The Cure And Solution To A Broken Heart <Royce & Pray>


Tablo reader up chevron


''Why do you love someone like me? I'm so damaged I don't think I can ever be loved or fixed."

I look at him with astonishment from his words.

"I love you because no matter what you been through I love you regardless. Seeing you in pain gives me pain I want to be that man for you to protect you no matter what fear you may have. But you have to give me a chance I love you Jacob I always will.

He stood there in silence till he walked into my open arms.

"I'm so scared Chres. I'm so scared."


"Let me just talk to you!"

"Talk to me about what?! There's nothing to talk about."

"I love you Rayan but you too damn stubborn to see that shit!"

"Yo..You love me?"

I pulled him in my grasp. "Yes I love you I always did but you just try to avoid me and love. I won't hurt you I couldn't hurt you even if I tried I love you Ray. You don'y have to say it back now but soon I know you will."

I know he will one of these days I know.


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