to sleep.”
“I can see his little lip quivering!” Josh said, grinning.
“I’m not crying!” I burst.
“Hey, don’t be too loud, you might wake up the Carers.”
“We should keep him quiet, shouldn’t we Edgar?”
Edgar nodded, and turning to the other three. I following his gaze and noticed the other boys in the room were awake and looking this way. They weren’t annoyed that they had been woken up, in fact, they looked bored. They had seen this all too many times, yet they couldn’t take their eyes away. “Mason, Mathieu and Thomas, come over here and help us keep the baby from crying?” They all nodded, grinned, and stood up to make their way other to my bunk.
“Please don’t…” I whimpered, looking up at Edgar, who gave me a look filled with hate, but was edged with humour.
“It’s okay Runt, we’ll make sure the Carers won’t hear you when you cry too loudly.” He grinned.
I couldn’t say anything else. The five boys grabbed hold of me a dragged me into the toilets and, using my blanket, tied me to a post holding up the roof. I couldn’t free my arms, so I knew I had to use my feet when they threw the first strike.
“Go on, Edgar, you go first.” Mason had said, never taking his eyes off of me.
“It would be my pleasure.” He walked closer to me, and I readied myself. He knelt down and lifted his fist up behind his head. Before he struck me, I used my foot and kicked him into the stomach, winding him and falling to the floor. The four boys behind him looked at me with a blinding rage and went to Edgar’s aid; whom was cradling his belly and groaning in pain. I couldn’t help but smile. Thomas saw me enjoying my payback, and went to punch me in the same place as Edgar. “Wait!” Edgar managed to say. “Don’t hit him. I haven’t gone first yet.” He looked at me in the eyes, and started to smile. “Boys, hold down his legs.” Josh and Mason did his bidding. I kicked out my feet, to try to free them from their grasps, but they were too strong. Now I had no chance. “I was going to go easy on you,” Edgar sat up in front of me again. “But now you’ve really annoyed me. So much that I don’t even care if the Carers and Guardians get woken up.” One of the boys behind him laughed. I didn’t know who, I was too entranced in Edgar’s eyes as his hatred filled my body and shook me to the bone. “Where should I start?” He asked rhetorically, but he had already decided.
He threw a hard punch into the same place where I kicked him. I screamed out loud and tried to catch my breath; but I couldn’t even recover before he hit me again in the belly. I cried out loud, and started to feel Josh and Mason literally claw at my bare legs as they held me down. “Please stop!” I begged, tears trailing down my cheeks.
“Look, he’s crying!” Edgar laughed, and was joined by the others. “Look, you need to be taught lesson, and I’m here to give it. Now just sit still and be a good little Runt,
won’t you?He finished his speech and smacked me hard on my upper thigh. I cried harder, as his never ending strikes hit me on my legs. I couldn’t feel anything, and only noticed a pause in his anger when he got tired and let Mathieu take over. He wasn’t as forceful, but the bruises were already forming over my body from what Edgar did, that even little taps led me to cry out in pain.
It felt like it went on forever until I felt Mason and Josh let go of my feet and stood up. One of them went behind the post and freed my wrists. I felt them throb as the blood quickly rushed back into my hands. Edgar moved back in front of me, but I had no energy to protect myself. Thomas gave him my blanket, which then he placed it on my lap. “Good boy,” he said, tapping the side of my face. “You learned well. Make sure you’re not late for the next lesson I give you, won’t you?” He stood up and washed his hands before leaving, followed by his pack and slammed the bathroom door.
I coughed, and regretted it. By stomach was on fire and bruised so much I could see the dark circles through my shirt. I tried to sit up, but had to fall back down, with my whole body aching and rejected the idea of moving ever again.
I started to cry softly. This was one of the worst beatings I’ve ever had, and it imprinted onto my mind for most likely the rest of my life. I prayed no one else would come in here, but it would soon be time to wake up, so the bathroom would be flooded with the boys. So with all my strength, and slowly got up, and rocked from side to side on my feet. My ankles were sore from the unbearable scratches and I had to hold onto the wall to stop myself from falling back over. I wrapped my arm round my belly, holding my blanket close and walked back into the bedroom.
