And Then There Was Nothing


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                It seemed like any other day: perfectly normal. There was Math followed by Reading and now Science. I was teaching the Physics of gravity and we were doing the ramp experiment in which you roll two balls of different weights down two identical ramps. Weird, the balls seemed to take a half second less time than on previous experiments.

                I looked around the room and noticed that all of my students attention was focused on the balls. More so than normal, they seemed focused and alert. We proceeded to do a couple of questions on the blackboard and then it was time for Art. Today's demonstration was on how to paint a house. I first showed them what to do by drawing followed by painting a sample house. It was a rancher set in the desert. After which, I handed out the dirty supplies and they grabbed them with ferocity. The day was about to get strange. At first I watched from the front of the classroom before heading over to Kevin, the classroom fuckup, and watched as he drew a outline of a house using a ruler and pen. His next step shocked me though, he put black paint in his pallet and then just covered the picture with his chosen nothingness.

                When I confronted him on the issue he just said that is what he is suppose to do. Confused, I said no, houses are not black but he didn't listen. He just kept painting black. Soon he had covered the whole canvas in black. The girl beside him had also done the same. I turned my head slowly around the room and observed that all of the students were painting with black. Thinking this was a class joke I stood at the front of the room and got their attention with a sharp clap of my hands.

                "Listen up class, nice joke, now continue as you will."

                "It isn't a joke Mr. M it is what we are suppose to do", answered Trevor. He continued, "didn't you notice the balls were faster."

                It is true that the balls were faster but I didn't really think anything of it at the time. Maybe my memory was off so I setup the balls again and this time it took them five seconds. Weird, but maybe the ramp was setup at the wrong angle. I measured the ramp using a ruler and then used basic trigonometry to calculate the angle. Quickly I realized that they shouldn't be moving quite so fast. Deciding something was wrong I dropped the balls again and this time they took 4.1 seconds.

                I felt my arms as I moved them and they seemed to require more effort to move. Many of the students were now slouching a bit and I couldn't stand straight. A tile fell from the roof and the lights flickered curiously. I looked out the window as I heard the sound of throwing up. Physics is never suppose to end...

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