Goddamn Mother Earth


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I took over her soul because she claimed to be pure. That white light that seeps through the veins of clean souls is candy to beings like me.

She went by the name Faery. So pure was she, that in a day and age where technology and industry have laid waste to mankind, she still believes in the magic of children's stories.

"I want to destroy you," I'd whisper to her in her ear as she slept dreams of angel kisses and unicorn fields.

"I will dry you out of the joy that seeps through you and relish as I watch you wilt into a tumbleweed," I'd sing to her as her pure thoughts fought their hardest to block my words.

But Faery couldn't block me forever. She loved mushroom tea. And with each sip she took she brought in energy light and ...dark. 

I didn't sit well with her however.

So she cut out meat. 

There were the headaches. What else can you expect when a demon takes over your soul and spends all night whispering evil sweet nothings in your cerebellum all day and all night.

Life had somehow grown darker, grayer for little Faery. 

I felt stronger, but she was a fighter. 

With every win on my side she fought back.

She cut back on sweets.

Alcohol erased.

Even the sweet mushroom tea, oh favorite portal of mine, was hidden from sight.

Standing by her window looking out at the horizon of another setting sun, Faery made a decision.

She would leave her home, get rid of all possessions, throw away credit cards, bank accounts, and her beloved CD collection and go to nature.

"Something is wrong and I need change," she mumbled to herself.

I screamed inside, as a I envisioned nightmarish visions of sunsets, green earth and crystal waters.

Away from the city she went. Deep into the hills of land to clean and fresh to be named by a being like me. 

Faery has trapped me, deep in her core. She is now one with nature. Taught by others like her to embrace the light and the dark. To love the joy and sadness, the misery and hope.

"It is all part of life," they chant together.

And deep in the center of their beings I and others like myself are trapped. After what seems like years and decades, although its only been weeks, of being put on a pedestal side by side with all the good in life.

Goddamn you mother nature. 

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