My Life As A Star


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Chapter 1- Blogger

 Dear reader, 

My name is Jasmine Ella Woods, but my friends call me Jazzy. I'm 13 years old and on the verge of fame. This blog will be published in museums when I'm a star and you will probably be well known just for reading the blog of someone as famous as me! One day I'll be in high demand for every movie in Hollywood and every show on Broadway! I'll have  hundreds of people who work for me, and people who I hire to work for them so they don't get too tired. My name will probably be a fancy stage name like Diamond Sugar-pop! But for now I'm just plain old Jazzy! But that's all about to change, when I get the main part in our school production that is ... wait for it... Snow White!!! That is my favourite ever fairytale and I just know that I will be Snow White! It's inevitable! Not to brag but my audition was the best in the class by far! I mean I'm garenteed to get the part. I'm sure, well I'm pretty sure. At least I think. I hope! I hope with all my heart that I am cast as the lead role. But what if I don't get it? My life might as well be over if I don't get that role! But I'll get it! I can just sense it! Tomorrow we find out about the parts. I am so nervous about them! I shouldn't be right? I mean, I bet that just by reading my blog you can tell how talented and fabulous I truly am in real life, though it is sometimes not agnolaged by those who I live with! I mean I love my family and all, but it's like they don't even know that they are in the same house as someone as unique, talented, au some, fabulous, generous, lovely and perfect as me! I live with my mum and my younger brother, Jackson. Jackson is one year younger than me and we have nothing in common. I mean aside from our genes, but except that small factor, there is no way we could have come from the same person! Our dad is long gone, but one day he will see me in the newspaper, or he will see my name in lights, and he'll go "That is my daughter!" and he'll come rushing in and call my name and it will be like in the movies, and he will run towards me and pull me into his arms and that will be where I stay forever and ever! Anyway, signing out,


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Chapter 2- Back to reality

As I sit in the grey, dull classroom under Miss Bogmires watchful eyes, I decide that the only thing that I like about school is drama. English - boring, maths- useless, science- dull! I guess I have just never been one of those people who truly enjoy school. I mean, not that I have ever known someone who does, aside from my BFSB (Best friend since birth) Sophie, but everyone knows that she is nuts, even me. I mean she must be. She would rather stay home doing homework, than go to catch a movie with her BFSB (me!!!) and risk not getting it done! But I think that she has loosened up a bit recently, and I love her to bits all the same. I can see her now out of the corner of my eye, scribbling away long answers to the textbook questions we were given, and I really want to pass her a note. However, just as I reach over to slip it into her desk, I feel Miss Bogmires eyes snap towards me and she shouts my name so loud that I am surprised that the old lady next door to me with hearing problems, couldn't hear! I mean, it was just a message that was urgent! Any nice teacher could have winked and turned a blind eye but not Miss Bogmires.

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