The Challenge


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 Welcome to the challenge. This is the book that is supposed to change your life. The self help book that is also a life coach and mentor. If you stick to this book you will be happier, healthier and have more friends than when you began. 

But as with all really important challenges it's going to require some effort, a little sweat and most importantly a lot of determination. Be determined to push through and to complete every challenge. Don't skip or rush ahead. Take each chapter and complete it before you move on. Accomplish the goal and improve one step at a time. 

You see it's all in the little things. The small steps that lead to big changes and bigger accomplishments. Some will be quick and others will take some time but all of them will improve you and that's the goal. Keep improving. 

Each chapter is a challenge. A dare. A goal. A little piece of motivation. Accomplish it. Own it. Don't read on until you have done it and get through the book. 

Will you complete the challenge?

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 The first challenge is simple. Set some goals. All you have to do it open your reminders app on your phone. Make a new one and Calle it goals and type five things you would like to accomplish in life. 

Big or small it doesn't matter. Just think outside the box. Do you want to learn a language? Find a wife? Get a six pack? Or just clean out the closet? It's completely up to you. Just put them down. 

Remember don't move on until you have completed the task. Don't skip ahead. Finish this one and then move on. 

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 That was easy. Now you have some goals. It's always better to think when you blood is pumping though. Hit the streets or the treadmill. Run if your fit enough or jog but get out there and do 2km's. 

Give it all you have. Sprint if you can. Walk a bit if you must. Make sure you come home sweating before moving on. 

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