No one looked my way as I stumbled back into my bed. I cocooned myself with my blanket and breathed out, trying to ignore the continuous throbbing pain covering my body. Before I shut my eyes, I caught Edgar’s gaze, staring at me. He winked once and grinned. I couldn’t take anymore, and feel into darkness.

I finally came round a few hours later. I stretched out of my blanket and was reminded of the many bruises that covered my body. I felt achy and sore, but not as bad as I had been. I probably looked worse than I felt now, so I should cover myself up for today.
I sat up, and looked around the room. It took me a couple of seconds to realise that I was the only one in the room. All the beds were made, and clothes were tucked away neatly. Maybe everyone was in the hall, eating breakfast before the first of our three lessons today would start. I sat up and reached under my bunk to retrieve my suitcase and get out today's clothes. All simple, just a white buttoned shirt and grey coloured shorts. I took my clothes with my socks and shoes into the bathroom to get undressed.
I stood in front of the mirrors behind the sink wearing only my underwear and stared. I had bruises trailing around both of my legs, with a big bruise covering my belly. I stared down at my ankles and saw several red lines stretching around my feet, covering in dry blood. I got some tissue and ran it under the tap. Sitting down on the floor, I slowly and carefully cleaned the blood off. Underneath the blood, laid the slight cuts and small bruises. Letting it not get to me, I got dressed and double checked that no marks or bruises were showing.
I limped out of the bathroom and, before leaving the bedroom, I picked up my small study bag with my paper and pencil, ready for when the lesson started. I slowly made my way towards the Hall to grab myself some food and kept myself close to the walls so no one who would walk past would pay much attention to me.
A few Carers walked past, none spared a glance in my direction. It sometimes felt that they were as cold as the other boys. I finally got to the Hall, bit no one was sitting down at the tables. No one was in the room apart from the cleaning ladies and cooks. I walked over to one of the unknown women and asked “Excuse me, but where is everyone else?” She looked down at me in surprise and disgust.
“Don’t be silly, boy! I am in no mood to play tricks with annoying little children like yourself today.” She carried on sweeping the floor.
“I’m not playing a game, I just woke up,” I continued to look around the room. She sighed loudly with obvious annoyance.
“It is ten thirty, half way through your first class. So grab an apple or something and move swiftly to class now.” Before I could say anything she stormed away, angrily sweeping the floor as she went.
Having lost my appetite, I decided to skip breakfast all together and ran to my classroom. I didn’t have time to stop when I finally reached it, so I fell through the door breathing heavily. Everyone turned around. Most of the class tried to hide a laugh, the rest looked on in annoyance, and the teacher, Mr Jackson, looked like he was going to explode. His face had turned an unusual shade of red as he stared me down and watched me take my seat in the corner of the room. He took a deep, long breath before he spoke again. “Joseph. Nice of you to join us. Any particular reason as to why you wanted to miss this lesson?” I looked around the room and found Edgar staring at me. I suddenly felt cold.
“N-no Sir. I overslept.” I stuttered.
“Then maybe you should have someone wake you up in the Mornings,” He turned around as Edgar laughed a little too loudly. Mr Jackson’s stone eyes turned to him. Edgar stopped looking at me and had met the teacher’s eyes, turning white. “Something funny, Edgar?”
“No Sir.”
“I should hope so. Anyway, before we were
interrupted…” Mr Jackson picked up where he left off, writing on the chalk board in perfect Edwardian hand writing, and rambling on so quickly that I wasn’t the only one who was no longer concentrating on what he was saying. It felt like not even an elephant could stop him from teaching now.
I could still feel the stinging pain from where I was hit. I tried to concentrate on the lesson, but I was in no way fit to even listen. I stared out the room window, and followed the breeze blowing the grass in the north direction. It seemed so calm outside, so peaceful. Yet inside, in this room with both Edgar and Mason, it felt like a war was raging on with no real purpose. I dreamed that one day I would be free of this torture, but I fear that would never happen…
“Joseph!” Mr Jackson boomed, making me and several other boys jump.
“Ye-yes Sir?” I gulped, feeling my face burn hot with embarrassment. I could feel Edgar’s eyes burn into the side of me.
“I said, what is the answer to this question?” He pointed at the writing on the chalk board. I stared, but had no clue.
“I’m sorry Sir; I don’t know the answer…” I looked down.
