Short Stories for the Student's Soul


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Silent Swan No Longer

   A twelve-year old Nez Perce girl can often be seen on her loyal Appaloosa horse riding around the outskirts of her people's camp. The Nez Perce, or Nimiipuu, the People, as they call themselves, is from where we get Silent Swan, the heroine of this story; she was so named because when she was just a baby she caught a disease, leaving her deaf. In reality, Silent Swan is a very charming and dutiful child, though because of her being deaf she is shunned by other girls her age. She only has one genuine friend, who looks past her deafness, and her name is White Lily.

   It was now time for the braves to come back. They left for hunting many months ago, and finally, they're now returning. Silent Swan was the first to notice the train of the braves and their horses, and flew into the camp to report their arrival.

   “The braves are back!” signed Silent Swan to Eesta, her mother excitedly, still on her horse Wings Of The Wind. Eesta gasped in surprise, and brushing past Silent Swan's horse, promptly announced to everybody that the braves were home. Women and children everywhere began to chatter about this time's hunt, whether it’s successful or not. Some of the older boys, one of them Silent Swan's older brother, went on their horses to greet the weary braves.

   Silent Swan first smiled contentedly at all the confusion, but then it was quickly replaced by a deep sigh, and combing her devoted horse's mane with her fingers, thought to herself, “Well, the braves are home, but what has that to do with me? I'm still the same deaf girl that has only one friend, but what a true friend is she.” She sighed again, and led her horse away from the crowd and to the outskirts of the camp. There she was alone with Wings Of The Wind and her thoughts, but not for long.

   Thunder on his Pinto horse Wild Eyes flashed by and halted next to her; she didn't hesitate for a moment, she jerked Wings Of The Wind's bridle and spurred the horse into a gallop. The cool breeze blew on her face wildly, and at another time she would have enjoyed it, but not now, a desperate and wild chase. Because the boy was bigger and his horse was faster, he effortlessly caught up with Silent Swan.

   “What are you doing here with your nag?” he threw her a mean glance, “Shouldn't you be back at camp helping your Eesta, or watching your big brother?” With that, he threw his head back and raced back into the camp. Though Silent Swan couldn't hear his laughter, his mocking still hurt. She glared at his rapid disappearing form, and decided to go back to camp. She ploddingly guided Wings Of The Wind back towards the direction of the camp. Once there, she watched as everyone prepared in frenzy.

   At nightfall, after the big feast, the braves started to beat the huge drums to signal the starting. The low echoes of the drums made Silent Swan shiver in anticipation. Later on, they'll have a big dance to thank Hun-ya-wat for the bountiful hunting. Silent Swan lingered at first, and shuffled toward the giant fire. She scanned around to see if she can spot her friend; she found White Lily sitting next to her family. White Lily smiled at her as she took her place next to her, and motioned toward the big roaring fire, to which Silent Swan responded with an agreeing nod.

   Silent Swan signed to her friend, “Thunder teased me today… again,” she rolled her eyes;” I sure wish he’d stop and leave me alone.” White Lily gave her a compassionate look, and shook her head slightly, glancing toward her parents. Silent Swan nodded again as the chief stood up and began to speak; White Lily signed to Silent Swan everything the chief said.

   After a few minutes, braves began to chant about the great hunting; the chanting and dance will last several hours till midnight, but everyone will be too excited to watch then to sleep. Silent Swan and White Lily were too young to participate, but they may be in it after two summers. After the dance concluded, the families prepared to go back to their tepees, and the braves extinguished the fire. Silent Swan squeezed White Lily's hand in hers and smiled her thanks, then waved as their families went their separate ways.

   The next day, all the women began to clean and cure the deer meat. After a long and tiring afternoon, Eesta said that she deserves some free time, but to come right back when she sends word.

   Silent Swan signed, “Aa-heh, Eesta, katsee-yow-yow.”

   Then Eesta added, “Make sure Tatlo is with Eagle, who was playing by the river.” Silent Swan nodded obediently, and joyfully hopped off to ride Wings Of The Wind. Once there at the creek, she tied Wings Of The Wind to a stout tree, and skipped off to find her brothers.

   However, when she found Eagle with his friends but not Tatlo, she signed to him, “Where is Tatlo, brother?”

   ”I don't know.” he signed carelessly, and waved her away.

   Silent Swan’s heart skipped a beat, and she hurriedly signed back, “Where did you last see him?” He shrugged, only to add onto Silent Swan's panic and anxiety, but she forced herself to stay calm as she scanned the creek bank. As she was moving along, she noticed a little black thing bobbling in the fast flowing waters with her keen eyes. She sucked in her breath in horror as she realizes that it was Tatlo! Silent Swan glanced around swiftly, and, with no one near her, she dived right into the freezing water and came up sputtering. The strong current can sweep a 12 year-old away, much less a helpless baby; if she didn't get to Tatlo fast, she would have a slim chance of saving Tatlo and herself: but she didn't falter, she took the risk. She spotted the little head as it came up again, and reaching out, she grabbed Tatlo's drenched clothes.

   As Silent Swan battled hard against the churning waters, out of a corner of her eye she saw Eagle and his friends waving their arms frantically along the river bank. A big wave threw crying Tatlo and Silent Swan slightly closer to the bank; Silent Swan kept Tatlo up above the merciless churning waves as high as she can, determined to get back to the riverbank though her legs were sore and her arms are failing rapidly. At one point the strong current pulled her under the surface, she cried out in her mind, “If there is any true God, save me and my brother now!” Then a thought stuck her: When there are strong currents, swim parallel to shore. She began to swim with new-found energy.

