Lonely Nyctophile


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Your World

    Cry down on Your world

And we’ll know You’re sad

You gave us the power

And we just went mad

We killed Your people

Just because of their skin

We never took caution

Of this world we live in

We abused Your children

And told them not to cry

So they do even more

All alone at night

We abandoned the love

And destroyed the compassion

Now all we care about

Is money and fashion

We told Your girls

That they had to be thin

To catch the eyes of men

Be skinny to win 

We told Your boys

That it was pure sin

To like other males

And love other men

Cry down on Your world

And we’ll know You’re sad

You gave us the power

And we just went mad…

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Allen Davies

Really enjoyed this read, though so emotional, "angsty" and amazing sentiment; enjoy is not really the appropriate word......

Jack Wilson

I've struggled with my faith in God for a few weeks now, and reading your poem made me realize that maybe God is the one that doesn't believe in us. Maybe we're the ones that should be apologizing, but at what point is "Forgive me for my sins" not enough anymore?

Didn’t know my poem would have such a big effect. I’m a little surprised, to be honest. Just keep praying, and God will soon answer your prayers and questions.

The Fourth


What am I supposed to do? 

I’m so in love with you

I need to be better

So you won’t leave me forever

You broke my heart so many times

Four times

You can hurt me again

I will always give in

You can cut my heart open 

I don’t mind being broken

You can burn my skin

Until our love wears thin

You can break my bones with your words

I don’t mind being hurt

Scar me until I die

Kill me a hundred thousand times

What am I supposed to do?

I'm so in love with you

You broke my heart so many times

Four times

One day you will leave me forever

So I need to be better

What am I supposed to do?

I will just wait forever for you  

I’m sorry. 

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William Craig Pugh

The phrase "Cry down on Your world" really grabs me. Best five words in the poem. Good job.


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