“How disrespectful!” He shouted, mostly to himself but everybody jumped still. “You are late to my lesson, and now you insult me by not listening! How disgusting of you. You will have a lot to make up for, boy.” I nodded and looked down, not trusting my voice.
I didn’t dare to make my mind wonder to another world for the rest of this lesson. I concentrated on what Mr Jackson was teaching, but I had no clue on what the lesson topic was in the first place. But I was soon relieved when it turned 11 o’clock and we were dismissed. We collected our things and left the room. I practically ran out the door so that I wasn’t caught by the teacher.
We were given half an hour before the next lesson, so I went to my Guardian’s room. She was the only person I could really talk to, but I was going to hide what happened this morning. The bruises will heal and disappear over time, so what would be the point in telling the story to keep them alive?
I got to her room and knocked on her door. “Come in!” He voice trailed through the wood. I walked in, shutting the door behind me and went over to my usual seat. She sat behind her desk, concentrating hard on something she was writing. She glanced at me, smiled and looked back down to her work before saying, “Morning Joseph! I’ll be with you in a second.”
“Okay,” I said in a quiet voice. Her name was Mrs Victoria Wilson. She has been my Guardian since I first arrived here and has been the closest thing to a Mother figure I’ve ever had. She was a fair woman. She had long blonde hair that was also was most of the time tied in a strong bun. She had strong blue eyes that were always filled with love. She was the only person I felt safe with.
She put her pencil down, laced her fingers together and looked at me with a warm smile. “And how are you today, Joseph?”
“I’m fine,” I simply said.
She sighed. She knew I was lying, she always did. “Joseph, I’m here to help with anything and everything, you know this. Please don’t hide anything from me,” I looked away from her and to the floor. “I’m not going to get mad. I’m sure there’s a reason behind what has upset you.” She paused before continuing. “Are you being picked on again?” I slowly looked back up at her. She frowned, reading my expression. “Joseph, you need to tell me if you are. Bullying is a serious situation, and we’re here to help you. Why don’t you tell me what happened?” I shook my head quickly. “Okay… Why don’t you tell me who was involved? I could talk to them, and their Guardians, and make sure it never happens again?” I twitched my mouth to the side, considering it. I couldn’t see anything bad in it. Maybe they could move the pack from the bedroom into a different one, and maybe different classes. This could help me be free from their punches and kicks.
I nodded, and was welcomed by her warm smile that touched her eyes. “I’ll get on it straight away. Now, tell me who was involved?”
I cleared my throat. “Edgar, Mason, Josh, Mathieu and Thomas.”
“And these boys are all from your dormitory?”
“Yes,” I looked down again.
“I’ll sort it out, okay? You have nothing to worry now.” I looked back up and she grinned. I couldn’t help but smile back. “Now, why don’t you tell me how your first lesson went?” I explained how I was late and how I didn’t understand the lesson. She listened fully and never showed a hint of disappointment. She was the only one that made me truly happy. “Why don’t we do some extra tutoring?” She suggested.
“Excuse me, Miss?”
“Extra tutoring. Extra lessons, but I could make some kind of arrangement where I was the one that tutored you?”
I beamed at the idea, “I would love that! Thank you Mrs Wilson.”
“It’s my pleasure,” she smiled. “Now, go make your way to your next lesson. I’ll come find you later, and I’ll let you know that I’ve talking to the other boys’ Guardians. Enjoy the rest of you day.”
“Thank you, I will see you later.” I smiled and left the room. I always felt a weight had been lifted whenever I left her room.
I made my way towards my second lesson, and this time I was prepared to learn, and had the extra comforting of knowing that the pack will leave me alone for good.

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Chapter Two

The rest of the day went on in a blur. I didn’t have any more run in’s with the pack, and I actually understood my two other lessons. I felt happier even more so because it was Friday. Two days of just being me, and away from everyone else. Despite my still saw legs and belly, I felt as if I was on top of the world.
I went to the bedroom and fell onto my bed. I stared out my window at the fields. There were a distant group of sheep, grazing and huddled together to keep warm. The winds must have picked up and now had a much colder edge to it. I envied the sheep. They were free, and surrounded by their families and friends.
