Words Can Kill


Tablo reader up chevron

Chapter 1

 You know the saying sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.well do you know that words can kill too,words are my vein of existence my life is made up of a enteral silence.silence is a prison and enteral thing I can never get rid of.Silence is what keeps my family happy.As long as I don't talk no one can be hurt by me.

"Wake up Blake  "dad yelled from downstairs.I got up through on a jumper and shorts and went down stairs.da just stood there making breakfast."morning sweetie" a voice said behind me,I turned it was mum.i gave her a smile and sat down at the table.The kitchen was small we could barely move around.it was made of white marble and pine wood.dad was always cooking something,mum was always working,and my brother was always off "studying."I was always outside reading.i didn't  have much in the way of friends,so I was just stayed home.school was starting back up soon.School for me is like a living hell every day is filled with torment.No one understands how much I go through.The only friends are a boy named jaxon and a girl named Jessica.

After breakfast I went back up to my room.As I left the kitchen I heard mum and dad bickering about something, probably me. 

This is the begging of a book I'm going to finish this is just to let you know the type of writer I am. I am a 11 year old write please give me feed back on how I can make this better.

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