Basic rules for writing thesis


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Basic rules for writing thesis 

Ph.D. students are some of the brightest people in academia; they bring light with their fresh views and progress in our society! However, there is another side to this – thesis paper. The bane of those very Ph.D. students, the reason for stress, nervousness, and sometimes tears. All the fun stuff, basically! I myself was trying to find help write my thesis at one point.

Anyway, the process of writing a thesis is quite time-consuming and generally frustrating. However, it is possible to make it easier by following the basic rules, and that is where my tips come into play. I’m writing this piece to provide you with some information about the basic rules for writing your thesis paper!


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This is one of the basic yet crucial rules for writing your thesis. There are several elements of structure that you should know about:

· Abstract;

· Table of contents;

· Introduction;

· Methods;

· Results;

· Discussion;

· Conclusions;

· Recommendations.

Remember, there are not all the structural elements, but the most crucial ones. There are lots of others, but the list above is mandatory! If I didn’t feel confident about following structure perfectly, I would hire someone to write my thesis paper for me. If you feel confident enough, I suggest you look up other elements and consulting your mentor.


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Types of sources

Another basic rule of writing a thesis is to understand what kinds of sources you’re allowed and encouraged to use. There is quite an extensive list of types of articles that includes pilot studies, original articles, cases, meta-analyses, bibliographic reviews, technical reports, and critical commentaries. As you can see, while the list is quite large, it is restricted to academic and peer-reviewed works of other people. While I was asking for help me write a thesis from a friend, I barely avoided the mistake with sources, so my advice is to seek professional help if you need it.


Now, this rule is very important. Methods section of your thesis paper should be considered as a roadmap that leads a reader to the core of your research. This section is also a sort of manual for other scientists who may want to replicate your hypothesis or experiment. That is why it is so important to have it written perfectly. When I found a professional to write thesis for me based on my draft, I emphasized the importance of this section. The reason is quite simple – it is easy to get lost because of the technical nature of the Methods section.


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Writing style

This is pain. Your thesis paper has to follow strict rules of academic writing, and there are lots of those. First of all, the writing style should use a formal tone; the first-person perspective is usually omitted; your word choice should be precise and on-the-topic. It means that you are expected to use the terminology of the discipline that you are working in. This was the main reason why I was looking for a person to write my thesis paper based on my rough draft. The writing style is quite an intricate thing that requires extensive experience, especially when it comes to writing a thesis paper!

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These basic rules are the things that could easily save you a lot of nerve when working on the thesis paper. Remember that this sort of research requires a solid structure that includes some crucial elements that I mentioned earlier. Depending on your institution or country, the list is very likely to include additional features, but I listed the most important ones.

Always remember to check the quality of your sources; it is quite easy to mess up on this step, and rules for academic sources are mandatory, so be cautious. The methods section is very slimy – you can easily get distracted by the descriptive part and forget about the technical aspects. Finally, consider your writing style – read other researchers’ works and take notes on how they present material! If you are swarmed with duties,relax after a day at college and take a break. This way, you’re less likely to miss some of these basic rules.

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