I heard someone enter the room, and turned to find Mrs Wilson smiling as she made her way over to my bunk. I sat up and crossed my legs as she sat on the edge. “Hello again, Joseph,”
“Afternoon Mrs Wilson.”
She beamed. “You’ll be happy to know I have spoken to the five boys’ Guardians and they have spoken to the boys. They won’t bother you anymore.”
“Thank you so much!” I said, grinning and wrapping my arms around her neck. She chuckled and rubbed my back. She let go, and stood up. “I must leave you now, work has been kept me quite occupied.”
“Okay Mrs Wilson. Thank you again,” I smiled.
“It is my pleasure,” she said, and turned around to walk out the door, closing it behind her.

I fell back onto my pillow and smiled up at the ceiling. I knew this would work out! This was the first step in me finally having a good purpose, and a good reason to call this place a home. I was interrupted again when someone knocked on the door then opened to peer through. I recognised the girl, Sophie, same age as me and slightly taller, with really long, brunette hair. “Sorry to disturb you, Joseph, I was just wondering if you wanted to come outside with everyone else. We’re all picking up the leaves and thought you’d might like to help.” She gave a shy smile.
“Okay, sure. I’ll follow you out.” I jumped off the bed and met her at the door.
Shutting it behind me, we both ran down the winding stairs and out the front door. The wind hit us in the face, and was as cold as it looked from the inside, but from what I could see, it looked like every orphaned child that lived here was outside. Everyone was running around, trying to pick up the orange and red leaves before the wind makes its way towards us and blows them across the field again.
Sophie smiled at me then ran off to join a group of three other girls who was screaming as a gust of wind threw their hair and their leaves everywhere. I big smile stretched across my face as I jogged towards the piles of leaves. My ankles were still really sore and sensitive, and I was reminded of that every time I moved too much. But I ignored it. I was going to enjoy myself, without trying to think of what had happened this morning.


Everyone was worn out before most of the leaves had been picked up and put inside a big container to keep them from flying about. The sun started to set, and none of use wanted to stay outside in the dark as it got increasingly colder at this time of year. We filed inside and made our way to the Hall for evening supper. Collecting a tray, I followed in the line towards the cooked food, and grabbed a plate. Despite the fun afternoon, evening supper always made me feel lonely. Everyone had a group to sit in with. Sometimes a whole table to just themselves, but I had no one to sit with. So, I chose my usual seat at a corner table, right at the back of the room and out of the way of everyone elses eyes.
I ate in silence, watching everyone else laugh and eat. But I noticed that I couldn’t find Edgar and his friends anywhere. Maybe their Guardians had banned them from eating tonight and had to go straight to bed? I felt happy but weird. I certainly didn’t want to see them again, but it worried me that I didn’t know where they were.
I put the thought out of my head and concentrated back on my food. Several people were already finished and started to leave the Hall and back to their rooms. I followed after five or so minutes, placing my tray and plate on the metal rack and quietly made my way back to the room. I walked down the hallways, in my own world, dreaming about a grand mansion up in the clouds, when I heard the multiple footsteps. A chill went down my spine, and I plucked the courage to look behind me. To my horror, I saw the pack walking incredibly quickly in my direction. I had to think fast, so I ran,
I ran down the hallway, ignoring the burning in my legs and ankles, my heavy breathing was soon no longer the loudest noise. The pack had soon caught up with me, with one tripping me over. I fell with a force that the side of my face hit the concrete and cut my lip. They started laughing, but were all out of breath. “Well, looks like someone was trying to get away!” Edgar said, laughing out loud.
“He isn’t very fast, is he?” Mason said, agreeing.
“No, bless him. He looks tired, doesn’t he? Maybe we should take him somewhere he can rest.”
“No! Please, leave me alone!” I shouted, and flailed around so that they couldn’t take hold of me.
“Oh please, just make this easier for us, Joseph.” Edgar said, and kicked me in my side. I stopped moving instantly as the shock of his kick rattled my whole body, and let the four other boys take hold of me drag me into an abandoned classroom.
They threw me on to the floor in the middle of the room, and heard the door being locked. “Now then,” Edgar started. “I believe you did something today that you shouldn’t have done.” He walked over to where I lay, quivering on the cold floor.
