It's Lit πŸ‘ŒπŸ»


Tablo reader up chevron

It's so so... LIT

Β WARNING ⚠️ this book is all about lit! That's all I will be talking about.. so if you don't like lit there area lot read other books πŸ“š But for those who understand the arts of lit please enjoy this story :) Also if you are an old person πŸ‘΅πŸ» Β reading this story you probably don't know what the heck I'm talking about 😬 It all started long ego back in the ancient days... Lit was also known back then as lighting something such as a candle, fire,... etc. But that's all change! In the modern world 🌎 Β it's different... Today it's slang.. for example of what lit means in the modern world : That's so lit πŸ‘ŒπŸ» Β Speaking as meaning awesome, cool, great.. etc. lit will always be lit..Β 


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