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                Life is so complicated. Why must we hide our true identity for fear that we will be hated or disappoint people? Personally I am tired of hiding. I want to be free from this feeling of heart ache. When can this ever happen? These feelings, desires, and attractions feel dirty and unclean because we have been taught so. It’s so unfair, and hurtful. Isn’t all that matter being that we live happy? I want to be happy. I need to express myself through love, through art, through poetry, and film. Can I ever find this happiness? I feel so dirty being like I am. Living in secret, even though it is not a secret. I am not ashamed of who I am, not at all. Yet, can I embrace it some day and still be loved by those who are supposed to love me unconditionally? Will I be a shame on them? I shouldn’t care but my heart does. All I really want is someone who will love me, be faithful to me, make me happy, share life with me, not be selfish, show me the love I show them, give me no reason to doubt them, and give me gifts like I give them. We all deserve this. This will not yet be seen by those who this is about. Not yet. Maybe one day they will know what I feel, how I feel. I just want to be happy and loved. One day I can make a difference.

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