I starred up at him in confusion, but that only made him more annoyed because I didn’t answer him. “Come on, Runt! You should know this one! I mean, are you as stupid as you were in today’s lesson?” I looked away, feeling my face get warmer. “Okay, let me explain then.” He knelt down so that he was eye level. The other four boys surrounded us, so that I couldn’t run away or lash out again. “Today, you ratted us out to that Guardian of yours.” I went white. Telling her was supposed to protect me! Now they’re going to hurt me again and again…
“I-I thought you didn’t care if the Carers didn’t find out… That’s what you said this morning.”
“None of us thought you were
actually going to tell,”
“B-but I wasn’t going to! Mrs Wilson said to tell her!” I cried.
“You should learn you don’t tell on us… Are you still sore?” I looked at him, wide eyed with fear. “Well? Answer me, Runt!”
“Yes! Yes I’m still sore! Just p-please, let me go!” I started to cry even more, but that only seemed to encourage him more.
“Boys, I don’t want to be insulted anymore, but I want to see what he’s got. Pick him up.” The others grabbed my arms and made me stand; I didn’t attempt to fight back. “Let go, I think he learnt his lesson from last time.” They let go and I stood there, face to face with this evil creature, terrified of what was to come next. “Now, you kicked me earlier, and, I will admit, it was a good kick. But I want to see if you can punch as hard as you can kick,” he smiled wickedly. I only had time to widen my eyes before he punched me straight in the face. I fell to the floor, feeling the blood already trickle down my nose and over my lips. “Get up!” He roared. The others started laughing a cheered on Edgar.
I stood, wiping the blood with the back of my hand and swayed from side to side. His first punch had already made me almost pass out, the next would surely be the worse. “Okay, I’ll let you throw a punch,” he leaned forward, keeping his hands behind his back and calmly shut his eyes. “Runt, give me your best shot.” I wanted to do this. I needed to do this. But if I did, it would make this worse, and if I didn’t, they would call me a chicken and still hurt me. But I might as well. I threw my arm back, and with all my force, I hit Edgar in the side of the face, to the side of his left eye. I moaned as my fist throbbed with pain. But Edgar was on the floor groaning and holding his face. He held up a hand, to stop the others from hitting me, and started to laugh before standing up again to face me. “That was a punch. I’m glad you have it in you, Joseph!” He laughed again, and was joined by the other boys’ laughs. “So, want to go again?”
“Please Edgar,” I whimpered. “No more. I won’t do it again, I promise I won’t, I’ve learned my lesson, I really do promise…” I thought he had listened to me. I thought he may have considered it and would leave the room. But he walked over to the teacher’s desk and picked up a metal ruler.
“You know what, Runt? No chance. No way in Hell.” He ran at me and smacked the side of my face with the ruler.
I cried out in agony as my face started to bleed in the shape of the now deadly weapon. Edgar wiped his face with his sleeve and dropped the ruler. “Come on boys, let’s go. I’m tired enough as it is.” The four boys walked over to the door. Before Edgar left, he gave me one last look and spat on me. “Goodnight, Runt.” And he left.
I cried. I cried and cradled my face. I could feel the blood on my hands, and knew that I would have a disturbing bruise on my cheek, as well as a possible broken nose, but it luckily didn’t feel like it. I had to get out of here. I knew I couldn’t leave, but I had to get out of the Orphanage and breathe. I stood up slowly, still holding my face, and made my way towards the door. I hid in the shadows of the hall way, thankful that most of the children will be in bed and shouldn’t be wondering around. And oddly, none of the Carers or Guardians were walking about, wandering the corridors. But I wasn’t going to complain. I needed to get away and think. Away from the constant fear of being beat up by the pack.
I had made it to the front doors, but to find out that they were locked. It must have been later than I thought it was. I needed to find a big enough window instead. I looked around, checking the windows around me to see if any were unlocked. It looked like I was out of luck; if I had any to start off with. Sighing, I stalked away and wandered around in the hallways.
My face was constantly stinging, and my nose was throbbing. I was expecting more from him in the way of him being violent, and so it surprised me. But I finally couldn’t take it anymore. I couldn’t trust Mrs Wilson; she would only get me even more hurt. It saddened me deeply, but I had to do what was right and not talk to her anymore. Or at least lie; tell her that they stopped bothering me. But would she know? I know she can read me like a book. She knows when I’m lying, and she knows when I’m keeping a secret. What if I got in even more trouble for not telling her?