   After what seemed like an eternity, she finally made it to where Eagle was; still holding on to her brother, she grabbed the extended branch that Eagle held, and slowly, painfully, she clambered onto the riverbank. As she did so her bare leg scraped against some sharp ragged rocks along the shoreline and it made deep gashing cuts. Shaking, she collapsed onto the grass, blood flowing freely from her wounds, and breathing hard, motioned weakly to Eagle to get Eesta. He signed assuring that one of his friends was already bringing her, just as Eesta came running along the path.

   Eesta gasped sharply at the sight of Silent Swan and Tatlo in her arms, she picked the papoose up tenderly and turning to Silent Swan, signed, her face expressing deep gratitude, “Silent Swan, you just saved your brother.”

   Silent Swan smiled feebly, and winced when she saw the amount of blood spilling on the grass. She began to cough and shake violently. Her head throbbed in dizziness, and she fainted, right on the spot. Hastily, Eesta ordered Eagle to take her back to camp and call Medicine Man while she takes care of Tatlo. Eagle carefully bundled Silent Swan up and picking her up with the help from another friend, carried the bloody and miserable-looking bundle back to their tepee. There Silent Swan battled for several weeks with high fever and coughing; even the Medicine Man could just stand back and shake his head helplessly. Silent Swan was in and out of her illness, sometimes it looked as if she would pull through, and sometimes looking like it was the end of the road for her. Silent Swan's family and close friends all clung desperately onto each strand of hope and recovery, but were all fruitless.

   About a week later, a white-skinned visitor and his wife happened to visit the camp. He was a Christian missionary as well as a doctor, who came to tell them about the loving God. By this time, Silent Swan's condition was no better, in fact, worse than ever. Her parents have just about giving up of Silent Swan ever living, much less recover, so they started making her burial preparations. When they learned that the missionary was a doctor, they pleaded the missionary if he could take a look at Silent Swan. The missionary, realizing that there was nothing he could do for Silent Swan's serious illness, lovingly introduced her to Jesus, the true Physician, to which the now-dying Silent Swan joyfully accept the free gift of salvation.

   A few weeks passed, slowly but surely, Silent Swan began to recover, much to everyone's relief and amazement. Silent Swan's parents offered the missionary many gifts, which he firmly refused, believing that it was God that saved Silent Swan's life, not him. As Silent Swan grew better at each passing day, there was scarcely a day when her parents did not see her face shining brightly. One day, Silent Swan suddenly grasped the idea that this God, who let her live, was the same God that she had cried out to when she was saving her brother! And He was the One Who gave her the thought and energy. After that thought, she asked the missionary how he pray to his God, and the missionary willingly taught her. Now, whenever she prays she always did so with such deep reverence that even the missionary was impressed at the little girl's unshakable faith.

   Meanwhile, as the news of Silent Swan saving her brother reached to the chief, he summoned Silent Swan's parents privately, and asked them for the details. After hearing everything thoughtfully, he told the parents to bestow an honorable name, to which the parents suggested, “How about Horse Call?”

   The chief approved wholeheartedly, “The horse is a symbol of inner strength, and Silent Swan surely has that same strength when she saved her brother. You may never know you have it until the time comes when it calls you, so you have to be ready.”

   When they got back, they told Silent Swan that from that time on, her name wouldn't be Silent Swan anymore, but Horse Call, much to Silent Swan's amazement.

   When Horse Call was finally allowed to sit outside of the tepee, some girls whom first scorned and laughed at her before now saw her with deep respect. White Lily was the first of Horse Call's visitors, and filled her with all the happenings in the camp, and asked many questions about the missionary and her new-found faith. Also among Horse Call's visitors was Thunder. Was there a look of respect and admiration then?

   The third time White Lily visited her, Horse Call told her more about her new-found faith. “Ah, dear friend, there has never been felt such peace and strength in Jesus. I'm so grateful that God allowed me to escape the brinks of death.”

    “Don't say that!” White Lily was clearly in alarm, “You’re my closest friend, what would I do if you died?”

    “It's true, White Lily. Jesus sticks closer than a brother. I know that if I had died I would live with Jesus in heaven forever,” Deep peace was written all over her face, “whatever danger may come, I would always walk in faith.”

   “Oh, I’ve noticed a change after you accepted the missionary's God, and so do many others, I'm sure, and I would like to have the kind of peace that you have.” White Lily was twirling her braid nervously.

   “Tawts, White Lily, and if you are ready, go to the missionary or his wife, for they know how to introduce you to my loving and forgiving God; I'll go with you, if you want.” offered Horse Call to the hesitating girl, and the two girls, side by side, strolled to the missionary's thatched house.

   The rest of that hour was spent at the missionary's humble home, and the missionary told White Lily how to be saved. I can't express to you how joyful White Lily was when she rose from her first prayer to God, or how in her heart possessed the deep peace to which she could not say in words.

   After White Lily had accepted Jesus into her heart, Horse Call glowed with excitement as she announced, “I am going to have a new Christian name. The missionary suggested that Miriam or Elizabeth would be a good name. What do you think?”

   “I think both of them are good, but it's up to you.” replied White Lily. After much prayer, Horse Call finally decided: Miriam, one who sings praises to God.

   A short while after, White Lily, too, took on a Christian name: Rebekah. In time, many of the two Christian girls' families and friends were to tread the same path to eternal life with Horse Call and White Lily, living their lives with the true Peace-giver.

   Dear reader, this is now the end of my story, but not of God's unfailing love. I hope that from this little story it will help you to grow in Christ continually every day. May God bless you richly!








Nez Perce Words:



 Hun-ya wat







How to say it:
















the Creator

thank you

The People/Nez Perce

ground squirrel



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