What Does Evaluate An Assignment Mean?


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What Does Evaluate An Assignment Mean?

Whether you are an English teacher marking a child’s essay or a college professor grading a dissertation, evaluating an assignment is always a challenge. The difficulty lies in the fact that you need to assess the quality of writing on several grounds like accuracy, style, tone, grammar, etc. and not just on the bare representation of facts.

If you are hard-pressed for time, you can pay to have the assignment evaluated online for cheap rates before the start of the new academic term. There are no absolutely right or wrong ways to evaluate an assignment; however, some rules are always there that needs to be followed. Read on for some quality free advice on the evaluation that every teacher in Canada will find useful.

Person Typing On Typewriter

Criteria on evaluating an assignment


· Adherence to the assignment – This is the first and foremost criterion on which you should evaluate any assignment. If the writing has gone off-topic, then you cannot grade it well, no matter how beautifully an essay is written. Read the whole paper through to assess the level of adherence, as many students start on the right track and then end up deviating.


· Demonstration of critical thinking – For an assignment to be of high quality, it is crucial to have a sound critical presentation and justification of any point. The assignment should demonstrate a line of thought carried systematically through to a logical conclusion that is substantiated by the right facts and data points. Extra points should be awarded for any significant examples of original thinking by the student.


· The strength of argument – While arguments may be presented and written in a highly convincing manner, points should also be allotted for the strength of the argument itself. A paper based on an argument that has very little scientific proof or which is more of personal opinion should be evaluated more strictly than an argument that has substantial backing and evidence.


· Organization of facts – All relevant facts must be presented in a clear and logical sequence. Any obscure or scientific term should be stated and defined before use or compiled as an appendix at the end of the assignment. The facts should also make sense and form a clear train of thought in the order in which they are written.


· The inclusion of sufficient data – Particularly in a dissertation, it is critical to substantiate any argument or line of thought with sufficient numerical data. Relevant facts and figures from reputed institutes boost the credibility of the assignment. However, you need to differentiate between a paper with relevant data at the right intervals and one with random numbers scattered throughout without any underlying logic.


· Style and clarity – Style is unique to someone and is what makes a paper an elegant piece of writing. This is what sets apart the students who simply search online for ‘write my paper for me’ and students who use that paper writing service but expand on it by adding their own touch. Clarity is also a critical element and hence one who can write in an aesthetically pleasing manner but presents points in a garbled manner cannot be rated high on clarity.

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· Grammar and syntax – These are big determinants in the quality of an assignment, and submission with poorly structured English should be given lower grades. However, it is important to assess here whether the grammar is so weak that it brings down the strength of the paper’s argument or whether it merely fluctuates at intervals without spoiling the assignment as a whole.


· Citation of relevant sources – For every scientific term data point or fact used, the assignment should include an accurate source marked either as a footnote or in the appendix. Points should be deducted for every fact without a source and every dubious or flawed source. You can substantiate these sources online by checking, or you can pay someone a cheap fee to do the job for you.


These are some criteria for the evaluation of assignments that have universal applicability. Regardless of what level you teach at in Canada, these tips will help you grade a paper on much more than the quality of its English. So the next time you have term papers to correct simply follow the above-mentioned tips for an accurate and comprehensive evaluation.


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