At that moment, my belly rumbled. All the running around early and the most recent of beatings had made me hungry, even after already eating my dinner. But then it occurred to me. The Hall! The cooking area is through a swinging door at back that can’t be locked. I could try my luck and see if the back door of that room was unlocked to use.
Changing course, I didn’t want to waste any time. I ran down towards the Hall, praying that my loud footsteps wouldn’t wake anyone up as I went past. It was only a matter of time until I had finally reached the Hall, to be welcomed with the lights still on as well as in the kitchen. From a distance I could see people still working and cleaning up the messy food, so I had to be sneaky and quiet.
I hugged the wall, making little sound with my footsteps, and constantly looking around to see if anyone would catch me. As I got closer to the swinging door, I stared intently to be ready if anyone walked through. I finally reached it and slowly pushed open slightly it to peer through. I could only see at least two or three people, working silently as they washed the dishes and swept the floor. I continued to look around until I saw the back door. To my amazement, they had kept the door open to throw away any unwanted food. I had to be quick and quiet, so running through the door and hiding behind the counters, I made it at the door and ran out into the cold.
I kept on running, running up one of the rolling fields until I was finally out of breath and couldn’t take it anymore. I turned round and saw the orphanage in the distance. It looked beautiful from the outside, but felt like Hell in the inside. The cold had finally reached me, and I shivered uncontrollably. I looked around and found the dark figure of a tall tree to my right. I walked quickly, hugging myself until I reached the tree and slumped down. I shivered, shaking uncontrollably and looked up at the night sky. Despite the unbearable cold, the night sky was free of clouds and let loose of the stars that looked down on us. It warmed me a little, knowing that something or something out there was watching down on me, and looking after me. “What a great job you’re doing…” I said to myself. I hated feeling bitter, but I couldn’t take anymore. But the outside was so cold that it had numbed my face so I couldn’t feel my cheek stinging. I probably looked horrible, a giant bruise and dry blood. I’ll have to sneak into the bathroom to wash before going to bed.
I was so engrossed in looking at the scenery around me, that it took me a while to realise that there were a pair of glowing, blue eyes staring at me. I thought it was a sheep, lost from its herd, but the eyes were too low down, too small to be a sheep. Maybe it was a lamb? Maybe it was lying down and I had disturbed it. But then the eyes moved. They got closer slowly, but it was so dark, all I could see was its eyes. I squeezed myself tighter and stayed as still as I could. I didn’t want to annoy it and be attacked by another beast all in the same day.
It stalked closer as my breath quickened. This could be a known wild beast that wants to eat me slowly. I turned my head slowly towards the orphanage and back at the eyes. Maybe I could surprise it and run to the kitchen and forget about this creature. But what if it was faster than I? It could jump up at me and claw at my already sore ankles, making me fall. But it had already been decided. The eyes were too close to me; there was no way I was going to be able to get away in time. But then it made a sound.
Yip! It said, making me jump. My sudden movements had made the creature jump and screeched Eeee! And had stopped moving closer, even backing away a few steps.
It was silent. We were staring at each other, and I could see the creature shaking with fear. I suddenly felt sorry for it. What if he was curious about me and just wanted a sniff? I probably scared it more than it had scared me. “Hey, it’s okay little fella,” I reached my hand out slowly, to find where its head was and to stroke him until he calmed. I watched his eyes followed my hand and quivered in fear and of the unknown. He obviously could see what was in front of him. If I was closer to the orphanage, or even if there were a full moon, I would have probably seen what it was. I knelt forward, still trying to find where his head was, but to my amazement, the creature moved so that he bumped into my hand on purpose. He was soft and warm. He could feel he had small, pointy ears that flopped at the top. I could feel little whiskers pointing out from above his eyes. This definitely wasn’t a sleep. Maybe it was a small dog? But what dog makes that kind of noise? I could feel it purr. It calmly vibrated under my hand and shut its eyes. I snorted at its reaction. How silly of me to think this was some kind of sheep beast!
It suddenly moved away from my hand and opened its eyes again. Instead of running away, it got closer to me until I could feel it’s warm breath on my arms as he sniffed in my scent.
