The Lost Fairy


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Chapter one the fairy’s life

One upon a time... there was a group of twelve fairy’s the names were 

. Lyila 


. abbiegal

. Kira

. Grace 

. Issbel 

. Lizz 

. Mia 


. Jacob 

. Lydia

. Gorga 


One Day two fairy’s disappeared into the forest the queen ocean fairy rang the bell to call the others back but two didn’t come back so queen ocean went to search for Lydia and Jessie but couldn’t find them then Jessie said Lydia you have a ripe in one of your wings Jessie  said to Lydia you stay here  and I’ll go and get queen fairy ocean said Jessie’s I’ll be back in a minute so Jessie was on her way to find queen fairy ocean . Funny another they landnded in a forest where all the evil fariys lived and one evil fairy called grace came and Lydia thought grace was going to say something nasty but grace said something nice 

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