Yip Yip! It yelped. I slowly wrapped my arms round the creature, and when he responded with no struggle, I pulled him into a hug. He felt like he needed to hug too. He was warm all over and incredibly fluffy. I could feel his slow intakes of air as he relaxed into my arms. This animal, this creature, was so filled with love and care that I slowly started to cry. I have no idea what this thing could be, yet, he is giving me all his undeserved compassion.
I let out a hiccup and used the back of my hand to wipe away my tears. He must have
sensed something was wrong, and pulled out of my arms. I frowned, thinking he was going to leave now that his curiosity has run out. But he moved so that he was just inches away from my face so that he could lick my nose. A smile so wide spread across my face so much that my cheek started to disagree with that decision and sting. But this little animal gave me enough strength to forget about my pain and smile.
Through my tears, I had noticed that his eyes were a brilliant blue. The brightest and the clearest blue I have ever seen. I could see he tilted his head in confusion. He must be wondering why I haven’t moved and was just staring at him. I laughed, and said, “Maybe you could come home with me. I could look after you,”
Yip! Yip! He responded. Then it occurred to me that maybe I could… Maybe I could take him home and keep him a secret. I could feed him and play with him. I’d finally have a friend to call my own! “Would you like that? We can be the best of friends!” I could feel him bop up and down with excitement, making little ‘yip’ sounds hundreds of times over. “I’ll take that as a yes! Now, come on, I’m going to have to hide you as we sneak in. This won’t be easy, but this will be the first of many adventures!” I stood to pick him up and looked towards the orphanage. I whispered in the dark, “It’s not a very nice place. Its full of mean people that want to hurt you because you’re alone. But I have you now, and I promise I’ll protect you.” As if he understood, he licked my chin. I smiled through the darkness of the night and made my way towards the kitchen door.
I struggled down the hill, trying not to fall when I finally reached the door. It was still unlocked, so I peered through, and found no one. I tucked my friend under my shirt and went in slowly. I looked around as I went, not seeing or hearing anyone so I took my chances and started to run, holding the bump under my shirt. I didn’t want to risk looking around and see anyone who might stop me. I had to get back to the bedroom and to the bathroom.
I stopped at the last corner before turning to the stairs leading up towards the bedroom. I had to sneak in, I definitely couldn’t run in and highly risk waking everyone up. When I finally reached the bedroom, I opened the door slightly, and winced when it creaked. It was dark inside, everyone was in bed. So I had to be careful not to walk into anything and fall over. Before continuing further, I felt the animal fidget under my shirt. He must have been getting uncomfortable and wanting to get out. I had to be fast. I squeezed through the gap and slowly shut the door behind me. I had to rely on the little bit of light that poured under the door. I could see the bathroom across the room and made my way slowly across the room.
Treading carefully, I top toed past the boys asleep in their beds. I could feel several items of clothes on the floor, and stopped in my tracks in case I fell over. I was almost there. My friend started to get really uncomfortable and fidgeted so much his head popped out from under my shirt.
Yip! He squealed in annoyance. “Shhh!” I whispered back. I could hear some of the others move around in their bunks, but no one seemed to have woken up.
I had finally reached the bathroom door. I juggled him in one of my arms, and used the other to open the door. Not as creaky, I moved quicker inside and turned on a dim light. The sudden burst of light made me shut my eyes, and had caused the animal to hide back under my shirt. I went over to the sink counter and looked in the mirror. My face was as bad as what I thought it was. My nose was bruised, and I had an out of shape bruise stretching across my face. Dry blood stained the top of my shirt and half of my face. I sighed, and turned on the cold tap. I hoped that once my face was washed it wouldn’t look so bad.
My attention turned to the bump under my shirt. It didn’t look as big compared to how it felt and weighed, but I had to see what creature had befriended me. “Come on little guy, we’re safe now. You can come out,” I whispered and felt him start to squirm. I went under the bottom of my shirt and grabbed hold of him around his belly. He let me pull him out and what I saw completely amazed me. In front of me, was a pure white little creature with those beautiful clear blue eyes. It sniffed the air towards me, almost as if he was confused as to what I was like I was towards him. He was quite small looking, and his white fur stuck out in every angle. He had a couple of leaves sticking out of his fur, and a few patches of mud, so I placed him next to the sink and took off my shirt.
I placed him into the sink and let the water run over his fur to wash all the mud of. He stood panting, letting his little pink tongue hand out of his mouth over his little teeth. He seemed to enjoy the water running through his fur and cleansing him. I smiled at him. I have never seen anything like him! It looks like a small dog, but with some features of a cat. I tickled him under his chin and got a good reaction back. He tilted his head forward, closing him eyes. I stopped to pick out the rest of the leaves and little spots of mud, before taking him out of the sink and wrapped my shirt around him. I doubt I’d keep it considering the blood, so I may as well as use it to dry him and keep him warm.
I looked back at my face, and carefully used small handfuls of water to wash my face. It stung everywhere the water touched, so I had to keep biting my bottom lip to stop myself from crying out. I tried to scrub hard enough to wash away the blood, but the pain got more and more unbearable with the more I washed away.
I decided to give my cheek a rest and started to wash away the blood under my nose. My nose was sore, but I doubt it was as bad as what I thought it would be. I sighed, looking at my reflection in the mirror again. The blood from my nose had practically gone, so I had to start on my cheek again. I could see the bruise clearly now, and it formed the shape of Edgar’s weapon. It had cut my cheek around the edges and I feared it would scar.
What happened to you? A voice echoed around the room and vibrating into my ears. It made me jump, throwing water across the room and staring at the bathroom door. It was closed, no one was there. I was sure I had heard someone! It had the voice of silk and the voice made the words wrap around me and make me warm inside.
I looked over at the animal in my shirt. He was looking at me, but distracted himself by wiping his eye with his paw. It couldn’t have possibly been him; it was impossible. But, I had no idea what it was. It was a white cat dog that was stumbling around in the dark. But what if he could talk? I definitely couldn’t tell anyone; they might take him away from me. I might have to train him. It doesn’t look very old, so he might still be a pup so it would be easy.
I sighed again, looking back at the mirror and gave up washing my face. It didn’t look as bad, so I might as well leave it; it’ll look sore anyway. I turned to pick up the animal wrapped in my shirt, and used it to rub him some more to get him dryer. I took off the shirt and ran my fingers through his fur so it wouldn’t get tangled. He stared into my eyes like he was trying to read my thoughts. I gave him a warm smile, and was returned with a small lick on the chin. Holding him and the shirt in one hand, I walked towards the door, and turned off the light. I had to make my way towards my bunk without waking the others again, and luckily, the light that peered from under the bedroom door was still lighting up the room just enough that I could see the room slightly. I could see my bunk and so I slowly made my way, trending lightly over the clothes spread across the floor. I heard someone move in their bed, and made me jump by saying, “W-who’s there?” They said, tired. I quickly hid the cat dog in my shirt and tucked him under my right arm where he couldn’t see him “Sorry,” I whispered back. “It’s Joseph.”
He moaned, complaining. “What are you doing up?”
“I… needed the toilet.”
“Be quieter next time.” He said, rolling back over and sleeping. I sighed with relief and started walking again.
When I finally reached my bunk, I sat but it hit me like a ball had been kicked into my face. Where am I going to hide him! I couldn’t just sleep with him in my bunk, what if he got out, or someone walked past and saw his bright white fur? Why didn’t I think of this? I looked around, using the little light I had, and had to fast. I could hear someone walking about, turning off some of the lights and checking the bedrooms to see if everyone was in bed. I could hide him in my chest where my clothes are, but what if he can’t breathe? I could leave the chest slightly open, hanging some of my clothes out of the gap so air can get through. I’ll do that for tonight, and think about it more in the morning.
I placed him onto the bed next to me, and dragged out the chest from under my bunk. Opening, and re-arranged my clothes to make it more comfortable and left two shirts hanging out to keep it open. I picked him up and cuddled him before placing him into the chest. Before I even shut the chest top, he turned around several times before plonking himself down and getting comfortable. I smiled through the dark and slowly put the trunk top down before taking off my shirt and quickly jumping into bed, just in time before a Carer walked in, looked around and shut the door. Soon after, the light outside was turned off and the room was filled darkness. I thought about the cat dog one more time before drifting off into a comfortable sleep.

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